Chapter 153: The Mistress Of All Women.

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He said, 

" Krystal... "

Hearing that noble name, the name which was engraved in their hearts, Alex, Robin and Zayn's tears spill out of their eyes subconsciously.
When his tear entered his mouth, Zayn was shocked as he wiped his tears and looked at his own hands.
Robin snapped back to her senses hearing that name. She come closer to Alex and tremblingly touched the baby's face. Then in a shaking voice, she smiled to herself.
" Mummy... "
Alex couldn't control himself any longer. He hugged his daughter tightly as tears freely fall from his eyes. Then he remembered that dream. His mother told him that she had a surprise for him. He never thought it would be this. He couldn't express his feelings right now. Pulling her out of his embrace, Alex gently kissed the baby on her forehead. Then he passed her to Robin. They all know how much they wished to see their mother. Just one more time, they wanted to see her. But looks like God is really generous. He gave them their mother back in the form of Alex's daughter.
After Robin took her, she also hugged her to her chest as she felt like she was hugging her mother. She felt that warmth from her the same way when her mother used to hug her. Only God know how much she yearned for this. With tearful eyes, she thanked God.
After giving his daughter to Robin, Alex wiped his tears and stood up. He went near Lisa and bent down towards her. With eyes full of love, he kissed her on the forehead and whispered.
" Thank You! My Love."
He felt like he could do anything now.
There was a legend on the Asia side. They said something like there was a prophet of God who was so great that he turned his enemy's into believers of God. However, he didn't have a successor. His sons all died naturally. None survived. If there was someone, it was his daughter. His child with his beloved late wife. His daughter was too good to be true. If she wasn't his daughter, then probably none other man deserved such a great daughter.

Then, she was married off. Her marriage was not decided by the prophet or humans. It was decided by God himself. There was a famous saying after that marriage. It went like 

' The Bride comes from the God's beloved prophet and the Groom comes from the Gods home himself.' This was even turned into tunes and sang in the praises of these people.

Her husband was the successor of the prophet. The prophet even announced his position in the largest crowd on the biggest land there. He said,' The One's I am master of, He is their master!' He said while having his son in law on top of him how much he meant to him. After all, he was no ordinary human. He was the prophet of God. Despite his age, there was nothing he couldn't do. Lifting some was easy for him. 

Unfortunately, one day, the beloved prophet was poisoned. His dear daughter who only had her father and no mother since she was 5, cried desperately as she held him in her arms. He was taking his last breath. 

However, the greatness of his and his daughter position to God was so great that the grim reaper knocked on the door. The reaper who never ever asked anyone for permission before taking their souls politely and very humbly knocked on their door.
With the fear of her father leaving her alone, she said with tears to the grim reaper. " Don't come in."
Her father, the prophet knew that there was poison in the fruit he was offered but he eat it. Because it was his time to go back to God. Because his faith and destiny were that. Denying his faith and destiny would indirectly mean denying his God.

 Moreover, they said God takes back who is beloved to him early. Prophet, who was the most beloved man of God was already apart from him for so long. Now, that he was finished with his mission, God called him back. So he told his beloved daughter. 

" Dear, my time has come. Please let him in." 

After a lot of condolences from her father, she finally let the grim reaper in. He didn't dare to even knock again until she herself called him in. He respectfully greeted them first and after taking the permission from the prophet, he finally took the soul of the prophet.

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