Chapter 145: Guardians Of The Alencica.

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As they all sat down, the guardian of the royal family who disappeared since they lost their King and Queen stepped on the stage. He was a very talented and loyal person.
His name was Clement meaning merciful. He  was also the one who thought of the previous king, their father. He was the one who was always protecting and taking care of the royal family.
He had authority over the military and Kingdoms system. He was kind of a butler but he was the most important person in the kingdom other than the royal family.
Of course, he didn't have full authority over their military as the military general was in charge of it but he had the right to say something when it mattered. He was from the same generation as the military head that they met when they were going to visit their parent's graves. Though he had retired officially as he was old, he still trained the army. He was no longer capable of protecting the Royal Family as his body has deteriorated but he still did everything he could to protect them.
Currently, his son, George has taken over the position of the Royal Family military general but he did not achieve that position because he was the son of Clement. Rather, it was because he was the strongest and sharpest among his comrades.
His Iq was high since he was young but he wasn't that strong naturally. However, since Clement started living with him, he was personally trained by him until before he slept. Like the previous military general, his dad was quite harsh. Because of that, George wasn't that interested in thinking about the general's position. Moreover, he always thought that what he was doing was useless as the royal family no longer exist.
However, his dad who was quite old always said to him.
" One day, they will be back. They are alive somewhere in the dark but the day they got out in the light, they will be back. Shining brighter than anyone else."
When he asked his dad who he was talking about, Clement smiled proudly and said.
" The King always used to say, that they are the tree knights of Alencica. He always believed that together, they will bring many great changes to Alencica and make it invincible. They are the three children of the king and queen. After many years, the royal family finally has more than a single child. They will be written in the history of Alencica."
George was quite impressed by his father's words. Later, he researched about the royal family and their history. He came to like them more and more. The last thing he found was a picture. It was a painting of the Royal Family.
The King and Queen were standing in their royal suites with crowns on their head. The Queen had her newborn son in her arms. Whose name was Zayn Walker. The King had his dear daughter in his arms who was smiling mischievously. It was Princess Robin. While the crown prince, the extremely intelligent genius was standing in between them. He was wearing his royal suit and had a wise yet innocent expression on his face. His crown was resting calmly on his head as if it was its one and only place. 
Even though he was young, the Crown Prince of Alencica was very famous. His qualities as the king were all top-notch. Whether it was his intelligence, martial arts skills or his loyalty towards his country, they were all the best. The citizens excitedly waited for the day when he becomes the king.
That day, when the king came to the graveyard of his parents, George was there with his father.
That painting left a deep impression on him so when he saw the tree Guardians his father spoke of, he was stunned. Maybe he had that loyalty towards the Royal Family in his blood since all his ancestors served the kingdom for a long time. He also felt something when he saw them.
As he bowed to them with everyone else, he swore that he won't lose this king.
After years and years, it was finally the time to do his duty.
They were all the guardians of the royal family while the royal family was the guardians of the Alencica.

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