Chapter 130: Women Are The Creatures That Are To Be Treasured.

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Alex and Robin laughed at him. Then Zayn continued. 

" We only spent a day or two together before her holidays ended. I was unwilling to let her go but I knew I couldn't stop her. Before going, she even asked me that if I was really not troubled by her occupation. I replied that I was troubled but if she likes it, then I don't care. I was glad that she didn't have to be on missions or battlefields. We separated there when she left. Then, I would always pick her up whenever she got some holidays and we would spend some quality time together. Later, I asked her hand for marriage in a beautiful place as Bhai and Sister Lisa helped me from behind the scenes. I told Brother that I would marry her after him. However, we all suddenly became so busy that we didn't have time to marry at all. Marrying in a rush would just spoil everything. We all tried our best and completed the task at hand. Sister Lisa became a superstar in the meanwhile and found her family. Nicole also improved drastically and learned a lot more about surgery. The Zar corporation also made a name for itself globally, and through this all, Alencica has expanded and become a well-known country. "
" It hasn't been long since we got back together. We met after a long time so we planned for a vacation. While we were camping, sister Lisa suddenly collapsed and we got to know that she is pregnant. So we planned for a cake to celebrate it here and miraculously, we met you!"

Robin smiled. She felt glad that her brothers were not living their life like how she used to. Just like how her children saved her, it looked like Lisa and Nicole saved her brothers. For her, Lee couldn't save her. It was not because he was incapable, rather, he was more capable than anyone else. It was because, for a woman, their feeling's were far stronger than men. Men could let go of breakups more easily than women even if they were both serious about the relationship but that wasn't the same for women.

They were emotional and cried for a long time. Sometimes, it took them forever to let go but if they got something just as precious as what they lost, they may not be able to let go of it but they can at least live again.

God has always said through his people,' Women are the creatures that are to be treasured.'

 They are precious treasures. Just like how we hid our treasures to protect them from the greedy eyes, we hid our beloved women from the eyes of evil people.

" Well... That was a special way how you've met her. Bhai had a sweet love story while you had a romantic love story. I am really happy that we are together after all that has happened."

" Didi, if Bhai's was a sweet love story and mine a romantic one, then what about yours?" Zayn wanted to brighten up the mood.

" ... Guess it was a struggling love story. Just kidding! Lee and I had a wise love story. A typical love story where Romeo saves Juliet."

Alex and Zayn laughed at her sudden joke but a part of it was true. They truly had a struggling story where Lee saved Robin.

They talked for a long time. The brothers and sister met after a long time after all. They had a lot to catch up on. When they finally met again, they seem unwilling to let go even for a moment.

Lisa and Nicole came to check up on them as it had been quite some time. It was almost dinner time but they saw a warm scene when they reached there.

Zayn was laying down with his head on Robin's lap while Alex put his coat on Robin's shoulders as it was getting cold. Then he put his hand around her shoulder and looked ahead at the sunset. 

Lisa took out her phone and took some pictures of that. Sometimes, candid pictures are so beautiful that you can't compare them to any other. That was a memory that Zayn, Alex and Robin would remember till their last breath.

Nicole and Lisa were thinking if it was right to disturb them. Just then, Zayn saw them. Nicole was looking at him and their eyes met. Nicole smiled at him. She felt so great seeing him with his sister because she knew better than anyone how much he suffered. The nightmares that haunted him were bad memories for them. 

Zayn got up from there when he saw Nicole. Seeing him getting up, Alex and Robin looked back. When they saw Nicole and Lisa, they finally realized how much time has passed. Alex went to Lisa and asked her how is she feeling. Since she had been pregnant, Alex had been this way. If it wasn't for his beloved sister, he wouldn't lose her sight for a moment.

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