Chapter 121: Zayn Walker And Alex Walker!

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" Hurry up! We have no time to play around. I don't think anyone else is capable of destroying them this easily. Whoever it is, there must be something related to the kingdom. I am going now. Call me as soon as you find out anything about it."
" Ok!"
Lee entered his car and drove towards the restaurant.

The restaurant was a bit expensive according to the others but it was worth it. There were partitions in the restaurant though they weren't completely closed. If you talked loudly, the people in the other partition could hear you. Moreover, they had chairs and tables set up in open for the people who liked to eat outside. The trees were covering them and the temperature was not too hot or too cold. It was a very good afternoon. Everyone was happy and celebrating the good news. 

Robin was waiting for Lee inside one of the partitions. While Zayn was the first one to come with Nicolo. As they were the youngest, they volunteered to arrange everything. They also told Alex and Lisa to relax and take it easy. After looking at the portions, Zayn and Nicole thought they would enjoy more on the outside. Trees covering them with the wind blowing around as they eat would be great. 

The table was small for all of them so they joined the two tables together. They had also arranged for a cake to congratulate the parents. Zayn ordered it as soon as they got the news. It was made by one of the best bakers in the country and delivered all the way here. Since this village wasn't that far away from the capital city, it was all easy. However, it wasn't easy to find this cake in the top bakeries because it was sold as soon as it was put on sale. This one was only sold in their country by that special baker. As it was invented by that baker, he only sold it in the country. Usually, that baker wouldn't take orders but since it was from Zayn, he took it. 

As they were waiting, Zayn got the call that the cake arrived and to pick it up. Zayn got up and went out to pick up the cake. Until then, Lee had already parked his car and was going upstairs through the underground parking. therefore, he didn't cross paths with Zayn. 

He quickly found out Robin with his children's. When Robin saw him, she smiled and said.

" You are back?" 

" Yeah!" Lee went towards her and kissed her on the forehead.

When Zayn came back with the cake, Arlo, Emma and Violet were already there. Nicole was talking with them. They were talking about how shocked they were to suddenly find out that Lisa had a family and when they heard the whole story, they were astonished. However, this surprise was far greater and better than that one. 

They all waited for Alex and Lisa while Zayn gave the cake to a waiter and told him to put it in a freezer. 

While behind the partition, Robin and Lee already ordered the food as they waited for it to be served. They didn't know that just a bamboo wall behind was someone that could shake up their lives.

Finally, Alex arrived. He helped Lisa out of the car while carefully looking out for her. They walked towards the table and sat down as they greeted the others.

Zayn had ordered the dishes long ago and now that Alex and Lisa came back, he told them to serve it. The waiters served the dishes. Their special dish was simple but tasty. It was vegetable curry. It was purely made of vegetable. They were to be eaten with the Pav which is one type of bread. The Pav was toasted with butter from all sides. After serving the curry on a plate, he put chopped onions over it. Then, the waiter put a small piece of butter over it which quickly started melting. The Pav toasted with butter were put on the quarter plate. It looked simply delicious.

At the same time, the waiters also served Robin and Lee. First, they fed the children as it was hot and then they eat themselves. This dish was supposed to be eaten by hands. They liked the dish very much. It was said that this dish originally originated from somewhere in Asia. One of the specialists in this dish shifted here for some reason a decade ago and since then, this dish became the speciality of this village. It was especially good for the light eaters and vegetarians.

Everyone eat to their heart's content. After the waiter cleared the table, Zayn signalled him to bring the cake here. They set up the cake on the table. The cake's flavour was chocolate. 'Congratulations!' was written on the cake. Everyone felt their mouths water at the cake. 

On the other side, Robin and Lee were also finished with the lunch. After washing their hands with warm water and lime, they went towards the counter to see the deserts. Robin and the kids were fans of Ice-cream. It doesn't matter whether it's cold or hot, they like it. As they were looking at what to eat, the children choose a chocolate bar feast. Then Robin and Lee also choose it. The children said they wanted to eat it outside as Robin agreed. Just then, Lee's phone rang.

" Boss, I found something shocking about this!" 

Something flashed in Lee's eyes hearing that. He looked at Robin and told her.

" I have a call. Go ahead with the children, I will be there in 5 minutes."

" Okay!"

When Robin turned around, she saw that the children were already out of the gate and she sighed helplessly. Who did they inherit this impatience from?! 

Lee went to a quiet corner and said. " Speak!"

" Boss, after looking into it, I heard some gossip in the underground about which organisation did it. When I searched into it, I found out the identity of the boss. Actually, there were two bosses. They are most likely brothers but no one has ever confirmed it. When we asked around, I got their names and surprisingly, one is the Chairman of Zar Corporation and the other is the Planning Director of the Zar Corporation who was also behind the Project Alinea."

Lee didn't know why his heartbeats accelerated as he asked, "What are their names?!"

" It's Zayn Walker and Alex Walker!"


The phone slipped out of Lee's hands and fall to the ground. Lee couldn't react for a long time. When he picked up the phone, he saw that it was switched off. He ran out to find Robin however what greeted his eyes was the greatest shock of his life.

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