Chapter 18: Heartbreaking.

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Because of the streetlights, she couldn't saw him clearly and only his shadow was there but as he came nearer, her eyes widened. For a movement, she thought that it was Zayn and was surprised that the boss himself comes to the rescue but as he comes nearer and nearer, Lisa held her breath. He... He looked very similar to their boss but it wasn't Zayn. Instead, he looked similar to someone she... couldn't forget.

Lisa was so surprised she couldn't believe in herself. Until now she could still stand up as she was used to such injuries. However, after seeing his face, it was as if all her energy was drained and she felt herself falling down but before she could fall, a pair of strong arms reached out to her and wrapped around her waist before she was pulled into a warm embrace.

After she was suddenly pulled into an embrace, Lisa was shocked. She didn't have the energy to broke out of him as she just looked up at him from his embrace and she saw...

He looks just like a person she has imagined his grown-up version would look like. H-He seems to be A... Alex.

'' Are you alright?!'' Alex looked at her worriedly in his embrace. He knew that Lisa was more than enough to handle that gang but because they didn't have many weapons, it was dangerous. That gang was already defeated by team B and 2 cars arrived for them.

Lisa was too shocked to talk as she stared at her. Alex felt something warm falling on his hand and when he pulled out, he saw his hand was bloody. His eyes widened as she looked at her anxiously. She was still spacing out while she stared at him. 

Alex quickly bent down and very carefully, he picked her up as if she was something made of glass as he took her towards the car. Lisa finally realized what's going on as she stuttered,'' A-Alex?!'' Alex's body froze upon hearing his name with that melodious voice he didn't hear for almost a decade. He looked down in his arms and saw her staring at him as if he was an illusion. She looked desperate for his answer as she wanted to confirm if this was reality. 

'' Hmm. It's me.'' Alex replied as he strode towards the car.

 A person opened the door for him as he carefully and cautiously put her in before he sat down with her and closed the door. When he looked at Lisa, She was staring at him in disbelief as if she saw a ghost. He pulled her head on his lap as he instructed the driver to sped towards their secret base. As it was a gun wound, it wasn't safe to go to any hospital. Moreover, they already had a very capable doctor to work for them at the secret base.  After instructing the driver, he again asked her worriedly,'' Are you alright?! Is it hurting badly?!''

His soothing voice that she has been missing sounded again. Resting her head in his lap, she could faintly hear his heartbeat as she finally comes back to her senses. She asked disbelievingly,'' Is... Is it truly you, Alex?!''

She couldn't believe what she was sawing. There were rumors among her old comrades that their previous Boss has died but some also said that he hasn't died. Instead, he has been in a coma. She was scared of the reality but she still believed that he is alive because she knew he couldn't leave them that easily. He was not meant to die this early. He still has a little brother he had to take care of. 

'' Yeah, it's truly me,'' Alex said in a warm voice.

Lisa snapped out of her thought upon hearing his voice. She desperately wanted to believe him as tears started flowing out of her eyes as she hugged his waist while still resting her head on his lap. She hides her face in his arms and cried silently. She missed him. His warm voice and his strong back. She missed everything about him.

Alex was scared of seeing her crying like this as he asked her if her wound is hurting but she didn't say anything. He hugged her in hope of calming her down as she cried. After some time she pulled out and said,'' Th-thank God... That you are... Alive.'' She said in a low voice before falling unconscious.

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