Chapter 150: A Legendary Voice.

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Then the next song was called 'Nightmares'. The lyrics were...

" It's all so dark into the night,
The nights are so long but days so short. I don't know if it's a dream or a nightmare.
I am glad that I see you in my dreams but I am also hurting right now.
I can imagine but I can't see you. It makes me miss you more than ever.
All I ever wanted was you, I just wanted your love and nothing else.
But I ended up losing the most important thing of my life...
We somehow live, somehow passed the days, those lonely days that I call nightmares.
But then a day comes when our mom and dad come to save me from hell.
God gifted me, angels, in the shape of my children. So pure and innocent, they made me live again.
One more time, they come here.
One more time, they rescued me.
One more time, they saved us.
One more time... "

This song was based on the time they were separated.
Then some songs based on their love story were there. And finally, the time comes for their reunion.

The song was named 'My Story Ends.'

" Destiny was playing with me.
I gave up on my unreal dreams.
I loved them but lost them.
I thought this was the end of my story,
I thought this was the end of my movie,
I thought this was the end of my song,
I thought this was all I had...
But then you came along,
Like a miracle in fantasy,
Like a dream in a nightmare,
Like a reality in the imagination,
Like a light in the darkness,
I saw you again
And I... Felt like I could just die.
My mind went so blank.
All that remained was you and I.
I missed you... So much
I wanted to run to you,
I staggered here and there,
All I could see was you and I.
Suddenly, everything was back.
Like the past was just a nightmare
But I knew that it wasn't
Cuz there were many precious things in our past.
(Yeah... All I could see was something fade. The light was dim, but you were as clear as the day, lost in thought, gone in depts, the night so dark, I lost myself. You and I were almost dead, but one was there, the other wasn't. Every moment was lost in your memories. I could miraculously see a dream come true.

Families are dearest, families are kindest, losing them was hell, getting them back was heaven. There is nothing greater or lesser anymore. Just with you all, the most bitter things become sweet. They said the family is the one who stays with you in the time of your need but brothers, I need them in the time of joy because my time of need would only be when you are not there. Damn... )Music~
All I could see was a dream come true...
Miraculously, a dream come true...
A dream come true(low voice)...
A dream come true( lower voice)...
A dream come true( fading voice)...
Rap ends)
Oh... Ohohhhohoohhhoo...
I see you
I see you
I see you
One more time, I got to see you again.
I don't know how I am still so lucky.
When tragedies end, that's when my story ends.
And I guess now my story ends.
Now my movie ends.
Now my song ends..."
As their countries national language was English, they were quite famous in the world. It was a common language that helps them socialize better. Even before, some of Alencica's singers were famous worldwide. Now when Robin released her album, it instantly becomes the greatest hit. It was so amazing that the world started calling her a legend. They describe her voice as a legendary voice. Just in one month, she earned billions and billions. However, Robin didn't just want to become famous. She wanted to become a person who could be of use to Alencica. Therefore, she invested her money and opened an entertainment company. Zar corporation had one under them too but it wasn't the best and neither was it international.
When Zayn got to know that Robin wanted to open an entertainment company, he gave that one under him to her.
Robin named that company after her mother and father.

" It was KL. Krystal Lincoln."  
She changed its foundation and many things. She spends a good amount of time after it and some results were showing. At the start, they didn't make much profit but neither lost. Then Robin required some artists and when she finally found some, things got better and better.

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