Chapter 100: Couldn't Reach Lisa!

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No matter how powerful the Bates family was, in the end, Zayn was not any less powerful. Moreover, if they ever go back to their home, the kingdom of Alencica, Bated would be taken down. After all, one shouldn't underestimate the power of an Emporer.
Things quieted down after this. Bates didn't dare to be reckless anymore but he would still try to see Violet.
After Violet was discharged from the hospital, Nicolo didn't leave her alone at all. She took care of Violet as she stayed with her. She also usually sleep with Violet because to her, she was still her mother little darling.
Violet's love for her daughter was kindest and pure. She would rather prefer her daughter to be good for nothing happy-go-lucky kind-hearted fool than to see her work so hard in a place like the Military.
Everything went back to normal except that the whole country got busier. There was also a lot of development in the country. Their per capita income and GDP increased tremendously in the past year and the crime rates also decreased a lot thanks to the Zar Corporation. When Zayn moved his headquarters here, his company hired almost thousands of employees as they also had branches in the cities. His company alone hired so many people as their economy also improved especially since Alex started working too. They earned themselves so much fame throughout the world that it shocked the world. They were like a dark horse (1) in the world and business industry.
Their country started to worship them and even their president didn't dare to offend them because he knew very well how much they profited through these mysterious people.
Lisa was very experienced and talented. However, she started liking acting. She felt passionate about it so she entered the entertainment industry and tried to do her best independently. But as her face was already exposed to the world, she couldn't find it that satisfyingly as all the directors would choose her without seeing her act as they to form a connection with Alex, the Planning Director of Zar Corporation who achieved very great achievements as soon as he started working. His connection was terrible throughout the world. They feared it at the same time as they wanted to be on his good side. Seeing that Lisa was not in good mood because of this all, Alex said to her that she is not doing anything wrong using. He said to her to just prove them your worth then they would beg you to act in their production even if you are not related to me. Hearing him, Lisa got her interest back and choose a production with a good script but low cost. As people were ignoring it because of the low investment and a not so famous director, Lisa thought it suited her better. Though the director was good, because he didn't have backing and connections, he was still not well known.
After the release of the movie she started in, Lisa unsurprisingly gained instant fame throughout the country. The whole industry got shocked because no matter how great connections you have, there is a limit to fame if you're not good at your job. This instant fame just proved her talent in this lone of work. Alex, Zayn and Nicolo held a surprise party for her as they went on a short trip in the mountains. They were All having a really good time.
Alex and Zayn we're finally being able to accept their past and live a better life. Nicolo gained tremendous success in her career as a Military researcher. However, she was forcefully sent to the director of the first hospital as he was friends with the head of the military in her area. He informed the head about her actual talent and convinced him to send Nicolo to the hospital for training.
Though she was good gifted, Nicolo still lacked some knowledge and experience in surgery, etc. She unwillingly went but come to like her job. Soon, she was doing the most critical operations in the hospital and became busy and tired. Zayn didn't stop her as he noticed that she enjoyed this work.
Nicolo also forced her mother to not leave the country anymore and take it easy for work as she has been working too hard all these years. As her dear daughter asked so badly, Violet listened to her and took it easy as she tried doing something else. She had some hobbies for riding a motorcycle and sometimes drawing though she wasn't the best at it. She also wrote more books on psychology now since she was free.
Lisa didn't try to contact Arlo again and refused to let him get in touch with her. She tried her best to forget about it and hated them. However, she didn't know that a storm was going to come into her life.
As her movie got so much fame, its ads and trailers were almost everywhere on the internet.
In Arlo Gonzalo's house...
Arlo didn't inform his wife about anything as he wanted to short out things with Lisa first. However, he was frustrated when he couldn't reach Lisa. He understood that Lisa was purposefully avoiding him and that's why he was so troubled.
As he saw that she entered the entertainment industry and starred in the movie, he was worried that his wife would saw it and everything becomes a mess and that's exactly what happened.

( 1. Dark Horse: A dark horse is usually used to describe a person who improved and gained fame before anyone could notice.)

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