Chapter 141: Sayonara, Mummy And Daddy!

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As they stood side by side with their royal aura's, even Lisa, Lee and Nicole were entranced by them. The guards were also totally enchanted by them. It was like they were seeing their dreams come true because for a loyal guard, what more would they want than the protection of their leader, their king. 

Finally, one of the guards who was the most senior member there, who was also present when their parents died and who knew Alex, Zayn and Robin anxiously exclaimed. 

" Crown-Crown Prince! No! King! King Alex and-and princess Robin and Prince Zayn! Oh my god!"

That senior guard was currently the leader of the guards. He was the senior general who only took care of the most important matters regarding the Royal family. As soon as he came back to his senses, he fell on his knees and bowed his head. With his right hand on his chest, he greeted loudly.

" Greetings to your highness! Princess! And second Prince of Alencica!"

Seeing their leader kneeling, all the other guards came back to their senses and together fell on their knees. They followed their leader's actions. Put their right hand on their chest, bowed their heads and greeted loudly.

" Greetings to your highness of Alencica! Greetings to the Princess and second Prince of Alencica! "

Jack and Sophia looked at this situation with wide eyes. Then their eyes shone as they exclaimed.

" Mummy and uncles are soo cool! Daddy, why are they treating mummy and uncles like this?"

As they were unaware of their identities as the royal family members, they innocently asked Lee.

Lee smiled proudly and said.

" Jack, Sophia, look carefully. This is your mother and uncles. They are the royal family of Alencica. Your mom is the princess of Alencica."

Jack and Sophia were stunned. Even though they were kids, they knew the meaning of royal family and Princess. 

Nicole also felt proud watching Zayn. Lisa also admired Alex for finally standing up as the King of Alencica. Alex looked at the guards calmly and said.

" Stood up."

All the guards stood up on their feet with attention. Their postures were straight and alert. They were clenching their weapons tightly as they awaited the order of their king.

" We have come to visit our parents. Open the gates and keep guarding them until we return."

" Yes, your highness!" They all said in a loud voice. 

Robin smiled with her usual mischievous smile. She remembered how she used to tease the guards back then. It was so fun. They were quite pitiful though. They couldn't do anything as she was the Princess. 

Alex had a calm expression that of a King while Zayn had his usual ignorant face. 

" Dismiss!" All the guards went to do their jobs. Alex turned around and entered the car. Robin and Alex also went back. Before the gates opened, two black jeeps came. One in front of them, one behind them. All were filled with guards heavily armed. Then 6 bikes came with two guards on each. They were also heavily guarded. Tree bikes were at their left side while the other tree was at their right side. 

How can the King, the royal family be without their guards? The guards have been training their ass off while wishing that one day, they will be able to protect their king. Now that they got their chance, they won't let it go.

As the gate opened, the cars and bikes went forward. Though the mountain was smaller compared to the usual mountain, it was still a mountain. They drove for some minutes before reaching the graves of their parents. It was grand with their countries flag over it. 

Alex, Robin and Zayn all introduced their partners to their parents emotionally. Alex also told them that he is going to be a father soon. Robin also introduced them to their grandchildren while Zayn just introduced Nicole as his spouse.

After some time, Nicole, Lisa and Lee left with Jack and Sophia. They wanted to give these siblings some time alone.

Alex also told the guards to leave them alone. As it was Alex, their king's orders, they left quietly and waited behind near the cars. 

It was quiet for a long time before Robin finally spoke.

" I saw Mummy and Daddy in my dream. I guess it was the same for both of you."

" Yeah!" Zayn replied. Then Robin looked at Alex. Finally, he spoke.

" Yeah. They did come into my dream. They said they will always be looking after us and protecting us."

Robin looked down at their tombstones with sorrowful eyes. As she spoke, tears fell from her eyes.

" Yeah. It meant they have been looking after us. They must've felt quite hurt and helpless. After becoming a mother, I can't bear to imagine anything happening to my children. Let alone... something similar to us!" Robin's voice quivered as tears continued to fall from her eyes.

Alex and Zayn silently listened to her crying. Then she spoke again while still crying.

" I... I don't know how miserably Mummy and Daddy must have felt while watching us. How hard it must've been for them. They were always so great. Ready to sacrifice anything for us. They promised to come back that day but they couldn't. I am not as strong as them. I barely handled it all because of Lee. Otherwise, I wouldn't be alive now. I guess Mummy and Daddy couldn't bear it to so that's why, until now, they must have waited patiently for us to meet so that they could go away peacefully. I feel so bad for them. I miss them so much... If only one more time I could see them again, just one more time... I really wanted to see them again... "

Robin spoke with a trembling voice as she started wailing loudly.

" Sorry! Sorry! Mummy, Daddy. I am really sorry for not visiting you until now! I promise to be a better person. A great princess to Alencica and a great mother to my children. I will live up to your expectations. "

Seeing Robin like this, Alex and Zayn had a hard time controlling their emotions they have been trying so hard to keep it in until now.

Then Alex suddenly spoke. 

" Mummy... Mummy said something strange to me in the dream. I don't know what she means. But I really miss her. I regret that I couldn't be a better son to her. I regret I didn't spend much more time with them."

Alex's voice was different as he tried hard to stop it from quivering. His eyes were extremely red and tears were threatening to fall. At that movement, Zayn spoke.

" Bhai, Didi, I am really envious of you. Both of you got to be with mom and dad longer than me. All that I remembered is the last time I met them. I really want to know how it feels to be with them. But I guess that's not possible anymore, right? They have gone. But you know what, I am not sad. I am relieved that they can finally go back to heaven. I am really happy that they are finally relieved of the past... "

Though Zayn was saying that, his eyes were red and some tears were spilling out of his eyes. Robin wailed loudly while Alex cried silently. As for Zayn, he just looked up in the sky and recalled all his past. His very little but precious memories of his childhood and his memories of those lonely nights.

The sun was setting. The sky was red. Some clouds were floating in there. Robin was down hugging the tombstone as she cried. She really loved her parents. Alex had his head down as he wiped his tears with his shoulders. While Zayn was looking up in the sky, occasionally, some tears were falling off from the corners of his eyes and going all the way down to his neck. He shut his eyes as some more tears fell as they trickled down all the way to his collars.

" Sayonara, Mummy and Daddy!"

[ Sayonara: Sayonara means farewell in Japanese. This word gave me the real feeling of Farwell so I used it. I hope you like this chapter. Please express it in the comments. I want to know if I am doing a good job.]

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