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That night I came home and folded clothes in the dresser me and Damon had in our room. I had only just kissed him hours ago, now we were sharing a bed.

I didnt try to focus on that, I trusted him enough for it, it just seemed odd.

"You seriously spent your first day shopping? Were my clothes not good enough for you?" He chuckled.

"Well seeing as I didnt have compulsion back then and me being dressed appropriately was no ones first priority, I wanted to get some myself." I said flopping back into the bed in a silky low cut tank top and cloth shorts. He smiled and kissed my forehead as he wrapped his big arms around me.

I snuggled into him feeling safe in his arms and sighed with relief. I closed my eyes but was no where near tired, they were closed purely for relaxation purposes, I had energy to last for weeks.

"Does Elena still hate me?" I asked softly, he sighed.

"..yeah," He chuckled. "She was just getting so attached to me, learning what had happened between me and her. She wanted to keep it just as I wanted to start separating myself from her and going for you. It wasnt right for us anymore."

"Gotcha.." I mumbled.

"So why are you so eager to become the leader of your Coven? Especially now, I mean how would that even work?"

"Well, I'm not exactly sure how I'd get the position, but in sure theres some way. I was supposed to become the leader when I turned 23, I was the first born out of the dozens of children born within ten years. But they locked me away before I was given the position."

"So you want this?"

"Well I didn't at first. I didnt want anything to do with being magical, especially being a leader, having kids, forced to be married, I didnt want any part of that. So that's why I helped Kai kill his family, I knew that would give me an automatic out on this whole coven thing. And it did, just not in the way I wanted it to."

"So then why do you want it now?" I looked up at his hundredth question.

"Must you always ask so many questions?" I asked rudely but my facial expressions helped him know I was being playful as he looked down at me and smiled.

"Just trying to figure you out." I looked back down and kept talking.

"Well, other than the fact that Kai can now destroy my family like he did to his own and I'm the only one that can remotely protect them, I want the responsibility now. I have enough power, enough strength, enough will to do it." He nodded weakly at my explanation, he was slowly falling asleep. I giggled and soon fell asleep after him.


The next morning I got out of bed well before he did and started packing. Before I left as my duffel bag was fully packed I kissed his cheek and he just barely woke up. Enough for a small convince, not enough for him to remember it in an hour.

"Behave. I'll see you by the end of the weak." He smiled softly at my words and nodded.

"No trouble." He mumbled, then quickly fell back to sleep and I went down the stairs.

I smelled my way for the blood in the back of the fridge, I grabbed a bag for the road and Damon's keys off the counter. I hadn't gone into the livingroom yet but I needed to now. Kai and that boy, Tyler, were sitting on the couch being somehow civil.

"Ugh, your here. No wonder it smells like dog." I grumbled, clutching my bag to my side as I passed them.

"It shouldnt smell that bad! I havent even changed yet, I havent changed here in about a year." He shot back.

"I assume you used to live here?"

"Yeah." He groaned, looked like it brought back bad memories. I rolled my eyes and Kai cleared his throat in a judgemental way.

"What." I asked harshly as I set my hand on the door knob.

"Oh nothing, just seems pretty stupid. You know they are all going to die one way or another. Assuming you are going to change the rules."

"Excuse me?"

"Well, you'll want to stay leader, correct? The Coven will eventually die out of its magic if it's not getting proper care, then there will be no Coven for you to protect, and itll just be you and me."

"What makes you think I'll let them die out? They are my family."

"There are other ways for them to move on, my dear." He said finally looking at me. "Just because you dont kill them off, doesn't mean someone else wont." He smiled gruesomely, I felt disgusted that hed still try that.

"You, Kai Parker, alone, against me and my whole family? Hah."

"Who says I'll be alone?" He glared at me with a devilish, toothy grin on his face. I felt like I was going to explode. I couldn't handle the rage he was making me feel.

So I snapped his neck and Tyler laughed, then I walked out the front.

As if I had never even entered the front door.

I got into Damon's car and rammed the keys into the ignition, then slammed my foot onto the gas making his car purr. I stared at Kais beautiful, old fashioned truck and I drove out of the circular gravel driveway. I wanted to damage that thing so hed cry over it or something, but its shiny dark blue paint glimmered in the sunlight and the body was gorgeous. I couldn't damage that thing even if I'd die.

I knew exactly how to get there, though the drive would be long, running would be suspicious towards my family. I didnt want them to know I was a vampire if they didnt have to know.


I got there within the next day, I pulled up into the driveway and my brother immediately showed up at the door. His expression was blank as he saw me get out of the car, his wife followed along with him.

"Hey," I smiled at him, it looked like he didnt know how to react to me. "What? It's not like you didnt know I was back, I'm sure the Parkers told you all about how me and Kai were back the second they found out."

"Why are you here Rae? There is no reason for you to be here anymore."

"Well theres one." My mothers angelic voice said from behind him, I smiled wider at her as she almost growled at me. "Why do you want it now? You've been out for a few months and now you want it?"

"Well at first I was told you wanted me dead-"

"Thats because we do. You are a disgrace to the family. An embarrassment, a waste of space. Definitely not fit for the roll as a leader. You lost that privilege years ago."

I grimaced at her interruption and the kept talking. "Anyway, that was originally what scared me off. But now I know what I want, and this is it."

"Mother, your not actually going to let her take my place, will you?"

"Ryan, please. We'd have to ask your father for our history book." She told him, putting her hand up at him for silence. Her once dark brown hair had slightly grayed and her wise blue eyes were now dull and had the look of depression. She turned away and grabbed Jessica's hand, my brothers wife, then started back inside.

"Come on mother, wont you let your own daughter inside?"



I was invited in.

I trotted up our grand stairs to the front door, it smelled exactly how I remembered it, it felt like home. It felt safe and comfortable.

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