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  2.5 Years Later
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"I'm home!" I yelled as I came through front door of the Salvatores house.

I got back from 2 and a half years back home, almost 3 years of watching little Ben grow up, 3 years of learning and taking charge of my coven. My father taught me everything I needed to know about magic, every spell, everything about our history, every single conflict our family has ever had with the Gemini coven.

Now that I'm back, I'm not going to play pretend with Kai. Not in the slightest.

"Rae!" Stefan said enthusiastically, Valerie came around behind him. He hugged my and I hugged him back. "How in the world have you been?!"

"Good! I've been great! I took over my Coven and... I kind of became a mom."

"You uh... you what?"

"Yeah... Not like my own child but uh... Ben, his mother Jessica passed on. He is my responsibility now."

"Is he uh... is he here?" Stefan asked scratching his head.

"He will be in a few days... if that's ok? I mean I'm sure you have Caroline's little girls around all the time! Oh I bet they would be best friends, Ben is about there age and he is also a siphon. How is she doing, by the way?"

"We have no idea. Me and Valerie dont check in on her since she moved to Hudson." I nodded and my smile fell.

"I'm sorry for bringing it up then."

"No your all ok."

"Well... um... have you seen Enzo lately?"

"Here and there, why?"

"Just need to talk to him about something, he promised me a trip a few years ago and I'm holding him to his word."

"Rae, you shouldn't see him... itll make it worse."

"Stefan, I appreciate your worry. Really, I do. But the day he told me he didnt want to hurt me and then proceeded to leave, that hurt more than hell ever could. If I want to see him, I will." He nodded and just barely backed up. "Are all the vampires Kai turned still running around?"

"Yes ma'am they are." Kai said coming around the corner. "Every time Matt kills one, I make another." He smiled and wrapped his arm around the back of Bonnie's neck.

"The look of you two make me want to vomit." I groaned, picking up the handle of my suitcase with my magic.

"Jealous?" He asked kissing her temple.

"Not even a little." And that was the truth, I wasn't jealous, I was disgusted. But I did miss Damon. I missed him more than anything, and that was the truth.

With the magic I'd learned, I put my clothes in Damon's closet and my suitcase under his bed as I stood with them.

"Thank you for keeping his clothes." I whispered, mainly to myself.

"I knew youd need them for when you came back." Stefan quietly responded. I nodded and sighed.

"What the hell do you guys do every day? Sorry but this seems boring as hell, at least with the coven I could hang out with Benny." Kai perked up at the sound of his name.

"How is the spawn of satan doing?" I snarled at the name he called him.

"Fine. Hes walking and talking like you couldn't believe."

"Jessica let's you around him still?"

"Well even if she didnt she doesn't really have a say in it." He cocked his head and looked confused. "I killed her." I addressed casually. Kais eyes widened with shock and Stefsn chuckled at my calmness.

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