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The sun was gone over the horizon by now, Valerie wandered off and I didnt follow. I had sat down next to Damon, watching Stefans body. Not too long after Valerie left, Kai joined her.

Damon looked over at me and I looked at him. "I'll get Stefans body into the car." He decided.

"No, you go along with. See what they are up to, this was my fault, let me do it."

"Raya," He stood up and stuck out his hand for me, I took it and he brought me up to my feet. "Just follow them. I wont be far behind. Stefan is my brother, my responsibility."

"Right. Your the big brother. But where the hell has that been for the past three years? He had a chance to run, Damon. To run with Valerie and leaving me back home! Instead he got you to waste the only time he had, and now he's dead."

"That is not fair Raya. I left so that you two would stop sacrificing yourselves for me!"

"Maybe I stopped within those three years, but cant you see that Stefan hasn't? Hes dead because of you! I have a stupid mark on my back that-!" I touched my back, I couldn't feel the mark.

"What?" He asked. I felt all around my back, high and low. I felt nothing. No blood, no defined mark. Just a scar in the shape of and 'X' on my shoulder blade.

I took off my shirt and he smiled. "Shut up. Look at my back." I demanded and I turned around, he did. I could feel his cold finger tips on my back as they traced where the mark is. "What's it look like?"

"It looks like someone just drew an X on your back with white chalk. Like a normal scar that's healed."

I slipped my shirt over my head. What the hell did this mean? When Rayna was no longer connected to her sword, or the Phoenix stone, the X would bubble up instead of flatten down like mine had.

"Why are you so worried?"

"Because something bad happened Damon. Something really bad."

His eyes got wide and he nodded once, we both ran over to where Valerie and Kai went.

"What happened?" I asked urgently, Kai turned around with his head hung low.

"They didnt know." Was all he said.

"Didnt know what?" I spat.

"That Stefan was in the stone." Valerie whispered. "The stone is... destroyed, and Stefan along with it."

I turned around towards Damon. "You could've prevented this! This is all of your fault." I yelled at him.

"Stefan is not dead!" He yelled back. "We don't know that."

"Yes we do! We have common sense, Damon! Stefans soul was inside the stone, the stone is now destroyed, and so is Stefan!"

"I see it differently, ok?! If Stefan is really dead, than I'm responsible. Which means I'm going to spend the rest if eternity haunted and doing penance and seeing my own self-loathing-!"

"Self-loathing?! Like I haven't heard that one before, Damon."

"Hes not dead, Raya! He cant be! Please, just try it my way. It's less depressing."

"Damon, I dont want nor do I need false hope."

"Ok, you can all keep being Debbie Downers and mourn someone who is not even dead-"

"Stefan wasnt the only one we lost today Damon! Nora and Mary Louise are dead as well! They sacrificed themselves for something they knew nothing about! And that is better than what I can say for you."

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