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The man turned hid face around, I scoffed.

"You do know we have doors for a reason? You dont need to startle me like that."

"Sorry m'love." Kai smiled at me, he then looked back at Benny and reached down.

"Hey psycho, anyone ever tell you not to wake a sleeping baby?" I asked walking over to him, keeping my distance. I stood on the other side of the crib and set my hands down on the ledge.

"I'm not waking him, I'm just observing."

"Yeah, with your fingers."

"I can observe something else with my fingers, if that's what you prefer."

"Malachai!" I blushed, he laughed and looked up at me. He brought his hand up from Ben's cheek and reached across to touch mine.

"Kai... I just killed your girlfriend, and your touching my cheek as if I were to turn you on."

"Well maybe your are. And to be fair, I did just kill your whole family. It doesn't seem like you are running from me either."

"But you supposedly loved her."

"And you loved your family. And you love Damon, yet your not making me remove my hand from your cheek."

"I dont want you to wait for me. I want you to live as if youd never met me."

"If I were to live like that I wouldnt be living at all Damon, I'd still be stuck in that prison world if it weren't for you."

"But Kai got you out."

"But you and Bonnie showed him how to get out, if he hadn't gotten out neither would I."

Kai got me out. Kai was the reason I am here, not Damon. As much as I'd like to give the credit to Damon, it was Kai.

If he hadn't felt guilty, if he didnt want to pity me or give me a second chance at life, he wouldnt have. But he did. He did give me another chance because he wanted me to live, not Damon. Kai did.

I sighed and closed my eyes for a second, I looked down at the sleeping child in between us. With a small amount of pressure he forced my face back up to look at him.

"He told me to live like we'd never met, so going out and... seeing other people. I suppose that is why I'm not moving away." I mumbled, answering his question.

"Do you love him?"

"Of course I love him. What kind of question is that? You held me the night he left, you know how much pain I was in." I mumbled. He nodded at started to remove his hand from my cheek, I quickly grabbed it and placed it back on my face as I nuzzled into his palm. A quick sigh left his mouth as I clenched onto his wrist.

"I should take me leave."

- - - - - - - - - - -

I slipped my hand off of her face, fighting her grip to keep me there. She wasnt trying very hard, just enough for me to slip my hand away with only a mark of her fingers wrapped around my arm.

"Kai please don't go." She said chasing me around the cradle as I walked to Damon's bedroom door.

I stopped. "Why?" I clenched my jaw as she reached out for my bicep to turn me around, I easily followed her movements.

"Do I really need a reason?" I sighed, not answering her question. "Why did you come in here anyway? Especially through the window?"

I stuttered. I didnt want to do what I came in here for.

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