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"Youd rather sleep with him than help Caroline?!" Kai yelled at me as Damon was changing I the room.

"To be honest with you I'd rather do a lot of other things than help Caroline! Like find this Rayna girl and help kill her before she kills me and everyone else! Plus, if you and Valerie then your little girlfriend- and not to mention Stefan is there, it should work perfectly fine!"

"That still doesn't mean you should go off and sleep with Damon!"

"You say that as if he isnt my boyfriend! Like I'm cheating on someone or- or betraying you! You can not tell me that you and Bonnie havent done anything when someone needs you someplace else!" He stayed silent. "Exactly." I spat. Damon came out and I immediately walked over to him, my hair wet in strands.

I laced my fingers through his as I stood by his side for a moment then quickly leaned up and kissed his cheek and proceeded to pull him along towards the front door.

"Dont just stand there, Malachai. If you came looking for us for whatever damn reason you shouldnt waste our time."

We got outside and it was still dark out, we got into the car and instantly drove off to the hospital.


When we pulled in we saw a fire started next to an ambulance with a body.

"Holy shit." I exclaimed instantly getting out of the car and running to it. It was Beau.

"No!" I yelled. I looked up behind me to see Damon charging inside while Kai stood behind me. "Who did this?"

"Rayna." He said taking my wrist and pulling me away from the fire starting to spread.

"I'll deal with Damon. Go help Caroline." I ordered, he didnt dare question me as I went up to Damon silently. The woman was in front of us holding the sword. "What happens if I stab her with it?" I asked fairly loud so she could hear.

"Nothing. I'm not a vampire." She smiled at me. "This ones not that bright." She said pointing the sword at me.

"I know your not a vampire, darling. But you are immortal, are you not?" She started to stutter. "So what exactly would happen if I took the sword..." I held my hand out and used my magic so the handle flew into my fingers. "And stabbed you with it? I mean surely you would like to know how it feels to be trapped inside this stone." I said cruelly and threw the sword at her, it hit her in the stomach and she fell over.

"You know that wont keep her down right?" He asked as I grabbed his hand again and started walking down the hall.

"But it'll buy us some time." Then I heard the sword fall onto the ground and she stood up. We turned around and she cracked her neck unimpressed.

Damon growled and ran at her, she stopped him and pushed him onto his back and he slid down the hall. I quickly grabbed a metal wheely-thing and smacked her in the head with it, making her spiral to the ground and her knife come loose in her own hands, it slid towards Damon who was already on his feet. He surprisingly picked up and air tank and was about to smack her with it but she picked her foot up and kicked him in the knee, making it snap.

He fell to the ground and she got up on her feet, she was about to stab him again and I yelled as I ran over to push her, I slid the knife down the hallway on the other end of her and got Damon up on his feet with a little bounce. "Thanks babe." He whispered and I lightly punched him in the shoulder.

She got up and he went at her going for the neck but she ducked and flipped him over on his back then snapped his neck, I quickly cloaked him with my magic so she couldn't stab him.

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