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It was just misting when I walked back inside the house. The interior of Damon's car was perfectly dry and clean, the hole in his hood was fixed like it was never there. If anything the damn thing looked brand spanking new.

My hair dropped down in front of my eyes, Rae looked at me and rolled her eyes as she fed Benny through a bottle. He stared at me as I came in the door, I wiped my wet combat boots on the welcome mat.

Jess glared at Rae and I, it made me fume. If she weren't careful enough, shed be going out along with Ryan. But then that would leave Benny with no one to look after him.

Rae is no where close to being a mother, nor would I ever pressure her into being one, no matter how much I hate Jessica.

I stood on the mat, keeping my feet planted. Mark walked down the stairs.

"Kai, when will we do the merge?"

"Tomorrow, unless you want to do it tonight when it clears." I smiled at him apologetically. It seemed as if no one cares other than Jessica, but she seemed to be more upset about Benmy than anything.

"We can do it tonight then. The sooner the better, no reason to dwell on it." He responded.

"Ok, well in that case. I hope you dont mind if I steal your daughter for an hour or two?"

"No, I'd prefer not. I cant listen to that... thing cry any longer."

"Father, once the merge is over I'm leaving anyway. If I'm the one that makes it out." She choose not to look at me, knowing I would be giving her the same looks Jessica was.

"Rae, if you win you need to stay and lead us. That is the only way itll work."

"Not if I change the rules. You can all learn to govern yourselves." She responded bluntly, keeping her eyes on Benny and only on him.

"Raya Pryer!" He yelled at her, slamming his hand down on the railing making her jump and Benny whine. "You can not come all this way to demand being leader, then I work it out for you and I not only get the only Gemini left, I get you the only Gemini leader! Then I invite him into my home, I defend you so you can keep Ben, now your going to kill my son and leave? You are supposed lead us!" He yelled, Rae finally tore her eyes from the baby boy and looked at her frustrated father.

"For one, I was the one to get Kai here! I was the one who rushed across the country three times so that I could do this for myself! You didn't do anything! All you did was find the rule and read it to me, I got him here! I worked it out! I saved all of your asses when I came back and Benny was all of the sudden a perfect little angel! That was all me so dont you take credit where credit isnt due!" She yelled back louder than he did at her.

Over her enraged speech, she stood up and haf given Benny to me and nearly cornered Mark.

"If I win- when I win, I will change the rules and I will do it over and over again. And there wont be a single thing you will be able to do. I am free to do what I want, when I want. When I win and decide to leave, you will not stop me, and you guys will all function the same as before I left!" She yelled.


"I swear to god if you keep calling me that I will rip your head off." She grumbled under his breath, he backed up slightly then turned around. "I'll be in the car." She told me walking towards the door beside me, she slammed it closed and it startled Benny.

"Behave until we get back." I told him, I had accidentally compelled him. I was stammering through my exhales as I handed the quiet boy off to Amy who had just walked downstairs.

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