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All I could think about was how happy I was that Ben wasnt in her sight as she stared at me. Damon sat down next to her and she snapped out if whatever trans she was in.

"Rae, how are you feeling?" He asked her, setting his hand down on her knee.

"I feel fine so far." She smiled at him, then slung her arms around his neck and hugged him. I exhaled heavily, Caroline and Ric came around the corner and that must've set her off because her eyes shot wide open.

She snapped Damon's neck and pushed him into the fire, making it explode with flames.

"Raya!" I yelled as I grabbed Damon's ankle from the fire, saving him for when she was sane again. She then pulled on me and pinned me up against the floor. Seeing the envy in her eyes made me go crazy for her, her trying to kill me made me feel things I shouldn't feel in the situation.

"Stop trying!" She yelled at my face as she pumbled her fists into my chest. "Stop!" She screamed louder, then she started to push down onto my chest, making me cough, making my aor escape me. "I hate you." She whispered as she quickly dug her nails into my chest.

Ric came up behind her and injected her with vervain and she immediately fell to the floor. Damon was perfectly fine now and I sort of wished that I didn't save him, but it was for Raya, even if she shoved him in there.

I stood up and sighed for a moment, watching her aggravated body calm unnaturally. Then I picked her up from off of the floor and started to walk downstairs and I laid her in the Salvatores cellar.


It had been a few hours later and Raya hadn't waken up yet. I made sure to focus on everything about her as I sat upstairs. She shouldve woken up by now, the vervain wouldnt keep her out for that long.

I mean even Damon was up. He was yelling about Rayna and how she screwed us over.

"Well there isnt anything we can do about it, is there Damon?" I finally yelled, standing up off the couch getting tired of hearing him complain. "At least your precious little Bonnie is ok, right? At least she got out of this unharmed while god knows what's happening to Raya down there! She should just give up with you because every single time you screw up!"

"Yeah well she hasn't! And she wont! She is my top priority-!"

"Top priority? For the last two hours I've been listening to your ass complain about Rayna instead of doing something!"

"What is there to do?! Raya is a heretic vampire huntress! That stuff doesnt just disappear Kai. And from the looks of it you havent been doing much either!"

"Well I'm trying to hear around all your complaining to constantly be aware of her vitals! You know, her heart rate, how fast shes breathing? Along with Ben, too!"

"What does Ben have to do anything with this?!" Damon yelled, I shook my head in frustration.

"They are emotionally linked, Damon! If Raya feels the emotional need to kill us, to kill every last vampire in the world, who says Ben wont go insane either?!" My point seemed to shut everyone up, I could sense Caroline tense up and Enzo stopped tapping his foot, Damon just glared at me. "Thank god hes asleep right now, hes perfectly sound. Along with Raya. But you wouldnt have paid attention to that flaw until I brought it up, isnt that right?"

He scoffed. "If you think I care about some damn child that-"

"Well you better. If you think I liked that little thing when I met it you are wrong, but the way Raya takes care of him, the way she loves him. If you really want to be with her until the end of time, you better start bonding with that child because I guarantee she wont stick around if Ben doesnt like you."

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