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Our travels were long but entertaining. Damon even had Stefan and Ric help out a few states over.

We had just left a chair facility, like a huge warehouse filled with wooden chairs. Alex came in to talk to Enzo, Damon had eventually grabbed Bonnie after a few moments of the silently arguing. I grabbed Raya and she let me lead her to the car without even resisting.

When we got into the car, there was a huge deadly witch scab on her hand. I didnt really understand what it meant and I knew at least one if them would yell at me if I asked questions. So I pretended to look as Raya looked, faking a worried expression. She had called Enzo and said that Bonnie only had a week or less left to live if we didnt get this finished.

Other than that it was nothing to huge, Enzo finally got back with us after a while and the three of us were jammed back into the tiny seat again. Raya would wait for Damon to fall asleep before she would even touch me, whether it was her laying her head on my shoulder or just allowing our elbows to brush up against one another. Once he was out, she would wrap her arm around my bicep and lay her head on my shoulder as I laid mine back on hers.

After that very minor inconvenience we were back on the road again, and pulling into a new location.

There was a dinner party that wasnt very classy, bodies were being drained everywhere and I could feel it overwhelming Raya. I stood close by her and she didnt move away until we had some killing to do.

I had pinned one of the guys on the table, smiling all the while. I sunk my hand into his chest and he groaned.

"Kai wait! Its me- Beau!" The man screamed, I pulled away confused. Raya ran over to him. "Rae!" He sighed thankful.

"The heretic?" Damon asked walking over. "Huh, small world." He said pushing me aside, I pulled his hand off of me and he scoffed as was going to slam the stake he had on his hand into Beaus chest.

"Dont kill him!" Raya demanded as she caught his wrist, trying to pull his arm down.

"Hes on the list, Rae." He spat at her, I could see him pulling harder away from her to stake him. "This is not up for debate."

"He saved Caroline! And her twins." She fired back at him, they held eye contact and I could see her slowly loosening her grip on his wrist. "I am not going to let you kill him." She groaned. She then grabbed the stake and chucked it across the room and started to turn around.

"Just go for a walk, by the time you get back Old Yeller will already be in the barn." That was the moment I could see the idea pop in Damon's head and I could tell he took no time to register it, to see if it were a good enough plan. He plunged his hand into Beaus heart and ripped it out, Raya spun around and glared at him in disgust.

"That is so like you." She groaned at him as she clenched her fists.

"What, the comical analogies? Or that I dont ask permission to do what needs to be done." He snapped in her face, he set the heart on a white dinner plate and walked away from her.

She looked down at his heart as Damon left, then she clenched her eyes closed and walked out. Everything was still.

"Ill... take care of the bodies." I said as I threw Beaus body over my shoulder, I heard Enzo and Bonnie leave the building.

I threw him in the dumpster sling with a few others I used my magic to get over here with. I heard what sounded like Damon and Enzo fighting around the corner, then I heard Raya and started to walk over.

"It is his fault, Rae, all of it." Damon said pointing off in the direction Enzo and Bonnie went.

"You dont really believe that, dont you? No other factors you can think of?" She asked him.

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