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He had called Valerie and I didn't listen in on that, Damon eventually got back into the car and looked back at me.

"So, for this big spell we have to do for Stefans body, it takes two Gemini witches. Lucky for us, my brothers girl and your hookup are both Geminis." I opened my mouth to speak but he kept talking. "Problen solved. But we still need to find Rayna, which is where you come in babe." His mood swings were throwing me off course.

"Ok- Ric can you just not watch or listen for a moment?" I asked as I moved towards the door, he looked back at me.

"Uh... yeah. Sure?" Ric said and looked back at his window. I nodded and got out of the car, I opened Damon's car door and he got out. I slammed the door shut and walked to the back of the car.

"So now your slamming my car door?"

"This has been my car for the past 3 years. I know what it can handle."

"Hate to break it to you, but it's been my car for about 100 years. 3 years to that is like 15 minutes in a week." He said with an attitude.

"Well maybe itd be 103 years if you never left." I gave the same tone back.

"What do you need? We've got a crazy lady to find, cant you yell at me in the car?"

"No, because even though Ric is probably still watching and listening, I dont want to put him in the middle if this."

"Okk... one quick question, what is 'this' if I may ask."

"Well I want to know what up with the mood swings. Either love me or hate me, not both. You know how I feel, I love you Damon. You told me to keep living-"

"Because I didnt expect you to 'keep living' with him."

"Why would it matter?"

"Because him compared to any other guy in the world, I could have you back within seconds. But Kai? Not only does he want you, he wants you as much as I do, if not more!"

"So you dont want the threat? Is this all because he is hurting your ego?!" He grabbed my shoulders and squeezed them, then continued to hold me there.

"My ego is not hurt. I like competition. What I don't like is the thought that you and him were slumming it in my house while I was dead."

"Then dont think about it. It'd be no different then you thinking about that with Kai and Bonnie, Stefan and Valerie, Stefan and Elena, your mother and Juli-!"

"Please, for the love of god, dont finish that." He said as he closed his eyes shut and cringed. "I dont need to think about that."

"Just like you dont need to think about me and Kai."

"But your mine. That's why I think about it. Because you belong to me, not him, not Stefan, not anyone else in the world. Me."

"Then help me make my decision. Damon I cant have you both and we all know that. Kai knows not to have his hopes up. So help me, or for all I care, make the decision for me." He didnt waste time pushing his lips on mine after I finished.

The grip on my shoulders loosened and he slipped his hands down to my hips, then stuck his hands under my shirt and cupped my waist. My hands naturally laid on his chest as I leaned up for him, he pulled away for a second and looked at me, then smiled and kissed me again.

"Time limit people..." I heard Ric groan very impatiently and quietly. Damon didnt hear it, so after I needed to finally refill my lungs I didng go back for another kiss.

"He is getting impatient." I whispered up into his ear. "Plus we need to save your brother." He groaned and nodded as I flattened back onto my feet.

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