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Caroline and I were thrown back by the flames.

Stefan helped Caroline up and held her back, not allowing her to go inside as the flames engulfed the building.

As I watched the building burn, as I allowed my tears to flood my face, the fire was sucked away and it bursted outside of the chimney.

I heard coughing then, and all of them appeared. They opened the door and Ben came flying into my arms, coughing.

"What happened?" I asked his softly, holding his head into me. "Are you ok? What spell did you do?"

"Ms. Bennet and I-"

"Bonnie, Benny. Just call her Bonnie." I whispered, pulling away and looking at him.

"Her and me were stooding in the hallway to wait for the girls, then they came out then fire was everywhere." He said, making an explosion noise and showing me with his hands. "So Bonnie took their hands and I held Lizzies hand and she let us siphon off of her, she showed a spell and teached us how and then we did it."

"Good job." I said, smiling at him improper grammar. Smiling that he was ok.

He smiled back.

It reminded me of Kai. Though we didn't share bloodlines, I saw Kai's eyes in Benny. And they were my favourite eyes to gaze upon.

I looked behind him and at Bonnie who was standing on the stairs.

"When Kai gets back- can he teach me magic?" He asked, hope filled those eyes.

"Honey I don't know if... I'm not sure Kai is coming back." I whispered.

"Why? Did I do something wrong? Did he choose me over himself? He-"

"No, Benny. I don't think he would do that-" but he totally would. I knew that wasn't the case, but if it came down to it I knew Kai would sacrifice his life for me to have Ben. "At least that isnt the case here. Kai was... put away, in a very magical and horrible prison. And we can't get him our unless we have a very special tool, and Bennet blood."

He nodded slowly.

"I'll teach you more about prison worlds when your older. Maybe I'll even show you one some day, but right now, you need to go say thank you to Bonnie." I said, standing up and taking his hand. He looked at me, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Why?" He asked, disturbed.

"Because, she let you take her power and she taught you your very first spell. Whenever someone offers you their magic- take it and say thank you. You hear? If its offered, take it. Only in very little circumstances do you not take what is offered." I learned that from Kai.

"Like when?" He asked as we started walking over to Bonnie as she sat on the steps.

"I'll tell you that when your older, too." I said quietly as we stood before Bonnie. I kept my head high as I looked down at her, I let go of Ben's hand and softly pushed him ahead of me. He looked back at me, as if asking if he needed to. I nodded once.

He looked at her, as if trying to find the right words to stay.

"I'll start him off," I explained. "Ben wanted to tell you something."

He nodded once, so very small. "Thank you, Bonnie." He murmured.

I tapped the side of his head, it was light, but it annoyed him enough to scowl.

"Mind your manners, boy. And please, speak up with respect." I told him. He seemed to straighten and look at her highly.

"Thank you, ma'am, for the magic and teaching me my first spell." He said in a respectful tone, as respectable an almost five year old can get.

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