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I woke up tied up in the Salvatores mansion. My hands were chained upwards and I groaned. I couldn't tell if it was later that night or a day or two later, but I woke up with the windows black.

"Damon." I groaned. "Damon..!" I said a little louder with more enthusiasm, but my voice was still weak. I heard shuffling around and footsteps.

"I'm coming Rae. I'm coming." He reassured me, he came from the livingroom behind me. When he saw me he smiled, I tried to smile back but I couldn't.

"I am so sorry. I killed almost everyone in the room... I'm so sorry." I sobbed, he knelt down to me and placed his hand on my cheek.

"Rae, it's ok. You didnt know, neither did I. Stefan thought it was hell when he came through too."

"Stefan went through?!" I asked weakly, my voice was shot. Damon nodded closing his eyes.

"He was with us and Nora was upset that he took Mary Louise, so she stabbed him in front of Caroline."

"I thought that was... fake."

"Thought what was fake?"

"Him going through. He told me that the first time I saw him, before Bonnie told me you died because of Julian. I just... I didnt think that that would actually be true." I said as a tear of fear fell from my eye.

"Well... I'm alive, if that makes you feel better. And Stefan is better now."

"You said that like there is still something wrong.."

"Well, that's because there is, two things, actually. While you were still in the stone I uh... I kind if uhm..."

"Damon, just spit it out."

"Well I'm going to say the part that I think will affect you more, ok?" I nodded impatiently. "So hell sucks. Like... bad, I know that. But now that your back? It's going to get worse. You are going to see things that arent really there... post-hell, it's bad, baby."

"So I'll be hallucinating?"

"Yes, technically. It happened to Stefan and it happened to me. And in order to keep you along with the rest of us safe, you need to stay locked up."

"What? Ok I get we need to take some precaution to this but keeping me tied up? What happened, why were you so nervous earlier?"

"Well... I kind of screwed that up for you."


"Well... I may or may not have... possibly-"

"Damon, what is it, I wont be mad if that what your worried about."

"You promise?"

"Would I ever lie to you?"

"Alright, I uh... I killed Elena."


"Why did you tell her?!"

"Because she deserved to know! Its not like Elena and Rae are emotionally attached to each other!"

"Yes but Damon you killed her! Of course she went into shock, you dropped it on her like a bomb!"

"Why the hell do you care? It's not like you care about Elena or Rae!"

"Stop yelling." I groaned as I weakly lifted my off the wall. "I'm not going to kill anyone. So just, untie me and let me go."

"No because I dont want to be the one that dies next." Kai said walking away, Damon growled at him and took the chains around my wrists off.

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