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A couple hours later after we were done, she barely was moving. At first she was so still that if I hadn't had vampire hearing, I wouldve thought I killed her.

Round after round we went, I could tell she was getting exhausted at the end of the first hour, but when I started to stop she begged for more. I got another hour out of her before I had to stop, I was getting tired myself and she couldn't take it anymore.

"Do you need to take a shower?" I asked as I leaned over her face, she smiled and just barely shook her head. "Let me rephrase the question, would you like to take a shower by yourself or would you like my help? Because I am so sorry love but we are sweaty, and gross, and we stink. Like bad."

She giggled and didnt say anything. "No words yet?"

"Your help would be nice." She whispered through her sore throat, I didnt know if it was because her screams or her punishment for talking back.


I leaned up against the head board and relaxed as she kissed my abs, they soon trailed down my v-line and she smiled up at me.

"I get that my voice may not be deep... but I can assure you my throat is." She whispered onto me, my eyes quickly shot wide and she kissed the tip of me.

"You better keep your word, slut."


"And she speaks!" I chuckled as I slipped my hand under her neck and knees, I picked her up and held her close to my chest.

She closed her eyes and I looked at her as I walked into the bathroom in my room. The side of her thighs were still red and slightly hot from all of my slapping. Her neck had red teeth marks from my bites and her lips were a little puffy, but nothing too noticeable. Nothing we couldn't easily hide.

"Open your eyes for hot, keep them closed for cold, blink for between the two." She opened her eyes.

"Turn it to the hottest setting, I want the water to be hotter than hell." She mumbled, she kept her head up and her eyes opened.

"How about a bath?" I asked as I looked at the tub placed in the shower. This bathroom was like Damon's but shrunken, and the shower was blocked off from the rest of the room by blurred sliding glass doors.

"Good thinking." She said smiling, she then reached her hand up and laid it on my cheek.

I filled the tub with hit water and bubbles then laid her in, she immediately fell limp but kept herself above water. I started for the shower.

"Kai-" She said normally, I turned around. "Where are you going?"

"I'm taking a shower, love."

"No." She said without a reasoning, she looked at me with hope in her eyes. I sighed but gave in, I walked back over to her and moved her forward so I could sit behind her.

"Happy?" I whispered quietly into her ear, she hummed. I rested my chin onto her shoulder as my hands laid on her thighs under the boiling water. She laid her head against mine happily.

I didn't last as long as she wanted in there. Not only was I teasing myself, the water was getting hotter, plus baths weren't really my thing. I didnt like sitting in a fancy box filled with all the grossness on my body, let alone someone else's body, even if it was Rae.

"No Malachai, please." I looked down at her as I wrapped the towel around my waist.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked freaked out, she only ever called me 'Malachai' when she was very very angry with me, or when I was rocking her world.

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