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"And you let us sleep through it?!"

"Well after Rayna escaped, Ric went upstairs to get you two. When he saw you both... he left. We handled it perfectly fine!" Valerie tried to explain.

"Hes safe?" I asked worried.

"As safe as he can be, considering he is a vampire in a human body who is very weak and fragile. Yes, he is safe."

"Can you just give us a run down of what happened exactly?" Kai asked from behind me.

"Rayna escaped to go kill the man inside Stefans body, Damon helped us get Stefan just in time. Now we have to go to Memphis to get the man out of Stefan and put Stefan back into his pen body within the next... 48 hours."

"Or hes..."

"Dead." Ric finished.

"Got it." Kai groaned.

"We were just about to leave you guys here but then you came downstairs. So we've got to go, like now." Valerie insisted. I nodded and we all walked towards the car, Kai grabbed my wrist before I could escape him.

"What Malachai." I whispered as he spun me around into him.

"Just give me a chance," He whispered in my hair. "It'll be as easy as breathing with me."

I squeezed my eyes shut and sighed. "Kai I-"

"I'm exactly right for you Raya. At least think about it."

"I do think about it. Whenever I'm not worried about Stefan or Ben I'm thinking about it. If you keep pushing me to think about it, I'll explode." I whispered back at him, a small grin appeared on my face as I wripped my hand away and walked towards the front door, he followed behind me.

A while after we hit the road, Ric got a call from Damon while I was asleep in the back with Kai. I wasnt told what was happening until it was already set into motion and I didn't have a say in it. When Ric told me it was Kais choice, I was shocked. I didn't think he would want me to be with Damon, but I guess that's exactly what he wanted and I knew why.

Ric explain to me where we were going as we pulled in, there was an ambulance in the parking lot we were in with Damon's car right next to it. We both got out and Damon came out the back of the ambulance, a smile after first, but then just a grin as he noticed me.

"Look, it was the only thing that I could think of." Damon explained as he saw me looking over his shoulder. "He kept puking up blood and the over the counter stuff wasnt working so I improvised." He said turning around and pointing to the guys in the back. "Sully, and Frank! I've asked them to make sure Marty stays alive at all costs, or I'll feed their toes to the racoons."

I looked at him with my eyes raised, he shrugged. "Whatever get the job done, I suppose." I chuckled.

"While they take care of this drunk we will go find the psychopath who abducted my brothers body, then Rae, Valerie and Kai will- hey, were are the other two crazies?" Damon asked.

"In a motel off route 70, preping for the spell." Ric answered dully.

"Then why isnt she with them?" Damon asked pointing at me.

"Because while I dropped them off and came back, Kai told me to keep her in the car. She was asleep and he wanted her to come with me." Ric said pushing his hands in the front of his pants pockets.

"So now Kai gets to make her decision?" Damon asked getting defensive.

"I am right here, your speaking as if I'm not." I spat at him, he looked over at me with his eyes and his head soon followed.

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