A day to remember

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Quick recap: "Don't make me have to hurt you." I said very annoyed. "Oh but little lamb it is I that doesn't wanna hurt you" he quickly ignited his hands with the most magnificent blue flames. Little does he know I have a few parlor tricks of my own.
"Your little quirk don't scare me" I said as I activated mine purple fireballs began to enter my hand and I flared my wings. "Hmmm. Cute. Let's see what else you can do."he said under his breath. I threw a ball of fire at his head, he dodged it of course. " I take it by your scars and your quirk your a villain. But why the sudden interest in me." I said with a bothered look on my face. He gave a smirk and said, " I have a job for you." "Usually when people have a job for me they don't ask so many questions." I said getting more annoyed and defensive by the second. "Ouch. I can't just be interested in a beauty such as you. You probably shouldn't know this but I've been watching you for weeks, the way you handle yourself. I've enjoyed it way too much, Misery, or shall I say y/n." It's like the whole world stopped, he knows my name?? But how the only people that know my real name are stain and some close friends.

"Why bother asking for my name if you already knew." I said trying to keep my cold exterior. " I wanted you to tell me on your own terms. " I must've zoned out cause now he was right in front of me. "So what's this job you need me to do." I said finally giving in. " I want you to join the league." " Ahh, ok now I get it. The League. Of. Villains." I said sarcastically pretending to be mesmerized. "I've heard about them. How cute, your his little errand boy. You can tell Shiggy I said... No." " No? What do you mean no?". "I mean what I said. No. The league is everything Stain was against." "But Stain isn't here." "Yeah he's not here because he didn't listen to me and went in that stupid mission with the league and got caught." "Well my mission is to get you to join the league so u do get the issue here." " Yea. Well, if I go will it shut you up?" "Maybe." "Good. " I get in his car as he take me to the league. Ughh he's staring. "My name's Dabi by the way." "Yea I don't care I just want to get this over with so I can go home." "Sheesh someone's angry."

Dabi's POV:
She's so cute when she's mad. No Dabi stop no feelings. I try to keep contained but I juss can't between the black ripped jeans or the white crop top and the leather jacket I just- I don't know. There's something about her. But it's not just the outfit. It's her ugh, her beauty, her passion, her quirk. I quickly stopped the car and went in for a kiss.

Y/n POV:
It was something about him between the mysterious smirk on his face down to the way he acts. He's so- hot damn I can't believe I'm actually thinking this right now. Suddenly the car stopped. " Why'd you stop?" I turned to look at him and as I did he kissed me. I can't believe he just kissed me. And I kinda liked it. "What was that for." I asked confused with a smile on my face. "I'm sorry Princess I just couldn't help myself your so damn cute." he said with a wink. I turned to the window and smiled, "Shut up."

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