I run shit🤪

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I found Dabi and we headed to the hideout. Once we arrived something hit my car. "Wtf!" I hopped out and seen Toga laying on my hood. "Toga you better hope there is not a dent in my baby or i swear even the devil himself can't save you." "Y/n!", she screamed as she hopped on me. "Yes i'm Y/n and you just jumped on my damn car.", I whined. "I missed you." "I missed you too and you know what i'm also gonna miss? My fucking beautiful not  dented car." "Sorry, look its not even a scratch." "And it won't be for a very long time.", I said as I put a protection spell over my car. "What did you just do?", Dabi asked as he got out the car. "I just got insurance." They both looked at me confused. I grabbed a crow bar off the ground and hit my hood, not a scratch. "See? Think of it as an upgrade. Never know when Toga may decide to hop on the car again." She giggled beside me. "Dabi i'll be back in a bit. Toga behave, and no turning into my boyfriend."

"Your no fun.", she whined as she stomped into the hideout. I walked up to Dabi and gave him a kiss. "Bye baby, you behave too." "I'm not a child." "No, but you can act like one.", I laugh before i hop in the car and head to see Bakugo. "Hey Siri call PB." "Calling PB." "Hey-" "Look Keigo I really don't have the time I need you to look for a high school for Nate near the mansion." "Nate? How is he even here? They're gonna-" "Know? Yes I know Dabi already knows i'm telling the league tonight. I run this shit show now." "Hell yea you do." "I also need you to check on the club and see how it's going, i'll be there tomorrow night. "Yes ma'am." "Ok, see you then. Bye." "Bye." When the call ended I had already arrived at my old apartment. I walked up and knocked on the door. Shoto came to the door, "Well, hello stranger." "Wassup, ya dual haired dork. Where's the hedge hog?"

"Oh my, and here I thought you came to see me.", he acted fake hurt. "I did I just wanna cuss him out again." He gave me a stern glare. "Kidding. I'm kidding jeez." He lets me in and plops down on the couch. "Where he at?" "In your room. He's been a mess since you left he only leaves to steal my food." "Damn." I go to my room and open my door only to see him wrapped in my blankets sleeping. Damn Sho wasn't kidding he is a mess. I go and open the curtain letting in some sunlight. "Rise and shine dumbass.", I say kicking the bed frame. "Y/n?" "Nah, Casper. Get your ass up." He groans and sits up. "What are you doing here?" "You're a mess go shower." He got up and hopped in MY shower. When he came out he jumped right back in MY bed and snuggled in my sheets. "If you weren't so damn cute I would've probably cussed you out again." He laughed.

"Why are you sleeping in my bed?" "Umm your bed is more comfortable?" "Your lying, try again." "The sheets still smell like you." "Damn dude, I really broke you." "Hmph, yea." "If it makes you feel better, I don't care anymore. I came back to bury the hatchet." "That's the thing     Y/n, I want you to care." "I'm not sure I follow." "Y/n I love you." "I love you too." "No, not the way I love you. Y/n I'm in love with you." "What-" I was cut off by him kissing me. I break the kiss. "I don't understand you I've loved you for years. I've been ready for you for years. And all you've done is humiliate and dismiss me. But now you love me? Let me guess, you've spoken to Keigo." His face hardened. "Of course, this is why he sent me here. I need you to listen and listen closely I love you and you are one of my closest friends but you don't get to pick and choose when you decide you want me. I've waited long enough, and to think all it took was for me to get a boyfriend for you to realize you actually want me. Sorry man, but I can't." "I understand." "Friends?" "Friends." "And it's obvious Kiri likes you." "Y/n you know I don't roll like that." "Come onnn, give him a shot." "Fine." "Speaking of shots you and Sho should come to my club tomorrow night free drinks on me, and bring Kiri. AS YOUR DATE." "Ok ok jeez." "See you then. I gotta go. Bye." "Bye." I walk out the room and head to the living room with Shoto. "Listen Sho I gotta go but come to my club tomorrow night. Drinks are on me. And bring a date. " "Fine. But only cause there's free booze." "Cool." I went back to the hideout any walked inside. "Y/n!!!", Toga screamed as she jumped on me. "I just seen you a hour ago. I gotta tell everybody something but after that meet me in your room."

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