Lets get down to business

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I woke up late, so I threw on a red mini dress and some heels. Then went to my office to prepare for this upcoming meeting. I picked up the phone and called dad. "Hello?" "Dad there's an emergency meeting at 7pm it's currently 4:00 so you have time. I need you and Cas to come to the house." "I can't leave, Jenna is pregnant you know that." "Ok then bring her because the Spanish mafia is getting out of hand and we have to do something about it." I hung up on him. Once I was finished I went to the kitchen for an apple. "Y/n, why are you not in bed with me baby?", Dabi said giving me neck kisses. "No Dabi I'm already littered with hickies, which my dad is going to freak about.", I said pulling away to pour some coffee.

"Your dad's coming?" "Yes, we have an important meeting." "What no we have to go to the hideout Shiggy is having a pissy fit. He keeps blowing up my phone asking why you're not answering your phone." Shiggy called me? I go upstairs to grab my phone off the nightstand. Sure enough he's blowing up my phone STILL. "Hello-" "Where the hell are you." "Heh actually not hell this time." "Funny, baby bring Dabi and toga back. I'm bored and we have done nothing to get All Might." Did he just call me baby? "Uh me and Dabi can come but toga is staying at the mansion with her boyfriend. Doesn't look like she's leaving anytime soon." "Bring him too." "No! I'm sorry for that, he's not coming. I'm not bringing him into the villain life." "Fine, little devil, just you and Dabi then." "Okay we're kinda busy right now, but we'll be there tonight if that's ok with you." "Fine." I ended the call and turned to see Dabi leaning on the door frame. "Shiggy is being weird." "When is he not." "True. He wants us to come stay at the hideout for a bit. He says he's bored."

"What that gotta do with us?" "I guess we're the entertainment." Dabi rolled his eyes and left the room. I went to go feed Ace. "Ace!", I called for him. He came running from the patio. "Good morning puppy. Are you hungry?" I put food in his bowl and gave him water. "Dabi!" "Yes princess?" "Is Keigo here yet?" "Yeah he just pulled up." "Good. Have everyone go to my office for the meeting." "Ok." I called my dad once again. "Hel-" "Dad I told you to be here with Cas and Jenna 3 hours ago! Where the fuck are you?!" "Right here." I turned to see them coming in. "Finally." We all went to the office and I began the meeting. "As some of you may know Luciano wants to break the treaty agreement. We were supposed to meet yesterday and speak about a compromise, but he didn't show. Instead he blew up a warehouse and killed over 200 of my men. Luca and Cas I need you to set up a meeting and see what he wants." "Yes ma'am." "Ok so how much stuff was destroyed in the explosion?" "Not much, most of the drugs were already shipped out. There was only about 2 grand worth of damage to the shipments." "Well that's good I guess. Cas do you think you can make a backup plan to take this bastard down?" "Of course."

"Father is there anything else you want to speak on in this meeting?" "No I think you did a pretty good job." "Ok you all may go on about your day." Everyone was leaving. "Aye, Pretty bird!", I called to Keigo before he left. He turned and made his way to me. "Yes?" "Do you think you can watch him for me?" He nodded. "Send all reports to me don't tell anyone." "Ok." I went to Nate's room and knocked on his door. "Hey tell toga to get dressed I'm coming in!" I opened the door and he was on the game. I smirked, "That's new." I turned to see toga pouting on the bed. "He won't pay attention to me." "I think I got something for that Cmon." She followed me to my room. I went and found one of the lingerie sets I bought the other day.

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