Birthday Sex 😏

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There may or may not be mature content in this chapter🙃.

Dabi POV:
I woke up early so I decided to make Y/n breakfast. When I walked in the kitchen I seen the annoying bird brain playing video games with Nate on the couch. "Why are you here?" "Aww what's wrong? Miss me?" "Hell no." "I came to talk business with Y/n." "Okay." I went to the kitchen and began cooking. I wasn't paying attention but out the corner of my eye I seen Nate trying to steal a piece of bacon. I popped his hand. "Hey!" "Do not eat your sister's bacon, she'll have me burn you alive." "Tch. Whatever." "You and bakugo would be such great friends." I turned and did the last finishing touches on the food. "Okay the rest of the food is for everybody else I guess.", I say as I carry Y/n's plate to her room.

"Rise and shine princess, today is your day." "Go away.", she groaned as she threw a pillow. "Cmon get up, I  made breakfast."  "Ugh, fine." I handed her the plate and headed to the door. "Heyy, come back.", she whined. I came and sat beside her on the bed while she fed me bacon. "Happy birthday babe." "Thank you Dabi." When she finished her food I went downstairs to put her plate away. On the way back up I seen toga and Nate making out on the couch. "Bro wtf. Do you like getting yelled at? Get a room, she's awake and she'll kill us all. Toga twice is gonna be pissed." "No he's not, might wanna watch him he's into that hero Endeavor's kid, Fuyumi." "WHAT?! Breathe, Dabi, breathe. It's fine. Everything's totally fine." I ran upstairs. "Babe hawks wants to talk business with you, I'm gonna drive one of the ATVs down the trail out back to clear my head." "Okay be safe."
I went downstairs and found hawks sitting on the counter eating bacon. "Get off my counter bitch, we eat there.", I said as I pushed him off the counter. "Damn, happy birthday." I glared at him. "Ok then." "What do you want hawks?" "Your dad sends money to this private school down the road, Nate should fit in just fine there." "Ok. Is that all?" "Yeah, uh, Demetrius will be at the club tonight." "What?! Shit. Shit!" "I know, I know." "This can't be a coincidence why the fuck would he be at MY club on MY birthday!" "Well I kinda invited this girl and she just so happens to be his sister." "Hell no. AMARI?! Are you serious?" "Sorry,  y/n. " "You know what? It's cool, I'm gonna avoid them and have a good day." I walked out and decided to take ace for a walk while I looked for Dabi. I walked down the trail until I heard grunting and shit breaking. "Dabi you good?"

"Yeah." "Are you sure because your punching trees when I have a whole gym." "It's your brother. He's messing around with toga and he knows I can't keep secrets from you. Plus, toga is like my little sister. No matter how much I wanna strangle him for touching her, he's still your brother." "We'll how about I do it for you." I say picking up ace and stomping torwards the house. "Y/n wait!" I stopped and turned to Dabi chasing me. "How about we just let it play out and see what happens?"

"Ugh, fine. But they will not be "doing it" up in here."  "Oh I know. Because then I'll kill them both." We laughed and walked back to the house. "Dabi, can you call everybody down please?" "Sure thing, love. ALRIGHT EVERYBODY GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE! NATE AND TOGA, YOU TOO! STOP EATING EACH-OTHER'S FACES AND COME ON!" Everyone ran downstairs, including keigo. Toga's face was red as a tomato, "Why are you still even here?" "A lot of shit go down in this bitch it's like watching tv." I rolled my eyes and walked up to toga and grabbed her arm. "Everybody stay put, we'll be back", I said giving a sweet smile. I pulled her to my room and locked the door. "Sit." She sat at my desk.

"Toga your like one of my best friends and I love you, but I love my family more. If you hurt my brother in any way I will burn you to a crisp and find you a replacement.", I said igniting my hand into purple flames. "I understand." "Good now cmon they're waiting for us. "Ok." We went back downstairs and she practically flew behind Dabi thinking he's gonna help. I gave her a smirk, "Aww, look the poor thing's practically shaking. It's cute you think he can and will save you." , I said tilting my head. "Now get off my boyfriend." Almost immediately, Dabi pushed her away from him.

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