Fuck You

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I woke up to someone wiping my face with a wet towel. I looked to see it was Dabi. "You did so great baby.", he smiled. I rolled my eyes, "Fuck you." "Don't act like that." He kissed my forehead. "What do you want to name them?" "We should same our son Sacreed because he will be respected. You can name the girl" "I think we should name her Kyra." "It's beautiful."

I got up out of the bed. "Damn how long was I out?" "Three days, but your dad said it was normal." I nodded, "Where are they?" "In the living room with your parents." We leave my room and go downstairs where they were. "They're beautiful." "Just like you.", Dabi kissed my head as he passed me Sacreed.

He has my curly hair with a white stripe almost like a skunk and Dabi's blue eyes with a hint of my brown. He looks at me curiously. "Hi Sacreed, I'm your mama and it's so great to finally meet you. I vow protect you and your sister with my life." I kissed his forehead and he smiled. Like he really smiled AT ME.

I passed him to Dabi and seen that Jenna had Kyra. "Can I hold her please?" "Of course." She passed her to me and I could just die, she's so adorable. She looks just like me. She has my darker skin and my curly hair and brown eyes, but she also had white highlights in her hair.

"Dabi, why do my children have white hair." "Y/n my hair is white." "No your hair is black." "Actually I dye my hair." He ran to the kitchen, rinsed his hair out, and came back with WHITE HAIR. "WHAT. THE. FUCK. Is there anything else you forgot to tell me?" "You've literally met my family, they have white hair." "Yeah but I didn't know you had white hair."

"I swear I told you." "I think I'd remember if my boyfriend told me something that important don't you think?", I said raising a brow. "Well, surprise I have white hair." "No duh." He rolls his eyes. I looked down at Kyra, "Your daddy is an idiot. Yes he is." I cooed at he and she giggled. I got my baby to smile. "Hey!", he whined.

"Sacreed looks just like you, y'all are basically twins. Why'd you have to have white hair Kyra was almost my twin.", I pouted at him. He kissed the pout of my lips, "Baby, she literally has your attitude." Kyra looked at him with a frown, "Yeah Dabi, what is that supposed to mean." "That is precisely my point, look at the both of you." She looked at me and I looked at her. "At least she's smart like me. She practically understands every word you're saying."

He rolls his eyes at me and she giggles. "Omg I'm in love!" I began to shower her with kisses and she just giggled. She reached up and touched my nose. Omg I'm literally dying of happiness.

"Okay that's enough.", he scooped her out of my arms and put her in the crib with Sacreed. I gasped when he got in bed and cuddled me. "Did you just deprive me of my daughter's affection?" "Yes, because she was depriving me of my love's affection.", he positioned himself laying on my chest. I rolled my eyes, "You're so corny." He pinched my side, "Shut up."

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