5 Days

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"We have exactly 5 days before my 'mother' comes to steal my children to give them to her lord." "Y/n your mom is dead." "Yeah, that's what you keep telling me but she's not. She came to me today through a mirror and told me she sold their souls to him because she couldn't sell mine." "Fucking bitch." "Exactly. I don't give a rat's ass what has to be done she's not taking my children. Starting right now we are at war."

Everyone nodded and started preparing. I carried the twins to their room and put them in the crib. I sang to them as they fell asleep. "No one is ever going to take you from me." I went to the kitchen and got salt. I poured it around the crib and started a protection spell. I sat on the floor and began to silently chant.

"Y/n what are you-" "Shh Dabi I'm focusing." The salt lit on fire with my purple flames and turned black. I opened my eyes and seen Dabi watching me. "This room is protected, anything that comes this way with bad intentions shall perish." I got up and  placed a kiss on their heads.

"Dabi let's go. We need all the help we can get." He grabbed my hand and I teleported us to the hideout. "Shit!", Shiggy spat out his drink. "Come back for more?", he said with a smirk. "Calm yourself.", Dabi growled. I walked to Shiggy and looked in his eyes. "We need your help." "Anything for you, love." I took a step back, "We are at war. In 5 days my mom will come with an army to try to take the twins and I'm not goin to let that happen. She sold their souls to her lord and declared war between heaven and hell. Are you and the league willing to help us fight?"

"Well of course we are. Like I said before, anything for you, love." "Thank you, everyone is at the mansion training and preparing if you'd like to join us." "Do I get to see the twins?" "Of course you were our next stop today ,but, well you know what happened."

He nodded and called the rest of the league. I opened a portal and watched  them walk through to the mansion. Once everyone made it through I closed the portal and walked out the hideout.

As I walked down the alley Dabi called me. "Hello?" "What the hell are you doing?" "Walking." "What the fuck do you mean you're walking? Where?" "Does it matter? I'll be there in a bit." I hung up.

I walked out the alley and down the street when I seen my teacher. I quickly extended my wings and flew to Hawks's balcony. I looked around and I didn't see anyone.

I opened the balcony door and let myself in. I seen one of his feathers on the floor and picked it up. I sat on the bed and looked at it. "Let's see how far you are." I lightly ran my finger through the feather.

"Ohh my goddd." He was at the door. I walked up and opened it. "Did you just fucking moan?" "Give me that." He snatched his feather and I silently giggled. "It's not funny!" "Sorry... sorry." By now I'm gasping for air. "I'm sorry. I just..I didn't know you were so sensitive." He rolled his eyes. "Yes you did." "Ok I did, but it was a little funny."

"Why are you here Y/n?" "I need your help." He raised a brow at me. "My mom is trying to take the twins." "Y/n your mom is dead." "No she's not, if I don't give them to her in 5 days there will be a war and I'm not letting her take them." "Let's do it." I smiled at him. "Thank you." "Mhm, now get out.", he said pointing at the balcony.

I raised a brow at him. "What?" I took a deep breath. "Who do you think you are?" "What?" "You don't dismiss me, I leave when I want. It's time to grow the fuck up Hawks, stop being a little bitch." "A little bitch?! Me?" "Yes, you. It's not fair for you to be mad at me. I just want a family!" "He cheated on you and you just fell right back into his arms!"

"My children deserve a father! I understand you're upset with me and I know you have feelings for me but cmon Hawks, we both know it would never work. So yes I took him back but I never fell into his arms! Me and you both know I'm better than that. I don't need a man for shit! And if you're gonna continue to shove this shit in my face then maybe I don't need you either. We have 5 days, come or don't I really don't give a fuck anymore."

I jumped off the balcony and flew around the city for a bit. I landed on the roof of the hide out and looked at the stars. A lone tear slipped down my cheek. "Y/n." I sniffed and stood in place. "I'm really not up for a fight right now Aizawa maybe next time." I never turned to face him. I kept my eyes focused on the busy streets. I heard his footsteps come near me. "Neither am I." "Then why are you here?"

I eased back down and sat on the ledge. "I came to see my star pupil." I side eyed him with a scowl. "Star what? You never even liked me and I'm sorry teach but I think you've gotten a little to old to try to arrest me. So, again, why are you here?" "I came to check on you and by the look of things something's wrong. So, talk to me."

I looked at him teary eyed. "Life is just so hard. I fell in love only for him to cheat and leave me pregnant with twins. I sought out help from a friend but he's in love with me as well and was furious when I gave my children the option of having a father. On top of that I have to keep my reputation, run a business, go on missions, have time to heal, and take care of my kids. Then on top of that my dead mom comes back and threatens my kids life. I just- I have so much on my plate and so much is expected of me. I can't grasp it all."

By now I'm sobbing. Wtf am I doing venting to a hero. He doesn't give a fuck about me. "Sounds like quite the roller coaster." "You have know idea." I sniffed and held myself while I watched the lights of the busy city. "Want to know what I think?" I snickered, "I'm sure you'll tell me."

He looked at me and smiled, "I think you're a beautiful strong independent woman. You have grown so much from adolescence. You have learned so many things that I couldn't teach you and you have no idea how proud I am of the woman you've become. And how happy I am to be able to say I was your teacher. You may have dropped out and choose a different path but you're still my student and I believe in you to do what's right and better you future."

He hugged me while I cried. "You always knew what to say." "It's my job. I'm here to encourage you and ease you into part of the world. The rest is up to you." "You always were my favorite student." "I know. Now go and get it done." "Thank you Mr. Aizawa." "Of course y/n."

I got up and created a portal to the mansion. "Don't be a stranger!" I heard Aizawa yell. "I'll try.", I muttered under my breath as I walked through the portal.I ran up the stairs once again to check on my babies. I leaned on their doorway and watched them sleep. Dabi came up behind me and kissed my shoulder. "We'll beat her." "I know."

Let's get this bitch.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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