The Crying

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I awoke to Sacreed screaming bloody murder! This kid it's gonna stress me out. "Hi, my handsome boy. What's the matter?" I picked him up and cooed at him. He eventually stopped crying and just sucked on his thumb staring at me with those beautifully mixed blue brown eyes.

I started to hum to him as I rocked him back to sleep. After 10 minutes of rocking he was finally asleep in his crib. The second I was about to leave their room Kyra started wailing tears and in the process waking Sacreed which made him start crying too.

"Shh please. Please stop crying!" Dabi peeked his head in. "Woah, what's wrong, love?" "The crying, it just won't stop." My breathing started to become quick and short, I was on the brink of having another panic attack. "Breathe,baby, breathe. Please don't cry we can handle this." He picked up Kyra and motioned for me to pick up Sacreed.

They stopped crying. "What the f-" "Love, please not around the children." "You're right I'm sorry."
We rocked them until they fell back asleep and put them in their crib. "Thanks Dabi, I don't know what I'd do without you.",I said on the way out their room.

"Y/n, are you okay?" "I don't know. I just feel like I'm doing this all wrong." "Doing what wrong? Baby, talk to me." "I don't think they like me. All they do is cry. It's a miracle you got them to stop." "No love, it's a miracle we got them to stop."

I looked up at him teary eyed and he grabbed my hand. "Baby, you're an amazing mother you don't give yourself enough credit. We're still new to this and being a mom isn't easy." "They hate me.", I sob. He pulled me into an embrace, "They love you. How could they hate you you're their mother." "Dabi, I'm scared. I don't know how to be a mom. My mother died giving birth I never had a mother to learn from and look up to."

"It's okay, love. You're not alone, my dad was pretty shitty." I nod, "Yeah he is pretty shitty." He laughed at me and that caused me to smile. He lifted my chin for me to look at him and kissed me. "I love you." "I love you too.", I said grinning back at him.

We just stood there outside the twins' room holding each other as we watch them sleep.

I heard the front door slam shut. "I'm gonna kill them.",I groaned quickly making my way down the stairs. I can hear Dabi shut the twins' door and hurriedly follows behind me. I continue to speed down the stairs to see who was disturbing my peace and it was Nate.

"Why the fuck would you come in here slamming doors knowing that there a newborns up there?!", I yell pointing upstairs. "Why are you screaming at me when there are newborns up there?", he shot back at me nonchalantly. I narrowed my eyes and launched myself at him.

Dabi caught me before my fist could connect to his face. "Love, calm down." I raise my brow at him and he immediately let me go. I took one step back and punched Nate square in his jaw. "Fuck!" I took a breath while he was holding his jaw. "Now why are you here?" "I came to see my niece and nephew."

Dabi came up and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. "They're upstairs probably awake, which is your fault by the way, and they're probably cranky from lack of sleep. Also your fault." He rolled his eyes and strolled upstairs.

Dabi kissed my neck. "Love, you've been snappy all day let's go upstairs and relax.", he said grabbing my hand and pulling me to my room. 

We made it to the room and I stripped the whole way to the bathroom. I started the shower and pouted in the mirror, while waiting for the water to heat. Dabi slowly walked up behind me and kissed my shoulder.

"I can heat that water for you...", he whispered. I side eyed him in the mirror. "..or not." I rolled my eyes and headed to the shower, but Dabi grabbed me and held me against the wall by the throat.

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