See you in hell

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Lucifer's pov:
"Shoto is this true?" "Yes sir." I looked at the so called hero in front of me. "How do you do that?" "Do what?" "How do you call yourself a hero?" "Listen here, bud, she is mine, I will kill those kids, and I will kill her if she ever refuses me again."

I snickered, "Bud? Seriously? Okay, maybe I just look a little different you don't recognize me. Do I need to be a bit" I smiled and turned into my true demon form releasing my horns, tail, and wings. His flames went out. He looked so shocked. "Y-you're the-" "Devil? Yes, I'm Lucifer himself. King of the underworld." "S-so y/n is your daughter."

"My most prized creation." "Oh god." "God can't help you now." I did I small spell that will only take a couple years off his life span, but made sure it would feel like he's dying. "I'll see you in hell.", I said while making my portal home to go check on y/n.

Y/n's pov:

I lied in bed with Dabi watching him and the twins go back and forth. They are currently arguing because they keep kicking Dabi every time he lies down on me. "Baby, cut it out they're just messing around." "But, they kicked me." "Aww my poor baby."

I turned to my other side and wrapped his hands around my stomach. "I'm not a fucking baby.", he mumbled. "I know." He rubbed my stomach,"Do you think he's gonna kill him?" "Nope. Not while knowing he has a family, but when he does die, he's gonna suffer." "Well, hell is not meant to be fun." "It's fun for us." "You're the princess of hell, you're immortal." I turned facing him, "You could be too. " "What?"

"Well our children would be immortal and I'm immortal so would you like to be immortal too?" "That would be nice." "Before I do. I need you to verify the you will not hurt me again. I can give you immortality, but to have the same status as me, the twins, and my family I need to know I can trust you. Doing this is like marriage. You must be willing to stay with me. You can't leave."

"I won't. I understand this is a big step and it's very important, but trust me, there is no one I would much rather spend my life with than you. I love you, Y/n. Only you, always and forever." "Always and forever." 'Do it', my dad mind linked. 'Did you hear?' 'Yes i was about to knock. I'm right outside. Do it.'

'I can't get hurt again.' 'You won't. He loves you. Go for it. I'm gonna go and visit Nate.' 'I would call first he might be a bit...busy.' 'Like father like son.' 'Eww.' I looked to Dabi. He looked at me in confusion.

"My dad says you're ready. When I do this we are locked in for life. It will change you and your quirk you will have more power, but I will have all the power if that makes sense." "I would be really powerful but you will always be able to be in control?" I nodded, "Are you sure?"

He kissed my forehead, "I'm sure." I got up and went to my closet, grabbed some rope, and tied him to the bed. "Y/-" "I know, but it might hurt so I'm going to please you." I straddled him. Kissing and grinding on him. I kept kissing all the way do his neck then I marked him.

He started pulling at his restraints but I had to let the venom sink in. I licked the mark sealing it and leaned down kissing him again. "Sorry love." I kissed his jaw and worked my way down to his chest. "Y/n please." I went down and removed his dick from his pants massaging it. "Please." "Begging already?" I tilted my head and smiled. "My mark has already changed you." "Fuck." He threw his head back as I sucked him off.

"You gotta try harder than that baby." "Y/n, please untie me." "No." I removed my clothes and sat on his dick. "Omg." "Fuck Y/n." I started bouncing and grinding slowly. Dabi started tugging on his restraints harder, then he got the idea to heat his body and burn the rope.

He flipped us so that he's on top and starts kissing my neck. "You never let me have fun.", I whined. He shushed me and big my neck as I did his. "Fuck!" He licked it sealing the mark. "There now we're even."

"I love you.", I said as a purple color shimmered across my eyes. "I love you too.", his was blue like his quirk. This is a sign that the bond has formed. He kissed me, "I feel better already." "Dabi, make love to me.", I whispered to him. He thrusted into me with his hands caressing my body.

It felt euphoric. I never knew it was possible to feel this way about a person. It's like he's a drug and I'm addicted.

Yea so not much explicit stuff in this chapter

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