At the league

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Y/n POV:
We entered the league hideout, immediately I saw Shiggy playing a small handheld video game. He looked up and seemed to be pleased to see me. "Y/n it's so nice to have you." " Well I kinda didn't have much of a choice your lapdog here put up a good fight, and the name's Misery." I said with a fake smile.  "Of course, misery, show me what you can do."  "Wow, straight the point I see." I created a flame at the tip of my fingers and walked to a wall and wrote '𝓜𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓻𝔂 𝔀𝓪𝓼 𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮"with a smug smirk. Shiggy didn't seem pleased, "Cute. You can manipulate fire well we already have one of those." he said with a roll of his eyes. I laughed, "Your the one that wanted me." But I decided to show them the rest of my abilities and use second quirk I  ejected my wings and my tail whipped around on the ground. "I can also emit them into flames."

"Impressive your like a little phoenix. Your in." "Great!! Now can I go home now." I said glaring at Dabi. "Home?" He chuckled, "Your not going anywhere. This is your home now." "Ughh what is your problem you wanted me to join the league. I joined the league what else do you want from me." "I want you." He said with a seductive grin as he stroked my hair behind my ear. We made eye contact and I got butterflies. No, feelings bad. What is happening to me omg. "Fine, where will I sleep then." "In Dabi's room of course." "Excuse me what. "I said surprised. "You heard him. Your all mine." he said with a smile. That smile omg the BUTTERFLIES.

  Y/n get it together what is your problem. "Ok then lead the way hotshot."  He smiled then walked down a dark hallway to a room with the name 'Dabi' burned on the door. I gotta say it's nice I wasn't expecting it to be clean. "Imma go take a shower" "Ok Princess." I walked down the dark hallway until I found a bathroom. I found a towel and got in the shower. The water felt great on my exhausted body, then someone came in the bathroom. "Someone's in here!" I yelled. "Relax Princess it's just me." He enters the shower with me and I instantly cover myself. "What's wrong Princess." "Oh idk maybe the fact that you came into my shower time uninvited."


Sorry Princess I just couldn't help myself."  He pressed me up against the wall and kissed me. It felt so good. He began to kiss me on my neck and a soft quiet moan escaped from my lips. "Did I just hear a moan?" He said with a seductive smirk on his face. I covered my mouth to stop the moaning but he took my hand away from my mouth. "I wanna hear you as I destroy your body marking you as mine." I nodded. "Use your words baby girl." "Ook." He then kissed me again, " Be a good girl and get on your knees for daddy." Ahhhhhh. Omg this man is so fine he's just ughhh. I got on my knees and became face to face with his big ass 9 inch dick. "Damnnnn." I said as I began to lick the tip in a teasing manner. "Ahhh fuck.", he moaned. I began to lick from the base all the way back up to the tip. I wrapped my mouth around his huge dick and began to bob my head up and down his shaft leaving him as a moaning mess. He picked me up and carried me to his to his bedroom. He shut and locked the door as he threw me on the bed. He then kissed me and began to lick my body all the way down to my throbbing clit. "Your so wet for me Princess. You taste so good baby." "D-Dabi p-please." I tried to say between moans. "Please what Princess" he said with a seductive grin.

"Don't be a tease. I need you." wanting to feel him inside me. I was ready. "Not yet princess I'm kinda hungry." He went down back to my aching pussy and began to lick my slit inserting a finger. Making me a moaning mess. "Ahh fuuucckk" I was close to reaching my climax then he stopped. "Why" I said in a whine. "Not yet baby I'm not quite though with you yet."He went to the drawer to get a condom, but stopped. "You know what I want to make you all mine" he said with a grim smirk. I looked confused, "Are you tryna impregnate me?" He looked at me with a even grimmer smile and pulled me close to him. Knowing I'm on birth control I really didn't care but he doesn't know that. He was about to put it in when I got scared and said, "Wait!!" "What is it Princess." "I'm a virgin!!" I said nearly crying in complete embarrassment. "It's ok Doll. No need to be ashamed. I'll try to be gentle." "Try?!" I started to tremble.  "Baby I've waited for you for so long. Wanting you, needing you. Now that I have you I just- can't help myself." He said as he put the tip near my already wet pussy. He looked up at me for my approval, I nodded. I gasped in pain.

"Relax Princess it will make this easier." I nodded. He did one slow deep stroke, the pain began to ease into pleasure. He went from slow to fast thrusting my wet pussy. I was a moaning mess and he was too. "D-Dadd-!" I said in a moan before stopping myself. "What was that Princess. Go on you can say it." "Daddy!!" But that just made him more aroused and moved faster to an inhuman speed. "D-Dabi I'm gonna!!" "Me too Princess!" I came on him while he was still stroking me. He pulled out and came on my stomach. He fell on top of me. "We should get cleaned up." I said as I walked to his shower. "Ok baby."
Time skip~After shower
I was putting on clothes but then Dabi stopped me, "What are you doing Princess." He said with a sinister grin. "I'm putting on clothes something you should be doing." I grab one of his oversized shirts and he grabs my hand, "Not so fast. I still wanna see that naked beautiful body of yours." I rolled my eyes, put on the shirt and lied down in the bed he put on clothes and lied down beside me. He looked upset he then looked at me and said, "I don't remember giving you permission to put on clothes Princess." He burned the clothes off my body. "Really?" I said in disbelief. In retaliation I did the same. "Wow so that's what we doing now?" He said laughing a little. "Now we're even, plus I wasn't done looking at those sexy abs of yours." He almost started to blush a little. "Fine. Even." We just lied there all night skin to skin. He was holding me it felt nice, I felt safe. We fell asleep like that.

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