You're What?!

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I woke up to a beeping sound. I looked around to see I was in a hospital. "Good you're awake." I looked to see a doctor come through the door. "Why am I here?" "Well Ms. L/n, last night  you passed out and your friend brought you here. I'm assuming due to stress, which is not good for the baby." Baby?! "What baby?" "Ms. L/n you're 3 weeks pregnant." 3 Weeks?! I frowned trying to figure out how this happened. "I take it by the look on your face you didn't know, well congratulations. Should I notify the father?" "No that won't be necessary, thank you." "Okay, you'll be free to go when your friend gets back." "Thank you." When he left Hawks walked in. "Hey sorry I-" "I'm pregnant." "What?" I stated to cry. "I'm pregnant with his baby." He came up and hugged me. "What am I gonna do?" "Are you keeping it?" I nodded. "Are you gonna tell him?" "No. At least not now, I can't face him." "Okay. Are you ready to go?" "Yes."

               Time Skip 3 Months

I've been staying with hawks for a while now. Dabi has made no effort into contacting me since I left. My belly bump has become pretty big, it's almost hard to hide. "Y/n we have to go see Nate he's getting worried." "Okay let's go." I found out my baby's gender today. "Let's make a stop to surprise Nate since he's gonna find out today anyway." "Okay." We stopped at a shop and I bout a pink and a blue onesie that both say 'I love my uncle.' "He's gonna flip out." We finally made it to the mansion. I opened the door and told Hawks to go find him. While I waited I pulled a blanket over me to hide the bump. 5 Minutes later they came walking in. "Finally." "Y/n where the hell have you been?!" "I needed some time to myself, but I got you something." "I'm not a kid anymore you can't bribe me-" "Shut up and open it." He opened the bag and frowned. "What the fuck am I gone do with baby clothes?"

"Shut up and read them dummy." "Y/n." "Surprise!" I yelled removing the blanket. "Please don't be mad." "I'm not mad I just- wow." "Yeah." I heard a gasp by the stairs and I turned to see toga. "Shit. Hi Toga, how are you?" "Y/n, wow, um I'm great how are you?" "Fantastic." "That's good." "Yeah. Well surprise, I um have to go tell dad now." "Ok, Y/n, be safe and come back. We need you." "I will I just need a little bit more time." They nodded and I used the little energy I had left to make a portal to my bedroom. I had already been sending them clues but I don't think they get it yet. I walked out my room and I heard them in the kitchen. I hurried in and hid my bump behind the island so they couldn't see. "Hi dad." "Y/n, hey when did you get here." "I just got here." "Oh okay. I think you sent us too much baby stuff we don't even know what we're having."

"Um, I have to tell you guys something." "What is it?" "That stuff isn't for your baby. I'm pregnant", I said coming around the island do they can see the bump. "Oh my god.", Jenna gasped covering her mouth. I got a little worried because my dad was quiet. He gave me a hug, "I'm gonna be a grandpa." I started crying nodding my head. "Where's Dabi? I'm gonna kill that fucker for trapping my baby." I shook my head, "There is no Dabi. Hasn't been for a while now." "What happened?" "Angela." "I'm gonna kill that fucker." "I'm gonna kill that bitch.", Jenna said grabbing a knife. "GUYS! Chill. I'm over it he did what he did it's done now." "It doesn't matter that home wrecking bitch needs to be taught a lesson." "Jenna, don't forget you're pregnant with my little brother or sister too." "Fine.", she grumbled putting the knife back. "So what's the gender?"

"It's a girl and a boy." "A girl and a boy? You're having twins?!" "Yep.", I said giggling. They both bent down and rubbed my belly. "Hi babies. Omg I'm too young to be a grandma." "Hi babies, it's your grandpa. I love you both so much." "They love you too." They stood up and looked at each other. "We're gonna be grandparents." "Yes we are." "I better get going, hawks is supposed to be waiting for me." "Okay baby, be safe." "I will." I made a portal into Hawks's guest room. I felt sticky so I took a shower. On my way out I heard movement in my room. I opened the door and seen a figure on the bed. Flames erupted in my hand as I protected my belly.

"Who's there?" "Tell me y/n, is it his baby? Are you fucking him now? Is this some way to get back at me?!" "No Dabi, me and hawks are just friends." "So when were you gonna tell me? Or is it not mine?" "Go away." He got up and walked towards me me. "When. Were. You. Gonna. Tell. Me." "I don't know." "You don't know?", he scoffed. "I hadn't decided yet. I still needed time." "I had the right to know. I shouldn't have to hear from someone else." "I SAID I NEEDED TIME! The shit you pulled nearly hurt them because of how stressed I was. Wondering, 'did he really love me?' 'Why did he do it' 'was I just there to warm his bed' 'was he just using me '."

"Them?" "Yes Dabi them, they're twins. I was gonna tell you but I'm not ready to talk to you." "Baby-" I laughed, "Dabi I'm not your baby." "Y/n you are still mine as I am yours. I came for you and the bird never let me in. I'm sorry about what happened it was a stupid mistake. One that I'll never make again." "Sorry doesn't fix my broken heart Dabi. Now get the hell out." "I'm still their father." "Dabi-" He got on his knees, "Baby please just- just give me one more chance I won't fuck up I promise." "Those are just words." "Baby look at me. I'm on my knees! Baby you're the only one I want. I love you. I never stopped loving you baby, please." I started crying again. Fucking hormones. "I can't Dabi." "Please let me take care of you, all of you. Baby it's just us against the world I promise." "I'm gonna regret this." ,I grumbled as I ran into his arms.

"My parents hate you.", I whispered into his chest. "I kinda already figured that." I shoved him away, "If you hurt me again i'm gonna cut your dick off and shove it down your throat." He embraced me again, "I know princess." "I mean it Dabi, three strikes you're out. For good." "It'll never happen again." "And you had the nerve to call me a whore.", I rolled my eyes and waddled down the hallway to the living room. "You can leave now." "You're not coming back?" "Nope." I grabbed the remote and turned on Dinosaur Train. "Baby-" "Ah.", I put my hand up to shut him up. "I might have stupidly taken you back, but that doesn't mean i'm coming back." I heard bags fall by the door. "Shit." "You took him back?" "Hawks. I- Yes I did." "So these 3 months were nothing to you?" "Hawks i'm sorry but my kids deserve a father." I walked up to him and attempted to give him a hug. He grabbed my face and made me look in his eyes. Shit- those eyes.

"What about us?" "What about us?" He kissed me. He leaned his forehead against mine. "You know what I mean Y/n. What about us?" "Hawks don't. I already told you this could never work. I could ruin you, you're a-" "Look me in my eyes and tell me you don't feel for me." "Please." "Look at me!", he exclaimed. "Dabi. Leave." "Y/n you've got to be kidding!" "Go home." "It's not a home without you!" "Please." He shook his head in disbelief and stormed out the house not forgetting to bump into Hawks' shoulder. "Hawks, i've always felt something for you and I do especially after hanging out with you more these months, but you know I can't. You'll be ruined. 'Hero hawks dating the UA drop out' oh and 'She's also pregnant with the villain, dabi's, twins'. Please don't hate me. I love you I do but I love dabi and the thought of having a family more." "Get out." "I'm going to go stay with my parents, text me when you need me. You really are my best friend." "I don't wanna be your friend y/n!" "Bye PB." I walked to the guest room, grabbed my shit and went back to my parents house. I cried the whole night and dabi was constantly blowing up my phone.


ihate:So you want him now?

what does he mean 'these 3 months'?

so you're ignoring me again?


Baby im sorry just please talk to me.

Are you ok?

Leave me alone

*Ring* *Ring* Of course he does the complete opposite.

"I said leave me alone." "And I said talk to me. So baby talk to me." "What do you want dabi?" "You." "Well obviously you wanted Angela more. Leave. Me. Alone." I hung up and turned my phone off leaving me alone to my thoughts.

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