What is love?

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When I woke up Nathan was gone. I went to the bathroom to take a shower. "Alexa play what is love." "Playing what is love." After my warm shower I walked out to get dressed. When I made it to my room I saw Dabi sitting on my bed. I rolled my eyes, what are you doing here?" He waved my phone around, "You weren't answering my calls or texts." "How did you get here?" "I called your dad." "You did what?!" "I had to see you. Baby I'm sorry. I didn't mean it I was just so mad and when you kept talking to him alone I just figured something was up." "Yeah well sorry doesn't change the fact you called me a whore and didn't trust me."

"I know, and baby I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you and I didn't even know what I was saying before it came out and I regret it so bad. Baby, I love you too. Your my Princess and your never a fool for loving me. I will never let jealousy get me so blinded again." "Promise?" "Promise." He came up and gave me a kiss. I broke the kiss and grabbed him by his collar, "Don't you EVER call me out my name again." He smirked at me, "Yeah ok." He got closer and whispered in my ear, "But we all know you are MY little cum slut." Then he kissed me on the cheek. "I hate you." "You love me." "Get out." "Huh?" "Get out, I gotta change." "Nothing I haven't seen before." "Okay." I got grab a pink cropped hoodie and some  jeans and go to the bathroom. "No fair." I hear him whine behind the door. "Hmph, big baby." 

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When I was done Dabi was still pouting on the bed

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When I was done Dabi was still pouting on the bed. "You act worse than Nate when he can't go to the park." "I'm glad your betrayal is soo funny." "Grow up. Aye umm I'm staying here until tomorrow morning. I have to go see Bakugo." "Your not coming home?" "I am home." "I know this is home , but like our home. The hideout. With me." "Negative." "Baby I already apologized what else do you want from me? I'll beg." "Omg. Cool it." "I'm only staying here because I wanna spend a little time with my family. After I visit Bakugo i'm coming back." "Okay" I go out to find Nathan. "Nate?" "I'm in here!", he shouted from his play room. "Hey buddy. What happened? Why'd you leave me?" "Daddy said to come play with my new train, see?" Aww, he bribed my baby.

"Well dad is gonna get beat up." "Wanna scare him tonight?" "Do you really need an answer to that?", I said as he giggled at me. I heard a knock on the door and seen Dabi in the corner, "Nathan guess what?" "What?" "Dabi's back." As I said that Dabi stood in the doorway. "Dabi!", he screamed as he excitedly ran into Dabi's arms. "Hey, you took my spot.", I whined. Next thing I knew Dabi put Nathan in one arm and lifted me in the other. "Dabi put me down." "Y'all can share." "Nope. I don't want you anymore.", I say as I shimmy myself down. "What?" Before he could catch me I sprinted out the door into my room and locked it. "Y/n!" "Nope.", I yelled back giggling. "Let me in." He started knocking on the door. "No." "Let me in or your gonna need a new door." I hurried and opened the door. "My dad is gonna kill us both if you mess up this door." "I know, I just wanted you to open it." He grabbed my hips and kissed me, "Your not leaving me." "Oh but I did. You left me for my brother.", I fake pouted and crossed my arms. "I'm sorry Princess."

"Nope, get off." He picked me up, threw me on the bed, and locked the door. "What are you doing?" "Apologizing." "Oh really?" "Yeah." He came up to me and kissed me. "I know what you're trying to do." "Oh really?" "Yeah." "Is it working?" "Maybe." I grabbed his collar and kissed him, but just as things were about to get heated there was knocking on the door. "Heyyy, you guys left mee. ", my brother whined from outside the door. "Nate help Dabi's tryna kidnap mee!" Immediately after I said that Nate kicked down the door. "Let her go!" "Woah!" Nate's body erupted in green flames. This can't be real. "Nathan your like 6 wtf!" "Y/n help me.", Nathan says  as he starts crying. "Ok ok shh baby it's gonna be ok." I walked up to him and hugged him, ignore the burning flames. "Dabi go get my dad." Dabi hurried out to go get my dad and I carried Nathan to my shower and drenched him in cold water.  Right after he cooled off Dabi came rushing back with Jenna and my dad. "MY BABY!", they both yell as they rush to Nathan. "Yeah cool, I'm fine too. I totally didn't just carry your son that was erupted in green flames all the way the the shower." I say with a eye roll.

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