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I was half asleep when I felt the babies kicking I looked down and seen Dabi with his head on my stomach whispering to them. "I love you too, but you have to stop kicking or you're gonna wake mommy. I can't wait to meet you, I promise to be the best father I could possibly be and be a better dad than my old man was." He started rubbing my stomach, "It's not good to eavesdrop love." "Oh really?" "Yeah." "Well i'm sorry it was just too cute to look away."

He came up from my stomach and cuddled me again giving me a quick peck. "I love you." "I love you too." "You know you never talk about them." He gave me a confused look. "Your family, I mean. You've met mine, but you never talk about yours." He looked down, "I have two younger brothers and a sister. I'm the eldest son of the pro hero Endeavor." "Wait what? I didn't know Shoto had another brother." "You know him?" "Yeah. Shoto's my best friend, I used to be close to your whole family including your father. He was nice to me and I didn't know why up until the point where he tried to force me to marry him and nearly raped me. The only thing that stopped him was Shoto, he helped me. Then at UA I had a mix-up with my quirk and I accidentally hurt Shoto. Your dad was beyond pissed, he vowed to kill me that day. Ever since I've been running from him and hiding under my mask."

"That bastard." "Yeah, your dad's a asshole. So how come I didn't know about you?" "My old man was never a great father, he never loved us he just wanted one of us to bypass All Might. He was cruel and pushed us pass our limit. Shoto was the golden child and when he didn't meet his expectations I took his beatings for him. One night I couldn't take anymore, I got mad and my quirk got out of control. I faked my death and ran until Shiggy found me and we built the league together."

"I'm so sorry." "It's not your fault." "Would you like to meet him?" "Who?" "Shoto, I'm sure he misses you and I kinda have to tell him i'm pregnant, which is more important now that I know he's an uncle of our children." "Y/n I don't know, i'm not exactly a good-" "You're perfect and if this is about you being a villain he would understand. He knows i'm a villain and he still accepts me." "Fine." "Great get ready lets go." "What?" "Let's go." "Wait. What about that Bakugou kid?" "What about him?" "I kidnapped him remember?" "Oh yea... I'm sure he's over it and if he's not he will be. Fast." "Ok."

Time skip

I opened the door to the apartment with dabi close behind me. "Dabi can you call them down, its funny when you're mean?" "You want me to be mean to people who don't know me?" "Yeah I wanna make Bakubro mad." "Fine. HEY ASSHOLES, GET OUT HERE NOW!" "WHO. THE FUCK. DO YOU THINK YOU ARE.",Bakugo growled coming out of my room AGAIN. "Bakubro seriously?! We talked about this.", I whined. "Y/n? What the fuck is going on?" "Shoto. Hi. I need to talk to you guys." We all sat on the couch. "Who the hell is he?", bakugo spat. "This is my boyfriend, Dabi." "Dabi?!" Bakugo stood up ready to strike at him. "BOOM BOOM BOY I SWEAR TO SATAN HIMSELF IF YOU HURT MY BOYFRIEND I'LL KICK YOUR ASS, NOW SIT THE FUCK DOWN!" He let out a tch and sat back in his seat. "Today is supposed to be a good day for all of us, but Kacchan I can and will make yours hell. Now as I was saying, guys, this is my boyfriend. I expect you to treat him with respect and be NICE. Because we have something to tell you."

I lifted my hoodie and showed them my belly bump. "i'm pregnant." "YOU KNOCKED HER UP TOO?! IM GONNA KILL YOU." I released my wings and erupted my body into flames, "No you will not, im trying to share this with you and you're being an asshole! I know exactly what this is about and it's certainly not about him being a villain." "I'm sorry." "I know, now can we please be happy. Bakugo I would like you to be the god father of my son. I know you will teach him everything he knows to be a great hero, people may not see it behind your stupid attitude and mean exterior but you're a good person and one hell of a friend with a good heart. Shoto you are their uncle. i'm having twins." I grabbed Dabi's hand.

"Uncle?" "My real name is Toya Todoroki, son of Endeavor, your eldest brother." "You can't be. Y-you died, I saw it." "It was a lie, I had to leave I couldn't stay there and let dad treat me like that, so one night my quirk got out of control from over use and I accidentally set my room on fire. When I did I figured it was best to fake death and run." "So you just left me?" "No, I was always there. I watched you do everything I couldn't. I even came to the sports festival, you were amazing. It was fun until you humiliated my girl on live tv.", He said glaring at Katsuki.

I snickered and shook my head remembering that day. "But I suppose I should thank you." Bakugo looked shocked, "Thank me?" "Yes, if you wouldn't have actually rejected her and gave her a chance she wouldn't have become a villain and give me chance after chance. So thank you for being an asshole." Bakugo snarled. "I'm kidding. Kinda. Also thank you little bro for watching over my girl and keeping her out of trouble."This is getting weird. "Okay enough bullshitting around, Sho can you call Natsuo and Fuyumi? I'm sure they would like to see him and know about their new niece and nephew."

"Yes, I can alert them." "Okay, I need to go get ready. Dabi do you want to stay here or come back to my parents' house with me." "I'll come with you." "Bye Sho. Bye Katsuki." They both nodded. I grabbed Dabi's hand and opened the door, only to see Endeavor on the other end of it. "Oh shit." I squeezed Dabi's hand tighter, "Excuse me sir we were just leaving." We stepped forward expecting him to let us pass but he didn't. He just smirked, "Well if it isn't the runaway bride." Of course he remembers me. "Excuse me?" "Don't play dumb Y/n." "I'm sorry sir you have the wrong person." "No, I never forget a face. Especially one as beautiful as yours."

"Sir I don't know-" "Cut the bullshit, i'm not dumb." "I can't tell.", I mumbled and Dabi snickered. "You think i'm a joke?!" "Ummm yea." "Listen torch for brains we gotta go so please move." He looked down to my stomach and scowled, "That's supposed to be my child in there. Do you remember what I promised you Y/n? I told you to stay away from my son, I will kill you pregnant or not." "Endeavor, the only reason you're still breathing is for the sake of your family. That's truly why I ran. I'm not afraid of you. I'm more powerful than everyone on this earth combined. So I suggest you move because if you send any harm my way and endanger my children I will kill you on the spot. Shoto if you wish to keep your father tell him to move!"

"Father, leave her alone." "Shut up, boy!", He spat. "Never-mind, i'll just call my dad I don't have time for this." "Y/n please, he doesn't know what he's doing." "Then get him out my way." "Father." "No, she will pay." "Okay , hold on one moment." I dialed my dad's number.

"Hello love."

"Hello father. I'm in a bit of a situation. I can easily handle it, but I don't wanna risk hurting them."

"What's the problem?" My dad showed up next to me. "Father, this is Enji Todoroki. He's Shoto's father and back when I went to UA he tried to force me to marry him and he nearly raped me. While attending UA, I accidentally lost control of my powers and hurt Shoto. Now he's trying to kill me and my babies because he's upset their not his. This is my first time so I don't know exactly what I can and can't do without hurting them. That's why I called you." Dad turned to Enji, "Y/n, you and uh Dan go back to the house i'll meet you there." "Yes father."

I teleported me and Dabi back to my room and we cuddled while we waited for my dad to get back.

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