I like me better when i'm with you

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Dabi pov

"She hung up on me" After y/n started ignoring me I called toga. "She hung up because you're a fucking idiot and she wants to be alone!" "Yea but-" "Dabi it's almost 12 o'clock, shut the fuck up and go to sleep. she agreed to take you back so just give her space she'll come around. Now goodnight i'm going to sleep." "Yea yea goodnight Draculaura." She groaned and hung up on me. I rolled on my back and stared at the stars.

"Dude get tf up and go get in bed, we can get your girl tomorrow." I groaned and rolled my eyes at shiggy. I got up and walked back down the fire escape to my room. "Get out my room." "With that attitude you'll never get her back.", he grumbled on his way out. I lied in bed playing with my fire because I couldn't sleep. I haven't had decent sleep since she left.

I decided to call her again. "Yes Dabi." she sounded annoyed. "Baby please." she let out a huff and hung up on me. I groaned a threw my phone. "Did you just throw your damn phone at me?" I looked over and she was standing there with her hands on her hips with my phone in hand. "Ha ha, Toga not so funny." I grumbled and turned to lay down. Wait toga said she was going to bed. She doesn't even live here anymore. I sat up and looked at her she raised a brow. "Does Toga even still have that blood? Even if she did the blood is old, it would not make her a 'pregnant' me." I smiled and she came and sat on the bed. "I hate to admit it ,but I miss you. And I want my kids to have a da- wait." She hopped up off the bed and gagged. "Did you change the sheets?" "Burned them and if you would've let me explain that video was old." "So you waited 3 months to tell me I was mad about something that was old."

"I tried to explain, but you pushed me out." "What about earlier you let me believe you cheated on me 'It was a mistake it'll never happen again' what was that?" "It was a mistake not blocking her sooner." I just shrugged. "Shit I need you to send me all our old photos. You still have them right? I need more hoodies. Omg i'm so horrible I just left before you could explain. I deleted your very existence from everything." "Baby chill." "She knew wtf she was doing she saw us at the club. Oh. My. God. She broke us up on PURPOSE!" "See nah, in my head we never broke up. So she broke you up on purpose, I'm still on team us." She groaned in frustration. "Cmon baby lets go to bed, its ok. This stress isn't good for the babies." "Yeah no. Is shiggy asleep?" "No. Why would you need to see him?" She just smiled and walked out. What the hell.

Y/N Pov

I walked down to shiggy's room and knocked on his door. "Hey sweet cheeks, I thought I heard that beautiful voice out here." omg he's shirtless. Stay focused. Stay focused. And i'm lost. Dammit Y/n. I finally zone back in and look up to see him smirking. "Baby girl you're drooling." "Hold on one moment." he leans on the door frame with his arms crossed still smirking. "Shit.", I mumble. I marched back to dabi's room. "DABI I WANT A OPEN RELATIONSHIP." He looked at me as if I were crazy. "No." "Then what about a poly?" "Still no." "Then I want a break." "Hell No! You had a 3 month break." "Okay well can we have remake of the last time I was here minus the heart break?" He glared at me.

I walked up to him and kissed his neck. I rubbed my thigh on his dick and he let out a breathy groan. I kissed him fighting for dominance still rubbing his dick. "Please?" "Fine, but don't forget I had you first." I gave him a peck and headed to the door. "Wait what about me?" "This is your punishment." I walked out and sealed the door. I happily skipped down to shiggy's room where he was still standing there with his drool worthy attire. "Love, you're drooling again." he snickered.

I decided to get back at him I snapped my fingers and my clothes shifted to a lingerie set I bought a while back. *The image is above at the very beginning I couldn't put it down here and obviously she doesn't have the garter cs shes prego* "I know i'm not as sexy as I used to be considering I'm now pregnant but-" He cut me off with a kiss. "You're still beautiful baby." "For now.", I grumbled and kissed him back. "You'll always be beautiful in my eyes." He carried me to his bed and sat me on his lap. "As much as I enjoy the view shouldn't you be with dabi." "I mean yeah, but I missed you.", I pouted kissing his neck and grinding my hips down on him.

"Y-y/n." "Hmm?" "No, f-fuck, baby no."  I lay him down and kiss his chest and down his stomach.  "Y/n stop." I stopped and looked up at him. He looked conflicted. Before I knew it there were tears in my eyes. "stupid dabi and stupid belly bump you don't even want me. Nobody's gonna want me, i'm all fat and omg i'm fat." I stood there in the middle of the room balling my eyes out. "Baby, you're not fat. You're bringing life." "No, i'm fat." I threw on sweats and a hoodie and created a portal back  to hell. I can't wait for these 3 weeks to be over so I can get these babies out and I can get my body back. *Pregnancy for her and demons are faster because shes not human*

I walk to the 'park' that I used to play in as a kid. At this time its dark out. I seen a shadow in the ground signaling someone is behind me. I decided to turn down different paths to lose the person behind me. I began to move faster around a corner and flew up into the shadows to see who it was. "Y/n come out sweetheart I know its you. What's wrong?" "Daddy?" I dropped down to see my dad standing there with a bag in his hand. "What are you doing here?" "I had to get Jenna some ice cream, what are you doing here and why are you crying?" I cried harder in his arms. "I-i'm f-.... fa-.... fat."

By now I was hyperventilating. "Baby you're not fat, and even if you were you would still be beautiful. You know why?" "Because I have mom's eyes?" "Hell no, you're beautiful because you're my daughter, my princess. You get all that from me." "Ha! Yea dad." "Now go on back home and handle your business I gotta get back before Jenna chops my dick off." I snickered and opened a portal back to me and Dabi's room. "Bye dad." "Bye love." I stepped in to see dabi pouting on the bed. "Finally you're back." "Yea." "He came bye looking for you." "Yea." "What happened?" "I got insecure and let the hormones take over, but i'm fine now."

"I was thinking about what you said earlier and i'm okay with it if you-" "Nope im fine baby its you and me i'm happy with our family." I gave him a quick peck and lied down in bed cuddling next to him. "I guess I just liked the idea of us all being together, but I like me better when i'm with you. I pecked him again and went to sleep.

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