I-I can't breathe

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I checked the phone and there was an unsaved number. I opened the message hoping it was a mission or something but I was wrong.

Unknown: Hey baby.
D: who is this
Unknown: Cmon baby don't play dumb.
D: I'm not playing dumb
Unknown: *sent video* still don't know who I am?

It was a video of Dabi and Angela fucking in our bed the one I was currently sitting on. I wasn't one to go through someone's phone, I trust them as they should trust me but I scrolled up through their messages that date back to even before I came. I took a deep breath to calm myself but it only made the tears fall. I thought he loved me. I went around the room and grabbed all my stuff packing it into a bag. "What are you doing?" I pushed past him into the bathroom grabbing all my stuff. Once I was done I looked him in his eyes and laughed.

"When were you gonna tell me?" "Tell you what, baby what's wrong?" "Don't 'baby' me." I went and grabbed his phone shoving it in his face. "Your lover texted." He took the phone looking at it. "You went through my phone?!" "That? That is what you get out of all of this?! HOW ABOUT THE FACT THAT YOU CHEATED ON ME WITH MY EMPLOYEE?!" "Baby I-" I put my hand up to stop him. "Don't, I'm done. I'll send you your stuff tomorrow.... or not I might just burn it." I walked out slamming the door. I went to Shiggy's room. "You're in charge of the league again I need some time off." "Y/n are you ok?" "I'm fine." I wiped my tears and walked out the door not sparing Dabi another glance.

I got in my car and called the only person I had left. "Baby bird?" "Hey PB uh, I know it's late but c-can I come over?" "Of course. Park the car wherever and I'll leave the balcony door open." "Ok thank you." I parked in the driveway and flew to the balcony. I kept my head down fiddling with my fingers until he lifted my chin to make me face him. "What happened." I looked at him with teary eyes. "H-he cheated on me." "What?!", he yelled so loud it was almost like a roar. I started crying again and he pulled me into his chest. "Why can't I ever be good enough?", I whimpered.

He hugged me tighter. "Baby, you're perfect." "Apparently not, he had to go to Angela." "Seriously?" "Yep, and there's a video to prove it." "He's an idiot." He lifted my chin once more. Our close proximity causing our lips to barely graze against each other. "If you would've given me a chance I would've shown you how beautiful you are and worshipped you like a queen." "Hawks-" "I know.", He whispered. He kissed me. Why the fuck would he kiss me. Uh oh. I kissed him back. Y/n cut it out. I pulled away. He was scanning my face for any sort of reaction. I didn't give him one. I ran to my room and shut the door. Sleep. That's all I needed right now. So I tried but all I could do was wonder why. I felt so numb. He loved me. So why would he do it? Hawks bursted in my room door. "Y/n are you okay?!" I didn't know I had went into a panic attack. "I-I can't breathe." Then the room went black.

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