The call

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                           Dabi pov:
I woke up to an empty bed. I looked over and y/n was gone. "Y/n" I got up and went to check the bathroom. The door was  cracked, "What's the problem? Tell Keigo to call me, I'll fix it later." She hung up. Why would he call her? Just when I was about to come in she got another phone call. "Hello. Woah, Jenna slow down. What happened? I'm on my way." When I saw her hang up I zoomed back to the bed. She came in after 5 minutes, she looked like she'd been crying. "Are you ok?" "Yeah I'm good uh I gotta go." She changed clothes and walked out. I threw on some sweats and a t-shirt and ran to catch up to her. Where was she going? She doesn't even have her keys. When I made it outside in the ally she disappeared in a pile of flames. "Wtf. " I quickly ran into the fire to try to help but when I made it inside of the fire I was transported to a different place. When I looked to my right y/n was standing right beside me looking at me with wide eyes. "What are you doing here." "Wtf just happened? One second we're in the ally the next we're here." I said looking around. "Shit. Shit shit shit shit shit." She said pacing. "You aren't supposed to be here, you weren't supposed to see, to know. Omg he can't know. He can't see you. You have to go back." "What's going on." "You have to go he will-" "Y/n".

Y/n POV:
What was he thinking following me my dad's gonna freak. Oh shit. Jackson. No. No. No. This is bad really bad. "You have to go he will-" "Y/n." Shit. We froze. I slowly turned around to my dad. "Hi dad." I ran and gave him a hug."Hey Princess. Who are you?"He said as he looked to Dabi."Not now dad." I look to Dabi who looks scared shitless. "Where's Nathan?" "He's at home with Jenna." "Dad this is Dabi he's my friend from Hosu." "Friend?" I gave Dabi a glare to tell him to shut the hell up. "Sorry best friend." I said with a smile. "Hey dad can you give me a moment to talk to my bestie here?" "Sure I'll just be waiting outside." When the door shut I looked at Dabi his eyes looked full of mixed emotions. "Your dad is the king of hell?!" "Yes I know I have a lot of explaining to do but it will have to wait." I quickly changed his clothes. He's wearing ripped jeans a white t-shirt and some white air forces. "Listen before we walk out that door there's something you should know. I'm kind of engaged." I said quickly then I looked down. When I peeked back up at him he looked hurt. "I don't love him. It's an arranged marriage. I kinda don't have a choice." I walked up to him. "But I do love you Dabi. I wanted to say it back last night but I didn't have the energy. I'm gonna tell my dad tonight that's why I came here." I kissed him. "I'm yours Dabi. Exclusively yours." He smiled.

I grabbed his hand and we went to find my dad. When we found my dad we went home when I walked through the door I was tackled by Nathan. "Y/n!" "Nathan! Hi baby." Omg I missed him so much. "Nathan get off your sister your gonna get dirt all on her clothes." "Dirt?" I said worried. "Yea Nathan was playing with Celeste in the garden." "Omg eww. Nathan. Off. Now. You already know I hate dirt. Dabi. Come." We headed upstairs to my room. "Where are you going?" I heard my dad say. "My room to take a shower. You know how much I hate dirt." "Why does he have to go?" I looked at Dabi he gave me a sly smirk. "Because I don't trust you not to kill him while I'm gone." My dad nodded, "Fair". When we made it to my room I shut and locked the door. "Imma take a shower I'll be right back. Don't go downstairs unless you wanna risk losing your life." "Noted." I gave him a quick peck and went to the shower. After my shower I told Dabi to stay in my room while I spoke to my dad. I went downstairs to find him but he wasn't there.

"Jenna where's dad I have something important to discuss with you guys." "He's in the basement Cas got out of hand again. I'll go get him." She ran to the door at the end of the hallway. Great he's torturing Cas, he has to be in a good mood. Jenna came back with my dad and I had them sit down on the couch. "Dad I love you. You are my best friend and I would do anything for you but, I can't marry Jackson this weekend." "Ok well we can move the wedding to next mon-." "No dad your not listening. I can't marry Jackson." At this point I was crying. "Dad I'm in love and I know how crazy it sounds because I've never really been interested in anyone." "In love? What do you know about love?" "Dad that man upstairs in my room right now is the love of my life. I love him and he loves me. I love you and I know what marrying Jackson could do to help strengthen our land but I can't. Not knowing that I have someone who cares about me as much as that man does. Dad I'm happy. Dabi makes me happy." Before I knew it I was swept off my feet. Someone had picked me up and engulfed me in a hug.

I looked down it was Dabi. "I love you too princess. You make me so happy." He put me down.   I looked at my dad then to Dabi scared something was going to happen because of their close proximity, but all dad did was give him a hug. "Wait dad your okay with this theres no argument or anything?" "Of course not, if your happy I'm happy." I ran and gave him a big hug. "But your the one that's gotta break the news to Jackson." "Okay." "He's in the study." "He's here?!" "Yep" "Ughhh come on Dabi we have to do this all over again." I dragged Dabi all the way to the study and told him to wait at the door."Y/n!" He ran up to me and engulfed me in a kiss. Bad move. Before I could say anything Dabi had him pinned to the floor. "Get off her!" "Dabi! Chill.", and just like that he got off him. I pointed to the door, "Hall. Now." As Dabi went outside in the hall I turned back to Jackson, "You. Stay." "I'm not some dog you can just order around." "I'm sorry. You can either stay in here like I said or Dabi, shit maybe even me, can turn your ass to ash." He sat down in the desk. "Thought so.", I said as I went outside and shut the door behind me.

"What the hell was that? I told you to stay in the hall." "You expect me to sit out here knowing my girlfriend is in there doing god knows what with a man that thinks she's still his? He fucking kissed you, I should've done more than just beat his face in." "I mean shit, you tryna light his ass up?" He looked at me, smiled, started to walk back in the room. I reach out a stop him. "I was just kidding. Jenna would kill us both if she found out we killed someone in here." I said laughing. "Just wait here, and stay this time. While I talk to him." "Ok, but you got 10 minutes then I'm coming in." I laugh, give him a quick kiss on the cheek, then went back inside. "So who is he?" "Jackson I know what our marriage means for our family but I'm in love. I have someone who cares deeply for me as much as I do him." I open the door and grab Dabi. "Jackson this is my boyfriend Dabi." Jackson looked at me hurt. "Listen I know that you loved and cared for me, but in case you didn't know I go my own way. I'm capable of making my own decisions, and I don't need an arranged marriage. Because I am my own person and I want to choose who to spend the rest of my life with."

"Y/n we've been friends since diapers. I've loved you since the 7th grade. When I found out we were going to get married I was ecstatic, but now your telling me your in love with another." "Jackson you have to understand." "I understand. I wish you well, I just can't believe I have to lose my best friend." "You don't have to lose me. Actually I have a friend from UA that You would love. Literally give me your phone." I took his phone and gave him Mina"s number.

After that, me and Dabi spent the whole day hanging out with my dad and Nathan. It was late when we came back from the park so Dabi texted Shiggy that we weren't coming back and we stay the night in my room. (In here theres hell then there's the alternate universe of hell that looks just like the real world. Nathan is not aloud to see the actual hell yet;) We were cuddling in my bed,"Dabi I haven't been totally honest. I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was engaged and sorry you had to find out about me this way." "It's okay princess." "This time I'm gonna be totally honest and tell you everything. As you just recently found out I'm the Princess of hell. I'm the most powerful person in the universe. My mom was an angel. She was the most powerful and trusted angel in heaven. When "the almighty" found out my mother was pregnant by my dad, aka the king of hell, he sent her here and placed a curse. It was my mother's life or mine. She chose me and died in the process of giving birth." "I'm so sorry baby." "It's ok. I have Jenna, dad, and Nathan now." "With both of my parents' powers combined I'm unstoppable. My dad wants me to rule here, but I want to stay with the league. I want to stay with you." "I love you princess." "I love you too Dabi." And just like that I was asleep.

A/n: this was not edited so sorry if there are mistakes.

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