We need to talk

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A/n this chapter is long I'm sorry I just didn't feel comfortable just cutting the chapter

Y/n POV:
I woke up to Dabi still holding me asleep. I lied there and watched him a bit. He's so cute when he sleeps, peaceful almost, like a baby. I hear him begin to wake, I quickly turn and look away. "Princess, were you staring?"he said with a smug grin. "N-no" I said as I got up and put on one of his shirts. "Shit!!" I began to put on my original clothes ant look for my phone. "What is it Princess?" "He's gonna kill me, he's gonna kill me." I mumbled as I frantically continued to look for my phone. "What" I found my phone. The were 87 missed calls and over 23 texts. "Omg he's totally gonna kill me."

Shoto: y/n where are you
            Are you ok
           Why aren't you answering
         I'm getting rlly worried
         We need to talk

I began to leave the room only for Dabi to grab my hand. "What are you doing."  " I have to go."  "What's going on where are you going." "I'm sorry I have to go home." I began to leave again and he pushed me against the wall. "Dabi let go I-"  "Cut the bullshit y/n!" "Do you want hero's all around here wit my name and FACE on a missing flyer. No? Didn't think so. I can't stay here my roommate is pissed he'll kill me if he knew I was here. Hell he'll kill us if he knew what we did." I shove him off of me. "Now if you'll excuse me I have to get home befo-" I was suddenly cut off by a kiss "mmmhm" I pushed him back again. "Did you not just hear what I said? We'll talk later about whatever this...us....whatever we have going on. Just text me." I took his phone gave him my number and went on my way.

Dabi:this conversation isn't over.
                                Y/n:far from it

I finally got home only too be trampled with questions from Shoto and Bakugo. "WHERE TF WERE YOU EXTRA?!" "Ummmmm out?" I said with a innocent smile. "Y/n why weren't you answering, we were worried sick?" "Sorry guys I had to you know handle some "business". "Listen, we understand you chose a different path and all but please...please let us know this time?" "Yeah, Sho, I'm sorry guys I was at a bar and there was this guy and idk shit just got out of hand." "WAIT A MINUTE?! A GUY, WHAT GUY?!"

Immediately blush pooled my cheeks. "Omg. Y/n got a boyfriend?!" "Shut it Sho! He's not my boyfriend. He came to recruit me." "RECRUIT YOU WTH?!" "Bakubro chill, guys we need to talk. Ummm ok so... I was recruited into the L.O.V." "No Y/n you know what this means if you get caug-" "I won't get caught. You know me I'm the stealthiest bitch there is. I just, idk maybe this time will be different." "Listen extra, we trust you so know we're in your corner." "I love you guys. But, ummm..... I kinda have to move out." "WHAT" "Guys you have to understand when I joined the League I became part of them so now I have to stay with them. I'm sorry." "But we'll miss you." " I know Sho but I don't really have a choice. I'll always visit and we can FaceTime or text everyday." I said with a sniff. I wiped my eyes not realizing that I was crying. I was about to say something until I got distracted by the buzzing of my phone.

Dabi: Come back we need to talk.
Y/n: I'm on my way.

"Guys I have to go. I won't move out but I also won't be here as often. I love you guys and I promise I will stay safe." With one last hug I went to my room to pack. Once I got my duffel bag of clothes I said my goodbyes, hopped on my motorcycle, and made my way back to the hideout.

When I opened the door I was tackled by some blond school girl. "Hi, I'm Toga. Its nice to have another girl around. Omg your that girl Dabi used to talk about aren't you." " Huh" "Its true all he does is go on and on about how amazing you ar-" "Enough Toga, go bother someone else." I didn't even see Dabi come in. "Y/n. Room. Now." I got up and followed him to our room when I went in he shut and locked the door. Suddenly I was pushed against the wall. With his hand around my throat, but not tight enough to block my airway. He then got close to my ear and whispered, "Don't think that you can just up and leave like that, Little Mouse. I also don't like that little attitude you gave me this morning." He then tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "Hmm is that so? Maybe next time I'll try to give a fuck. Your charms don't work on me Dabs your hot and all but I'm not like all the other girls." I plastered a fake smile, shoved him off, and began to leave. I don't know what came over me but I need to go out.
I stayed and hung out at the arcade with Shoto and Bakugo till it got dark. I had went back to the hideout and on my way there I decided to invite Toga to a girls night out. When I entered the hideout no one said a word, I asked twice where toga was he said she was in her room. I went down the dark hall and entered her room. To my surprise she wasn't asleep considering how late it was. "Y/n I'm so glad to see you. I was sooo bored. Ughh." I laughed at her dramatics. "Glad to see u too Toga. Wanna have some fun?" I said enthusiastically to gain her attention. "Omg are we going to get some blood? Ooh wait are we torturing people?" She asked excitedly. "Damn girl you sure know how to have fun. But I was thinking we should go out. Let's go clubbing!" I said. "Ooh I like the way you think. But we have to go out quietly the guys might not like the idea." She grinned ear to ear.  "That makes me wanna go even more." I said with a smirk.

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