So beautiful

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I woke up to the sweet smell of pancakes. I rolled out of bed and threw on a oversized shirt. It was until the shirt was halfway on I realized my bump got bigger and I couldn't get the shirt down. Immediately tears began to flow and I cried looking in my wall mirror.

Dabi came in with breakfast and I tried to wipe my tears, but he noticed. "Baby, why are you crying?" I looked at him with puppy dog eyes and cried in his chest. He held me until my breaths got steady. "What's wrong love?" "I'm fat." "You're the most beautiful woman I've seen in my entire life." "Liar." "I would never lie to you.",He said as he pecked my lips.

"I brought you breakfast." "You're amazing." "I'm just trying to keep up with you." I rolled my eyes and leaned back against his chest. "Eat." I looked back at him. "Please." I rolled my eyes and ate half of a pancake. "I'm full."

"Baby, I shouldn't have to beg you to eat. The twins could be coming-" "Now." "What?" "My water just broke." "Shit." He got up and ran down the hall to find my dad. "SOMEBODY GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW!!" "Coming!" Dabi,my dad, and Jenna came in the room.

Dabi looked at my dad, "What do we do?" "We should take her to the hospital.",said Jenna. We all looked at my dad, "We can't take demon babies to the hospital. Hold on I'm gonna go get Max." He reached in a portal and pulled Max through.

Max looked at me, "You're pregnant?!" "Not for long if you could just be so kind as to GET THEM OUT." "Sure thing." "Okay parents out." Dabi tried to leave too. "Dabi where the hell are you going?" "You said for the parents to leave, and I'm about to be one." "Shut up and get me a bowl of water, some towels, and some scissors." He turned to go get them. "Oh shit! They're in my hands!" "What?" "They just appeared in my hands."

"SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET THEM OUT!" "Yes ma'am." She removed my underwear and wiped the area. "Okay Y/n I need you to push." I pushed real hard. "You're doing good Y/n I see the head keep pushing." "I AM PUSHING!" "PUSH HARDER."

"Aye bitch, lower your tone." "You was just yelling at me." We started laughing. "Y'all's are weird." "We turned to Dabi." "SHUT THE FUCK UP!", we both yelled. "Oh shit y/n you push out baby A with your yelling. It's a boy!" "AHHH!!!!", I screamed pushing harder. "The head is out keep going!" "Say something else, i dare you!" "You better be glad your yelling is helping you. Baby B is out, it's a girl!" I started crying and before I knew it I blacked out.
Short chapter but oh well

𝓕𝓵𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓯𝓾𝓵  𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮Where stories live. Discover now