part five

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i woke up to justin and shawn jumping up and down. i look at them confused and they record me. i'm so co- ohhh. i see ariana more cuddled onto me and me gripping onto her. i start to scratch her head and she moves alittle. "how'd you guys get in" i asked "i took your key yesterday" justin said and i groaned. my body feels even more sore than yesterday. "goodmorning" i heard a little voice say. i look up at justin and shawn, they were doing sexual gestures and fake crying. i ignore them "goodmorning" i reply "um my devil friends are here" i whisper to her "who" she asked "justin" justin says "shawn" shawn says right after. "THE SHIP HAS SAILED" they yell at the same time then run out the room. "i'm going to kill them" i wine and ariana laughs. "Y/N GET UP WERE GOING TO LUNCH IN A BIT. WE BROUGHT DATES SO ARIANA CAN BE YOUR DATE" shawn yells "WHOS YOUR DATE" i ask him "CAMILA CAN YOU BELIEVE IT" he does his evil laugh and follows behind justin. "well do you wanna come to lunch or are you okay" i ask "yeah sure" she shrugs "okay is it okay if i shower first and then i'll bring you to your house" i offer and she nods so i shower which hurt like a bitch. then cleaned my cut and put clothes on.

i wanted to dress comfortable so i did

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i wanted to dress comfortable so i did. i just let my hair fall to my shoulders. i got out the bathroom and smiled at ariana. "well you don't look like you got shot" she jokes and a shake my head unable to laugh. "i sure feel like it" i reply and she pouts at me. probably the cutest thing i've ever seen. "okay i'm going to take my medicine and then we're leaving" i say and hug her. we walk downstairs and i take a pill. we walk to my car and get in. 34+35 remix started playing on the radio and i knew all the lyrics. "didn't know i had a super fan" ariana joked "yes very much" i said and bowed to her. "thank you thank you" she said and we both giggled. i fixed my eyes to the road and felt eyes on me. i knew it was ariana because who else would i be "are you studying my face" i asked jokingly and she laughs "yes" she says "bold ms.grande" i tell her "wait what's your address" i ask in complete confusion on where i'm going. "give me your phone" she says "very demanding" i joke and give her my phone after i unlock it. she puts her address in and connected to aux "okay super fan let's see what songs of mine you know" she says "deal" i tell her.

"i see it i like it i want it i got it"

"wish i could say thank you to malcolm"

"you can hit it in the morning"

then god is a women came on and i was feeling it. i turn it up more and ariana laughs. i grab her hand and use it as a microphone. "wait can you actually sing" she asks "mmm alittle bit " i tell her with a hint of sarcasm. "hey i was just asking" she tells me and hits my forehead. "what's your obsession with my forehead" i ask whilst laughing "it's so cute i just want to hit it all the time" she says and kisses it. i could melt in her touch. "we have arrived at your destination" i copy siri and ariana found it so funny. she was crying laughing. "ariana are you okay" i ask whilst giggling "yeah that was,woah, that was funny" she gets out and we continue to laugh. "okay i have two dogs and a pig" she tells me "oh i love do- A WHAT" i say in excitement "yes piggie smalls" she tells me "okay that's cute" i tell her and she blushed. "awww did i make grande blush" i tease her and she hugs me putting her head into my neck. "don't hide it" i tease again and she pulls away. she kisses my cheek and opens her door. surprisingly two dogs and a pig ran up to her. they were attacking her with love and i just smiled. "okay this is toulouse" she said and pointed at a tan dog who ran to me and licked my face. "woah and this is myron" she tells me and he also runs up to me. "that's so weird they're usually shy and bark at new people" she tells me "i'm just different" i say and she smiles at me "last but not least we have no other than piggie smalls" she says and the pig runs to me. i was messing around with her pets. "go do what you have to i'll take your children to the yard" i tell ariana and she smiles. "thank you" she says and kisses my cheek. i abruptly get up and run to her yard with the dogs following me. i heard ariana giggle which made me smile. she deserves to be happy.
my pets like her omg. that's like my whole world at once. i really really like y/n. i hope maybe we could be together because i'm happy when i'm around her. i shower and change. i do my makeup and walk downstairs, y/n and the babies are still running around. i take a video and save it. "i'm ready" i say and y/n starts to slow down. "i'm so out of shape" she pants and i laugh. "okay let's go before justin gets mad" she says and wraps her arm around me. i locked up and we got into her car "holy shit i forgot to facetime frankie" i say out loud remembering that i was supposed to. "facetime him then" y/n says and shrugs her shoulders. i press on frankie's contact and facetime him "omg thank god you're okay" he basically screams "yes i'm fine sorry i was with someone " i tell him "ouuu spill" he says and i turn the camera to y/n "AHHHHHHH" he screamed really, like really loud. "hi" y/n says "i'm so straight for you holy shit" he says and y/n laughs. "thanks" she said in a more questionable tone "okay okay why are you two hanging out without me" he says pretending to be mad "so y/n saved me from getting shot yesterday, she ended up getting shot. so since it was my fault- it wasn't your fault stop saying that" she cuts me off "anyways. i went to her house to take care of her. now we're going out with friends" i tell him and he nods "that's one true love story" he giggled and i slap my forehead. "frankie, ari doesn't take no for an answer, i'm completely fine and she still insisted on taking care of me" y/n said "true that. she also probably just wanted to be near you" he says and i blush. they go off on their own conversation as she's driving and i just watch her talk to him. i swear i better marry her one day, wait too soon. "okay well have ari give me your number so we can talk more" she told frankie and he squealed "ariana you better marry her" he tells me and i giggle. we talk for a bit then get to the place for lunch. "we're here" she says and looks at me with a smile. she gets out and runs to my side to open the door for me. the paps swarm us and get ruthless with the questions


that wasn't even half of it. i could tell it bothered y/n because her eyes got watery. we walked to our friends and said hi. "i'm going to go to the bathroom i'll be right back" she says "i'll come" justin says and stands up. "did you hear all the questions they asked her" shawn asked in shock "i know i have no idea why they would even say that" i tell him and feel terrible. "should i check on them" harry asked "no let justin work his magic" hailey said

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