part twenty

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(a month later)
today is the MTV/VMAS, they want justin and i to preform a secret live show then for me to preform 'if i can't have you' so i've been super busy. ariana has also been busy with social house, they're doing a song together. i know her and mikey had a past but i'm just laying back and trusting her like a great girlfriend. i haven't seen ariana since the morning after my album drop, again we've both been busy. i got ready for justin and i's performance, i just hope i see ariana today. apparently they're putting our performance on the big screen before i preform my song. "let's do this thang" justin said in a weird voice which made me giggle "you still haven't heard from ariana" he asked and i shook my head "haha it's cause she's watching us right now" he did a weird dance and i just shoved him "is your wife watching" i asked "the whole group is watching so don't mess up" he said and i just shook my head and got micd up. "y/n y/ln and justin bieber out" we heard and soon followed some claps

justin and i giggled at everyone's applause. why am i nervous to see ariana. we got un micd then went to see everyone.
"do you think she will be mad" i asked kendall "if i were her i'd be upset, if the roles were reversed you'd flip out" she told me and i sighed "gotta agree with kenny on that one" hailey said and i played with my fingers "so should i tell her i already agreed to do it or.." i lowly spoke "ARIANA" everyone said in shock "why is everyone yelling my girlfriends name" y/n asked with a smile so bright, she's so pretty. "hey baby" i said and she wrapped her arms around me "i missed you so much" she told me and kissed my lips "all of your cuddles and kisses" she repeatedly kissed me making me feel guilty. "you're so cute together. ariana, this girl wouldn't stop talking about how much she missed you" justin said and she hid her face in the crook of my neck "haha stop hiding" i told her and she shook her head "y/n you gotta get ready" her manager told her "ughh five minutes" she begged "nope now" he said and left "well that's my que, i love you moonlight i'll see you after" she told me and kissed me "i love you" i told her and she walked out the room "you better tell her after the performance" hailey said and i sighed "tell her what" justin asked, oh shit.

we're currently in our seats, justin is pissed off. he won't even look my way, if this is how hes reacting imagine y/n. i'm probably going to trigger her mood swings again but that was never my intention! i am so stressed right now.
"looking good killa" my manager told me and i stuck a pose "okay youre on" he told me and i drank some more water. i'm so ready, i'm in such a good mood. right after they played monster the crowd went crazy so i walked out making them go even more crazy. i looked at ariana then the music started and i knew this was my moment.

that was by far one of my best performances. the rest of the night went smoothly, justin was pissed about something but i let it go. i was on my way to my house with ariana following. she said she wanted to talk about work so i agreed. once we got home i let ariana in and shut the door. "what's up baby" i asked as we sat on the dinner table "i have to tell you about something" she said and i just nodded "so you know how i am working with social house on a new song" she asked "yeah of course by the way i cant wait to hear it" i excitedly told her and the look on her face changed, that's when i knew something was wrong. she took a deep breath before speaking up "we had made a song about like not wanting labels on relationships but wanting eachother" i nodded "so we have to make a music video.." she added and i was confused on where this was all going "that's good right, for like your picture. hanging around friends and making music" i asked and she started to cry "baby stop, what's going on" i asked and immediately started to comfort her "shhh love i hate seeing you cry" i added and kissed her temple "i agreed to kiss mikey for the video" she told me through cries and i just froze "we would have to kiss for like a minute and that's it" she said and i unwrapped my arms around her "no comfort me baby tell me everything is going to be okay" she desperately cried out and i just put my face in my hands "i'm so so so sorry i swear i immediately realized how wrong that was after i agreed to it" she tried to hold me but i got up "i'm sorry i'll never do anything like it again for publicity" she said and i threw my head back "for publicity" i asked and she just stayed quite so i took my hands off my face, looking her directly in her eyes "so you can agree to kiss whoever you want for a bit of clout" i asked her and she just looked at me "i need space" i whispered and she immediately started to shake her head "no im sorry okay? baby believe me i'm sorry" she tried "i'm tired of it ariana, don't you see it" i asked and she just looked at me confused "just when i think we're at the peak of our relationship you kiss people" i ask and she just sighs "i'm sorry okay what can i do" she asked me "you can leave" i whispered "what" she asked in disbelief "i am not continuing our relationship if you're going to do that, you need to leave, i don't feel very well. i need space to think" i told her and she shook her head "LEA-" i stopped myself "ariana i don't want to yell at you" i told her calmly "please i will try and get out of it" she whispered and tried to kiss me but i pulled away for her "you know you'll have to do it still. ariana we need to break up, or have a break. maybe this break will prove something but treat this like a breakup" i told her coldly and she kept crying. i don't wanna see her like this, but this is what's for the best. i wrapped her in a hug and held her tightly "i love you so much but you even know we have to do this" i told her and kissed her forehead "you promise this isn't forever" she said and held her pinky out "i'll try" i say and wrap my pinky around hers "i love you" we both said at the same time and kissed our fists. "you okay to drive" i asked her and she nodded "i love you y/n" she said and i let go of her "i love you too" i told her "goodbye kiss" she asked and i kissed her with so much passion. this felt like a goodbye kiss. i didn't like it. "i'm sorry i ruined us again" she said before running out of my house. fuck my life.


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