twenty two

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i woke up to my alarm, it's 2pm. let's just say we all had fun last night. "okay get up fucker" i hit all of them and they eventually got up "my voice is kinda fucked from doing karaoke" i told them and they laughed "it's not funny i have to preform on honda stage in a few hours" i whined and they shut up "oh shit that's today" harry asked and i nodded "it's at 4:30 so let's go" i clapped before going to my bathroom and talking a refreshing shower. by the time i was all ready it was 4 and it took an hour to get there. the preforming started at 4:45 but i wasn't preforming til 6:30, i'm the last one" i grabbed my steam inhaler before getting in my car and starting my journey. i drove with one had holding the steering wheel and the other hooding my steamer.
i had to wake up at 10am because i didn't know what i was supposed to do on stage. "let's get this down" vic told me and i nodded. i learned everything within 4 hours so i got food and got ready. "ariana you look drained" my makeup artist told me "i'm okay girl just do my makeup" i rushed because i didn't wanna talk about it. she did my makeup whilst i hummed some tunes. before you know it i was humming y/n's song. i chocked a bit and let her finish up before getting dressed. i walked passed scooter who quickly told me i was on in 2 minutes. i've been trying to back out of the kiss but he wasn't hearing it, so i've been ignoring him. i got micd up and quickly put on my best fake smile.

okay i'm glad that's over with. i quickly ran off stage and to my seat in between my mom and courtney.
i got dressed into and micd up. right now demi is going before me

jesus that got my in my feels, i definitely can't top that but i'll try to get on her level. they took two minutes to get my background and set up right then all the lights shut off. i top toed to the mic and the lights flicked on creating screams from everyone

i don't know what took over me but i definitely had a performance. i walked off and texted justin to figure out my seat cause i was sitting next to him and harry. i soon found my seat and sat down "don't freak but ariana and her family is behind us" justin whispered in my ear and i just rested my head on harry's shoulder. my brothers are so supportive i love them. "is shawn with camilla" i asked "yeah they immediately started to eat their faces off" harry said and i giggled a bit before i heard 'you make it easy' start to play. "you make it easyyyyy" i sung to harry jokingly and he laughed "you need to tone it down cuddle bug" he poked my nose and i sat up straight "you're weird" i said jokingly
"y/n is coming this way" courtney said and i immediately sat up to see her sit infront of frankie who was on my left. "are you going to talk to her" frankie asked and i just starred at her. "stop freezing" my mom reached over frankie and hit my head. she rested her head on harry then sat up straight, fuck can i even talk to her right now. "not now" i told my mom and continued to watch her.
we sat up to leave since it was over and heard 'stay' start to blast. justin and i were singing to eachother looking like absolute goofballs. "i need you to stay" i sung and bopped my head to the song "can you believe you guys made that song" harry asked and i shook my head "it's crazy" i shrugged and wrapped my arm around him "justin did you know harry gave me a back massage last night" i smiled and justin giggled "i swear, ain't that wifey material" i grinned and they broke out in a fit of laughter. it all stopped when 'if i cant have you' started to play "great" i murmured and looked at my feet "come on we're supposed to be happy remember" justin told me and i nodded as we walked down the steps "hey y/n" i heard and seen olivia rodrigo "hey" i smiled and we shared a hug "oh my god i cant believe this, you're such an inspiration" she told me and i smiled "are you kidding! you're inspirational. listen i have to go but i'll add you on instagram, if you need anything dm me" i kissed her forehead and caught up with justin and harry. "look whose infront of us" harry whispered and there was ariana's petite body trying to make her way through the crowd of people with her family. frankie looked back and smiled at me before jumping in my arms "i know i'm probably not supposed to do this since you and ariana are on a break but i missed you" he kissed my cheek and let go "that doesn't matter ariana is still part of my life" i told him and joan pushed him back to only wrap her arms around me. "hi joan" i said "hi i love your hair and what a great performance" she smiled and i mirrored it. i trailed my eyes to ariana's where she just looked at me, so i took a big step and wrapped my arms around her "are you okay" i asked her and felt her relax into my arms "i think so" she whispered with her voice cracking "i've been trying to get the courage to talk to you" she added "i'm sorry" she said and i kissed her cheek "i'm sorry too, it's your job i shouldn't have a say in it" i told her and she wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me closer to her "y/n we will be at the car" justin said "okay" i replied and continued to hold ariana "we just have to figure out what is going to happen now okay" i said and she nodded "i know" she told me and i sighed "how about you come over and we can talk about it" i offered "okay i'll be there after i go home to change" she told me and i nodded. we pulled away from our hug so i hugged victoria and courtney. "i'll see you later okay" i said and kissed ariana's forehead "okay" she whispered and i ran away waving bye to everyone. i got into the car and sighed of relief "so what happened" justin asked "she's going to come over to talk" i told him and he nodded "yesss ship will be back" harry cheered and i shook my head "i don't know yet" i said and turned the radio up.

justin dropped me off and i did alittle bit of cleaning before i heard my doorbell ring. i don't know why ariana didn't just come inside but oh well. i opened the door to see my ex... what the fuck. "y/n listen i'm sorry okay, i realized that all the shit i've done was horrible and disgusting. i'm here to make it right now" she told me and i lowkey just starred at her in shock "can you leave please" i asked and she let acouple tears fall "i'm so sorry please let me make it right" she begged "i forgive you but please leave. my girlfriend is coming over and i don't want her to get the wrong idea" i told her and she just cried "you don't need or want her, you want me y/n you need me" she sternly told me. what is this bitch on. "she doesn't need you" i heard and looked behind my ex to see ariana "y/n is doing fine by herself and even better with me so please leave my girlfriend alone" she told my ex off and that caused her to run past ariana into her car. "what the fuck is happening" i said and ariana giggled "your life is full of surprises huh" she joked and i nodded letting her in. we sat on the couch and just starred at eachother for acouple minutes "i miss you" i told her sincerely "i miss you more baby" she whispered and i sighed "i am sorry again, i crossed a boundary of work and relationship" i said "no don't apologize, i shouldn't have agreed to it. trust me i've tried to back out of it but it's not happening. so if you want to break up i understand because that's basically cheating but know that i'm doing it because i have to and that i definitely am not happy about it, there isn't a meaning to this at all it's strictly work" she explained and started to cry a bit so i pulled her into my lap "i don't want to breakup with you ariana, no matter what you're my bestfriend and soulmate" i kissed her tears and she cuddled into my neck "so what does this mean" she asked "well my schedule is going to be crazy these next 3-4 weeks so we could slowly start back up and by the time i come back we can talk about what we want" i offered "i like that idea" she whispered "have you been okay" i asked her "i've been in bed for the most part" she shrugged and we both giggled "me too except for the boys literally dragging me out of my house" i said and hugged her tighter "we will be okay right" she asked "yeah we will be fine" i reassured her even tho i didn't know if we would. "so what do you have planned that you're going to be busy" she asked "i have to make a music video and a few photo shoots" i explained and she nodded "what about you" i asked "i just have to get this music video done and then i'm going to focus on my album" she told me and i kissed her forehead "i'm happy we talked about this" i said smiling "me too i hate fighting" i agreed "so where will you be going" she asked "i've got to go to london then hawaii" i said and she sighed "that means i won't see you for 4 weeks" she pouted "yeah but i'll make sure to text you and facetime you every free second i have" i told her and for some reason i felt a sharp pain in my ribs which caused me to grab my side "are you okay" she asked frantically "yeah i'm fine i just felt a cramp" i shrugged her off and changed the subject "i'm leaving tomorrow after filming the 'monster' music video" i added and she pouted looking up at me "that soon" she whined and i nodded "sadly" i kissed her cheek a bunch then put my face in her neck "i love you" she told me and i giggled "i love you" i said and she straddled me "can we cuddled and kiss a bunch" she asked in a funny tone "whatever you want" i smiled into a passionate kiss. idk it just didn't feel right.

A/N: story is turning completely next chapter🙂

y/n never gets a break.

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