twenty five

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"what" i asked in disbelief "y/n you have stage two lung cancer" i heard and immediately put my hands on my face. "this could be because of your lyme disease. listen we caught this early so we can do surgery since it's not too bad" he told me and i nodded "will it work fully" i asked "it should, we can do radiation and even chemo after to kill all the cancer cells. i'll get the best surgeon especially since you sing" he explained and i nodded "cool when can we do it" i asked "in a week at 7am" he told me and i nodded "i'll be here, thank you" i told him and left. i can't believe this. this isn't real life right? ain't no way. what if this messes up my career. i got to my car and immediately called justin "y/nn baby what's up" he answered excitedly "can i come over" i asked im a small voice "yeah of course" he assured and i started my journey to his house "are you okay" he asked "i'll just talk to you when i get to your house" i told him "okay adios" he said and hung up. i got to his house ten minutes later and knocked. he opened the door and immediately pulled me into a hug "i heard about you and ariana breaking up, i'm sorry" he said and pulled me inside "i'm not that sad about that" i told him and followed him to the couch where he sat next to hailey "hey y/n sorry about grande" she shot me a sat smile before sitting up about to leave the room "actually hailey can you stay here for a second" i asked and she sat back next to justin "what's wrong with your voice? why do you sound like you're struggling to breathe" justin asked and looked at me concerned, soon followed by hailey. "i have stage two lung cancer" i told them and their faces instantly became pale "t-this isn't a funny joke" he stuttered "i wish it was a joke" i whispered and he immediately hugged me "i'm so scared, i'm trying to be so tough but i'm so scared" i told him and he hugged me tighter "listen you're the strongest person we know y/n so you can get through this" hailey said and i nodded "does ariana know" she asked "no" i said and just embraced justins hug. "i'll tell her when i get the surgery" i told her and closed my eyes. this felt nice. "so what are you going to do" justin asked "my doctor said in a week i can get my surgery then i'll have to get radiation to make sure it's all out of my body" i told him and he nodded "so you'll be okay" he asked "i should be, if everything goes how it's supposed to" i shrugged and we let go of the hug "ariana and i broke up on a mutual agreement so i don't really wanna tell her about my cancer so she won't feel like she still has to be here, i want her to try and move on" i said and a few tears dropped "y/n you know you and her are meant to be together" justin told me and i just brushed him off "uh i'm going to go home and rest, i'll keep you updated" i said and sat up. i instantly felt dizzy but i played it off. "call me if anything please" justin told me and i just nodded "see ya guys" i said and walked out his house. i took a deep breath and drove home. i was listening to mgk when ariana called...what?
i should just do it? "do it ariana" vic shrugged so i pressed the call button "hello" i groggy, raspy voice answered "y/n" i asked "yeah what's up" she asked and i kinda just got stuck "um i was wondering if i could announce our b-breakup to the public" i asked and heard a deep breath on the other line "yeah that's fine ari, um i gotta go" she said "y/n are you okay you don't sound well" i asked "yeah i'm fine, don't worry about me girl. see ya" with that she hung up and that was that. "what did she say" court asked "yeah, um she said yeah but she doesn't sound good" i said concerned "she probably was just crying it's no big deal, now let's go party so you can forget about her" dalton told me, see i'm giving this guy a chance since i had kissed him before. was it too soon? obviously. am i turning back? of course not. "your right let's go" i smiled and looked at court and vic who both shook their heads. wtf.
i don't remember falling asleep, all i remember is getting in my house and throwing up. i swear now that i know what's up with my body it's making it worse. anyways i woke up to my phone ringing to see 'doc' so i answered "hello y/n how are you today" he asked "ugh i um came home after seeing some friends last night then immediately came home with terrible throwing up. i don't even remember making it to my bed to sleep" i spoke honestly "okay can you come in" he asked "yeah i'll come in" i reassured him and got some comfortable clothes on. it took me 15 minutes to get to the office where he immediately took me in. "let's get another look on this" he said and we used an altra sound to look at it. he looked and looked sad for some reason. "y/n it's grown, we're going to have to do chemo before your surgery to try and shrink it" he told me and i just nodded "can i have a barrel" i asked quietly which he quickly got a bin and i threw up. "are you only throwing up blood" he asked and i nodded "do you think we can start chemo today if we have a space" he asked and i nodded again "you're strong y/n" he said before looking at his computer and typing stuff into it. i pulled out my phone and decided to text justin about the situation, he will kill me if i don't tell him. "y/n so we will have to do 4 sessions of chemo then emergency surgery" he told me and i nodded, it's all i can really do right now. "so today will be chemo tomorrow will be non chemo then the next day will be chemo. that will repeat another two times then we will do the surgery" he explain "okay and what are the side effects" i finally asked "well, you'll probably loose your hair. you'll feel more sick even tho it's helping you, and it's really a mental game" he said and i nodded taking in the information. "so it's 11am right now and we have an opening in an hour, the chemo it's self will take 4 hours. then you'll have to come at the same time for your sessions" he told me and i nodded "you'll also probably wanna wear a mask to make sure you don't catch any other sicknesses along the way" he added so i gave him a thumbs up "great so i just have to wait here for another hour" i asked and he nodded "i'll come back" he assured and left the room. i decided to just ft justin and with two rings he answered "hey how are you" his face popped up and he frowned when he looked at me "um well my tumor grew so i have to get chemo before the surgery to shrink it" i explained and he sat up "can i come to the hospital" he asked "it's a 4 hour process i'll be fine by myself, i just wanted to fill you in" i told him "can i come, i want to come just to hangout with you. let me be there for you please" he basically begged "justin you probably have things to do an-" he cut me off "you're more important than a party y/n. you're my sister and i'm going to come to support you" he told me and i just gave in, i wasn't going to win this argument. "i'll send you the address" i told him and we bid our goodbyes. i sent him my location and he was here in 30 minutes. "hey" he said and hugged me "hi" i said and embraced the hug "so what happened" he asked "nothing i've just been throwing up a lot of blood, i've already lost 25 pounds i think" i told him and he looked at me in shock "it's from the two weeks you know" i added with a shrug as we let go and he sat on the chair next to me. "what time is it" i asked him "11:50" he said "10 more minutes" i told him and he just looked at me "i don't like to see you like this, you don't deserve it" he sighed and i gave my best smile to him "it's okay, we were born to fight these battles right" i tried to lighten the mood but he wasn't really having it. i understand he's upset but i just need him to try his best to be happy. "are you going to tell ariana" he asked me "um maybe later" i lied "don't lie" he immediately said and i rubbed my eyes "i don't wanna" i shrugged "i don't want her to feel like she HAS to come back and be here for me, she's happy, i seen the pictures last night before i got to my house. she deserves to wear that smile" i said and sighed "how are you going to keep her from finding out" he asked "i'm going to keep everyone from finding out, the only people i don't care about finding out are my close friends. and honestly i'd like to keep it to you and hailey right now" i shrugged it off and he nodded. we heard a knock on the door and my doctor walked in "are you ready" he asked and dropped a couple things next to me "yeah i guess" i said and looked at justin who gave me his hat. "your hair looks crazy" he joked which made me giggle a bit before it turned into a cough "okay look away" my doctor said and i took my free hand and put it over my eyes, i took acouple deep breaths before i felt the needle go through. "i feel the stuff going through my arm already" i said and looked at him "yeah it's going to get numb at some times then tingly" he explained and i just nodded "oh shit" i spoke and justin looked at me confused "today is 3 years since mac passed" i said and layed back on the bed "three already" he asked and i nodded as i took my phone out.


y/u/n: 3️⃣ i'll see you soon bubba, and i'll bring more pizza❤️comments turned off

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y/u/n: 3️⃣ i'll see you soon bubba, and i'll bring more pizza❤️
comments turned off

that made me alittle sad but i brushed it off because i know he's in a better place. let's just hope i can get through this all with a good mindset.

A/N: tbh i wrote this in twenty minutes and i didn't know what sickness to do so here it is🙃

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