part eleven

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we woke up at 12pm. "goodmorning babyyyy" ari sings "goodmorning my love" i say and smile into a kiss. i grab my phone and start to scroll through instagram as ariana is also looking too. there was a girl in a bikini that popped up in my feed and ariana tenses up, i just scroll past it and watch funny videos. "you really do that" she asked and i look at her confused "you just scroll past hot girls" she asked and i laughed "why would i want to look at girls when i have you " i ask her and she blushes "as you said earlier i'm yours so i expect you to be mine, which means being loyal even if we aren't official" i added "the fact that you held eye contact with me as you told me that means something" she said and i smile "yeah it means that i'm deeply inlove with you and i don't care about other woman because you're the only one i want" i told her and we shared one of the most passionate kisses i've ever had my whole life. "hey i have to go to go to the studio tomorrow and i want to shower so i'll probably go home tonight" i tell her and she frowns "do you really have to go" she asks and i nod "yeah i do" i say and kiss her forehead "or you could go home and shower, then surprise me and come back" she says and i laugh "maybe" i tell her teasingly "i don't think i would sleep without you" she confesses and i wrap my arms around her tighter "okay, i'll go home shower and pack a little bag then i'll come back" i told her and i felt her smile "sleepover" she says and puts both her arms up in the air in which she punches my jaw a bit "ouch" i pout "oh no baby i'm so sorry" she says immediately and sits up to examine my face "its fine" i tell her and smile "don't leave me i didn't mean to" she says and i pull her into a hug "i know you didn't mean to and i'm not leaving anytime soon" i reassure her and rub her head "i have to tell court" she abruptly says and i laugh "about" i ask "everything" she says and runs out the room. after 20 minutes she comes back and lays all of her body on me "i love you" she said "i love you" i reply and look back at my phone "i want your attention" she said and i looked at her to see her pouting as she looked up at me, so i threw my phone on the floor and kissed her pout away. "what do you need Ms. Grande" i jokingly asked "i need kisses, cuddles, kisses, and more cuddles" she said and i laughed "you can get all of those under one condition" i say and she places her chin on her palm "go on" she tells me and i giggle "food" i say and her smile drops "i'm not letting you not eat baby" i told her and she whined "i'm not hungry" she complains "well i am so we're eating" i tell her and pick her up. i run downstairs to see joan and frankie sitting at the kitchen table "joan your daughter is holding me hostage" i fake complain "i bet" she smiles at me "she said if i left she would cut my head off" i joked again and everyone laughs "she's not even denying it" frankie exclaimed and i nodded "yep and i wanted frankie cuddles this morning and she said that she would kill me" i said and ariana gasped "you're not going leave out the key information that you told me" she threatens "i said i was going to big spoon frankie so then she said she would basically snap my neck" i exaggerated "ariana you're terrible" joan laughed and ariana crossed her arms with a grumpy face "awww don't be mad at me" i say and try to kiss her face but she pushes me away "go cuddle with frankie" she tells me so i turn around and pretend to walk over to him for her to only pull me back "you aren't actually supposed to" she whined "mood swings" joan said and i laughed and pulled ariana into my arms "i was kidding" i said and put my chin on her head "okay what do you want to eat" i asked and she groaned "ari come on you have to eat, for me please" i pouted and she finally gave in and sat up to get something "i don't know how you do it, she's usually stubborn" joan tells me "i don't know either" frankie agrees "i have no idea but whatever i do works" i shrug my shoulders "food now" i sing and she whines as she goes into the fridge "so is that big spoon cuddling still up for offer" frankie whispered "definitely" i whisper back "I CAN FUCKING HEAR YOU" ariana yelled and we both laughed. "so has your wound healed" joan asked "mom you're trying to see her abs ouuu are you flirting with her" frankie said and my face turned so red "fuck y/n you need to leave we all want you" ariana jokes as she sits next to me "oh my" i say and rub my eyes "um yeah my wound healed but it's still alittle red and sensitive" i tell her "here" i say and pull up my shirt for everyone to say "dang that looks like it hurt" frankie said "no not at all" i say sarcastically which caused frankie to push my alittle "no but i just felt terribly sore" i tell them and they nod "your abs are snatched tho" joan said which caused ariana to choke on her food. frankie and i were in tears from laughing, i couldn't breathe "mom my gosh" frankie said and i rubbed ariana's back to try and help her stop choking. "what are you even choking on" i asked and she pointed at the oats so i grabbed her some water and she stopped coughing "dang mom you almost killed me" ariana said in a rough voice "i was just saying the truth" she told ari and shrugged "well thank you very much joan" i say and sit next to ari. we all got into a conversation about everything going on and stuff like that. ariana washed her plate then stood in between my legs with her arms wrapped around my neck "i like how good you're with my family" she whispered in my ear "they're fun" i said and kissed her nose "you both are disgustingly cute" frankie said which caused us to look at him "it's okay frankie we're still on for the cuddle session" i joke and ariana bites my cheek "keep playing games" she said and then kissed it "you're like a sour patch kid" i told her and she laughed "that's a good way to explain her" joan agreed "sour than sweet" frankie asked in confusion "yeah how she bit my cheek and then kissed it after" i told him "OH MY THAT IS SO SMART" he said and high fives me "hold on" i say which makes everyone stop moving "is anyone else pee shy" i ask and ariana starts to laugh at me "i am actually, it is hard to pee when someone else is in the room or stall with me" frankie says and i run to hug him "i might have to date frankie" i said and ariana stopped laughing "you're dead" he whispers to me "she won't hurt me" i told him and right that second ariana pulled me over to her "i'm just joking" i tell her and hide my face in the crook of her neck, she smells so good. like all the time. "ariana isn't wearing any makeup" frankie pointed out and i smiled "y/n made me take it off" she told them "why" he asked "she doesn't need it" i said and lightly kissed her neck acouple times "awww" joan exclaimed and ran over to pull me into her arms "you are such a sweatheart, ariana i'm going to get nonna so she can meet her" joan told us both and ran to get her keys and dragged frankie with her. "i'm in crappy clothes" i whine to ari as i heard the door open and close "it's fine nonna won't care, plus you literally are showing your muscles. she's going to love you" she reassured me and we both giggled at the end. i put my head in the crook of her neck and we just stay like that for acouple minutes "i love you so much" i tell her and she giggles "i love you too baby" she says and i lift my head to share a kiss.

joan came back 20 minutes later with nonna and frankie. i felt my nerves rise as nonna gave ari a hug then looked me up and down "who's this yummy woman" my nerves relaxed and i let out a soft laugh "hi i'm y/n, it's nice to meet you" i said as i stuck my hand out, instead of nonna shaking my hand she pulled me into her embrace. we shared a hug and pulled away, she squeezed my biceps which made me laugh "ariana keep this one" she told her "planning on it" ariana told her and i smiled. we all talked and joked around for an hour or two before ordering food and sitting at the dinner table. "so y/n what do you do for work" nonna asked "i rap and sing" i reply and joan gasps "i know i knew you from somewhere or someone" she says and i look down "he always told me that he wanted you and ariana together and YESSS" she adds and i smile softly before proceeding to eat my food "who is 'he'" nonna asked "mac" i say and look up to meet her eyes "you knew him" she asks and i nod "okay let's talk about something else" frankie interrupts and we all nod agreeing. the rest of the time went smoothly and nonna kept telling ariana to "keep me". i'm happy that her family likes me because i don't know what i would've done. "babyyy" ariana dragged out "yes" i asked as i grabbed my keys, i was now going to my house to get clothes and shower then come back. "you look sexy in those clothes why can't you just stay in them" she whined "i feel gross, i need to shower but i promise i'll be back in like an hour" i tried which only made her pout into my neck "bub please, i promise i'll be back" i told her and she finally agreed "where's my kiss" she asked with an innocent smile so i bend over to kiss her lightly.
seeing how y/n is with my family and knowing that my family loves her really opened my eyes. i really love this girl and i hope i don't mess this up. "where's my kiss" i asked her with an innocent smile, she leaned down to place a light kiss on my lips but i had something else in mind. i wrapped my arms around her neck and pulled her into a heated kiss, we were making out but when i reached to pull her joggers down she pulled away "i'll be quick i promise" she said sincerely which caused me to groan "fine" i dragged out "i love you okay" she told me and i smiled "i love you too now hurry up" i rushed her. she pecked my lips and ran out the door, once i heard the front door close i felt high on guard.  i don't feel safe without her.
i finished up my shower then got to ariana's house. i knocked on her bedroom door before entering, she was on her bed in a ball. i rushed over to her and wrapped my arms around her, she flinched but soon leaned into my touch. "i'm here baby" i tell her and whisper nice things to her soon enough she feels better. we end up just falling asleep for the night.

i woke up to a sleeping ariana, this woman is bea- "stop starring at me" she whispered and i jumped alittle "do you have like weird vision" i joke and she giggles "no i just know you" she shrugged and opens her gorgeous brown eyes "goodmorning baby" i say, surprised when my raspy morning voice took over.
my legs immediately clenched together "mm goodmorning my love" i reply and we share a quick kiss. this woman is my safety and i could get used to this.

a/n: terrible life for y/n soon, also would love suggestions

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