part seven

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(one month later)
it's been hella busy for me. i havent seen ariana since my album release part and we barely text eachother. i've been getting ready to preform at the grammys and i kid you not it takes a lot of work. we're preforming levitating because it went very viral.
(one week later)
i'm currently backstage. "ON IN 2" a person yelled and i made sure to have everything on

(y/n is dababy)
that was a fire performance, dua did great. i made it back to my room and heard a knock "great performance stranger" the voice said and i automatically knew who it was "hey stranger" i said and turned to ari. "so have you been avoiding me" she asked clearly annoyed "no i'm sorry i've been busy with this place" i said and she nodded "you look beautiful as always" i told her and she blushed "no i'm supposed to be mad at you" she said as she tried to stop herself from smiling. "i'm so very sorry" i told her as i stepped closer with a pout "what will i ever do to gain your forgiveness" i asked in a accent and snuck my arms around her waist "stop stop no i'm supposed to be so mad" she tells me "how about movies and cuddles" i ask and kiss her cheek a bunch "you're going to be the death of me" she says and smiles. i laugh and pepper her with kisses "no but for real i'm so sorry, i got caught up with this performance and i wanted to make sure it was good" i tell her as i looked into her beautiful brown orbs. "kiss me" she whispers and without a question i pull her into a nice, sweet, caring kiss. we pull away at the same time and look into each other's eyes "beautiful" i whisper to her and she blushed "i'm holding you accountable for that movie and cuddle night, my dogs miss you" she tells me as she slides out of my grip and leaves the room.

(short chapter but i will have spice)

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