part nine

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i got pizza and once i got home i hit the hay, it was the only way i wasn't going to think about her. i was really upset i wish i could've been there for her.

i woke up to my phone ringing and read 'frankie 🙃' i quickly answer "is ariana okay? what's going on?" i ask in panic "hi this is joan" i hear her speak "oh hi" i say "i wanted to apologize for my actions earlier, you saved my daughters life twice and i was completely rude to you" she generally apologized, i just knew by her voice "no worries i get how much was running through your head at the moment" i tell her and hear crying in the back "can you come over? ariana can't sleep and i want to get to know you" she asks and i let her know i'm on my way.

i knock on the door and joan opens it "thank you so much" she says as she pulls me into a hug "anytime, id do anything to keep ariana happy and safe" i tell her and she smiles as she pulls away. she invites me in and tells me that ari is on the couch "has she eaten" i ask joan "refuses" she tells me and i make way to ariana. she had her arms wrapped around a pillow and she was crying "bubba" i say and her eyes shot open "hi" i add and she shows her dimple for a second. i sit next to her legs and rub her calf "how-" i was cut off by ariana jumping on my lap. i wrapped my arms around her and held her close "can we eat" i ask her and her no response "ari" i pull her head out of my neck "let's get some food" i tell her more sternly and she agrees. i tried to help her off but she held on tighter, i got up with her in my arms and walked to her kitchen "i want cereal" she says and i smile "whatever you want" i tell her and kiss her forehead. i grab the cereal that she picked out and the almond milk, i poured her a bowl and put the stuff away. i then sat down on the stool "okay" i breathe out and ariana pulls her head out of my chest, i grab the spoon the feed her a scoop. "you don't have to feed me baby" she tells me and i roll my eyes playfully "i want to" i tell her and kiss her forehead again.

ariana finished her cereal after 20 minutes, we went back to the couch and joan and frankie were there. i sat on the couch right next to the one they were on. right when i settled in ariana fixed herself to a more comfortable position. "again i'm sorry y/n" joan says "no worries really" i tell her and start to rub ariana's back. frankie, joan, and i all make conversations with eachother. i look down at ariana and notice her sleeping which makes me smile "i trust you with my daughter" joan whispers to me and i smile even more "i won't let you down" i tell her and we all fall into a comfortable silence. "no" ari says and i look down to see her still sleeping "GET OFF ME" she yells and shoots up from her sleep "i got you don't worry, you're safe" i tell her and she cried into my neck. i rub her back and whisper sweat things. "no one will hurt you" i reassure her and she lightly kisses my neck, that made me think about the kiss we shared earlier and how perfect it was. "do you want to go to sleep in your bed" i asked her "are you going to sleep with me" she asked "i don't know" i told her unsure "please" she whispered "okay" i told her and stood up "goodnight joan and frankie" i said and smiled at them "goodnight y/n and ari" they said in sync and i walked us upstairs. ari left light kisses on my neck "that tickles" i giggle and i feel her smile into my neck. i reach her room and open the door, ariana looked at her bed and let acouple tears fall. "i'll clean this up, how about you shower" i told her and she nodded. i brought her to her closet first then to the bathroom, i set her on the floor and she whined. "i already want to be in your arms again" she complained and i smiled at her, all a sudden i felt lips on mine, i kissed back because i knew it was ari. "well that was something" i joke and she hits my shoulder. i walk out of the bathroom and start to clean up everything, i need to be here for ariana.

ari just got out of the shower and she is in my shirt and her underwear. she looks so adorable. "you look so cute" i tell her and pepper her face with kisses "haha baby stop it" she managed to get out in between her giggles. i stop and cuddle into her neck "how do i 'look cute' when i don't have makeup on" she asks and i lift my head "because you're beautiful with and without it, i actually like seeing your face without it to be honest" i say and she gives me a look "i'm serious put me on a lie detector right now" i tell her and she finally gives in so i put my head back in the crook of her neck "you're so sweet" she whispers "i'm going to protect you, i won't ever let anyone or anything hurt you again" i whisper into her neck "i-i love you y/n" she whispers to me and i lift my head "say it again" i tell her "i love you" she says and i smile "i love you" i say and we kiss. i pull her onto me and rub her back until i hear light snores.

"y/n" i hear lightly "baby" i hear and open my eyes "what's wrong" i ask her "i'm scared" she whispers and i pull her into my arms again "i'm here, you have nothing to worry about. i promise" i tell her and kiss her forehead a bunch of times, i focus on rubbing her back again until she falls asleep.

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