part eight

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(no hate on pete at all)
i just got home and am going to take a shower. before i quickly text ari

y/n: are we still on for a cuddle session?
ari🖤: yeah just come to my house when you're done with whatever you have to do
y/n: yes ma'am

i took a nice shower and put on boxers,gray sweats, a black nike sports bra, and a black tank top with my lakers hoodie over it. i then put on purple jordan 1's and let ari know i'm on my way. she didn't reply to me which was alittle bit alarming, i pulled up to her house to see her door open and a truck. i quickly got out of my car and ran inside "STOP PLEASE" i heard ariana yell and i ran to her voice. i got to her room and seen pete hovering over her trying to rip her clothes off "HEY GET OFF OF HER" i yell and he stops his movements "get your hands off of her" i say and he starts to continue. i rush towards him and tackle him to the floor, i noticed that her top half was showing. i immediately smell the alcohol off of pete "a-ari i know you're upset but can you please call the police" i ask her in a calm voice and she nods. she's historical and it's all his fault "i would've had her right where i wanted her" pete spits out and i punch him at least 5 times. "oh my god did you kill him" ari asks in panic "no he's just knocked out" i tell her and look at her with so much sympathy. soon the police came and got ari's statement, i wasn't able to stay with her so i had to just sit in the living room. i guess it was fine because i was calming down all the animals "y-y/n" i hear a small voice say and i look up at ari, she looks so upset. "hey" i say in a light voice and she clings onto me "shhh it's okay i got you" i tell her as she cries into my neck, i make sure not to make her uncomfortable so i let her do whatever she needs. she then sits on my lap like a koala. "you're safe i got you" i whisper in her ear as i rub her back "can you stay with me" ari stutters out "of course whatever you need" i tell her and she latches her grip stronger. "i need to breathe" i tell her and she giggled a bit. she pulls her head out of my neck and i put my hands on her cheeks, i use my thumbs to wipe her tears. "you're so so so strong" i whisper to her and kiss her nose "what would i do without you" she asks and i smile. "OH MY GOSH ARIANA" i hear a voice speak and i meet eyes with ariana's mother Joan. "i don't care who you're get out" she yells at me "mom n-" ariana gets cut off "I DONT CARE I WANT HER OUT" she yells which causes ariana to flinch. "it's okay" i whisper to ari and she starts to cry again, i twist us so she's sitting on the couch and i pull her arms away. i could feel joan's stare so i don't do anything, i stand up loosing all the skin connected to ariana's, and walk out. "y/n you're not leaving" i hear frankie asked me in a disappointing tone when i was about to reach my car "your mom kicked me out" i tell him and he shakes his head "hey frankie can i have your number, guessing you're probably going to stay here and i want to have updates on ari" i ask him and he nods "i'm- oh my look at your knuckles" he says and i look down at them "yep that's what beating up someone does" i joke with him and he slaps my head. i grab my phone back after getting his number and hug him goodbye. i feel so cold without ariana, she's what i need at all times, everyday.
y/n walked out the door, i know it was her just being respectful but i wish she would've fought to stay. "mom are you kidding me" i cry into my hands "ariana i don't want no person i don't know here" she tells me "that's the girl i was telling you about on facetime" i tell her and her face drops "she saved me from the gunshot and NOW she saved me from pete" i add "she did what" my mom asks "we were planning on having a cuddle date and pete just showed up, she beat pete up as i called to police" i tell my mother and she immediately shows guilt. "oh ari i'm so sorry" she tells me and i cry more, i need y/n.

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