thirty four

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i woke up and went to radiation. i'm sad cause winnie is leaving today. i'm back to and she cuddled into me immediately. i got a bad burn today and it hurts so badly but i wanna snuggle with her so i'm dealing with the pain. her words last night really stuck with me and how understanding she is, was great. i have thought about my sister all morning and put a lot of thought into what i wanna do because i'm 27 now. i'm only getting older and i wanna have a family with my sister involved in it all. am i ready for that big of a step? absolutely not. will i ever be ready? no. so what now. "mmm when did you get home" i looked down to see winnie smiling up at me "hey" i kissed her forehead "i got home about an hour ago" i answered "why didn't you wake me up" she asked and kissed my neck "because once i got here you cuddled into me and i needed your cuddles" i said and kissed her cheek "i have to pee, where's your cream" she asked "um in the bathroom next to my lotion, why" i asked "i felt your stomach babe, it's on fire" she said and shut the bathroom door. this woman is sent from the heavens above. she came back out and lifted my shirt up "dang take me on another date first" i joked and she giggled as she straddled me "babe i think we're way past that" she said and i quickly shut up "okay let me know if i hurt you" she told me and i nodded. she softly applied the cream making sure not to hurt me "ssss" i hissed when she hit a really bad burn "i'm sorry" she said and repeatedly kissed me "it's not your fault" i reassured her and rubbed her thighs as she continued. i noticed the white parts of her vitiligo turn pink "is that ms harlow blushing" i jokingly asked and she shook her head "my vitiligo sells it, doesn't it" she asked and i giggled. "at least i know i'm doing my job" i smirked and she rolled her eyes "sooo" i dragged out to get her attention "how about we order food and you can tell me possibly everything about yourself" she smiled "before you have to go" i pouted "it's okay baby i'll see you in 4 days if you wanna see me" she told me and i gasped "are you crazy, why wouldn't i wanna see you" i exclaimed and she giggled into a kiss "does your tummy feel better" she asked "ehh alittle bit but it's going to burn. thank you tho" i flipped us over and peppered all over her neck and face with kisses.
"so why haven't you been texting us" vic asked annoyed. we were in the studio right now. "i been with dalton and yeah" i shrugged "and what... what's going on" court asked and i sighed "he just doesn't really like you guys a lot" i murmured and looked through my notes "so are you saying you're going to stop hanging out with us" vic asked and i immediately looked at her "no of course not, i'm just saying when i'm hanging out with him i can't hangout with you guys as well" i shrugged and they both just stayed quiet. it's not that big of a deal to be honest.
"so that's it but definitely don't call me my full name unless you wanna get your head chopped off" she finished and i giggled "don't worry i won't call you by your first name unless i wanna annoy you" i joked and she sent me a death glare "i'm kidding" i said and kissed her. we just continued to watch moana and eat some food. "i need to be home soon" she told me and i playfully ignored her "y/n baby" she said and rubbed my cheek "sorry i have bad connection" i told her and she giggled "bae" she straddled me "i have a shoot tomorrow, really early, and you have to get up early for radiation" she said and kissed my cheek which caused me to pout "i don't wanna leave at all but i have to" she added and kissed down my neck then up it to my pout. "i'll be so lonely" i wiped my fake tears and she just continued to kiss my neck, this girl is about to get my hard. "i promise it will be a quick 4 days then we can enjoy eachother company for a week" she explained and started to suck alittle on my neck "that's my last week o-of radiation" i said confused "yeah i know" she sat up straight so we were face to face "i did some research and i know it's going to be a really hard week for you because this is when it's all going to come out so i made sure i cleared the week so i can be here with you and-" i cut her off with a passionate kiss. our lips moved in sync for a long time, at least 10 minutes. we pulled away slowly and i opened my eyes to see hers still closed "i appreciate you so much, you don't even understand how greatful i am to have you here with me. i really really really appreciate you" i pecked her lips and she finally opened her eyes. "i'm just doing what i'm supposed to" she said and i put my face in her neck "no one's ever showed how much they care" i whispered and kissed all over her neck "that has to be a lie" she said and i looked up at her confused, it's almost like she was insecure about something. "hey what's up" i asked and she looked me in the eyes "you dated better people than me" she said and i looked at her in shock "winnie there's a lot behind closed doors that no one sees" i told her and held her face "i'm guessing you're referring to ariana" i asked and she nodded "ariana is a great person but relationship wise it wasn't good, it was so toxic. she cheated on me once and we got into a cycle of bad things" i shrugged "i'm not telling you she's a bad person because she's not and she will always be one of my bestfriends but relationships wise we just weren't good for eachother" i finished and she sighed "i don't know why i'm even like this, i'm usually so confident but i don't wanna loose you" she said and i giggled "you have me wrapped around your finger already so there's no way you're loosing me" i told her and kissed her collar bone. "i've been thinking about what we talked about last night" i confessed and she nodded for me to continue "i think im going to dm my sister back" i told her and she smiled.

i helped winnie out my car and grabbed her bags. she wrapped her arms around my neck and i wrapped my arms around her waist "i'm going to miss you" she said and i completely melted into her touch "i'm going to miss you too pooh" i kissed her jawline and we just held eachother tightly. "it's only 4 days why am i so sad" she pouted and pulled away so we were face to face "that just means that im the best ever" i joked and she rolled her eyes "you are tho" she clarified and kissed me. i didn't want it to get too heated because we were outside so i pulled away slightly and pecked her lips a bunch. "i'll see you later love" i said and kissed her nose making it scrunch up "next time you're meeting my parents" she told me and i froze "i'm serious" she added and giggled at my facial expression "my mom loves you already, and my dad is liking what he's been hearing" she shrugged "oh yeah" i asked and she nodded "so whats he been hearing" i teased with a smirked and she let go of me "you're such a punk" she told me and i just giggled. i grabbed her bags and brought them to her door "i'll see you in 4 days" i said and kissed her, gosh she's so addicting "okay i'll literally just show up at your house" she told me and i laughed "go ahead i'll probably just be home anyways" i shrugged and gave her one last hug "i'll see you baby" she kissed me "i'll see you pooh" i said and ran to my car. the drive home was nice since i grabbed another milkshake, but once i got home and into bed it hit me "goddamn i miss my pooh already" i said to myself and grabbed my phone

hails: wanna go shopping with me tomorrow? i know winnie is back home and justin has to be at the studio all day.
y/n: i'm down i'll text you after my radiation
hails: okay gn get rest sista
y/n: gn sista

i then texted winnie a goodnight before hitting the hay.
"okay i'll talk to you later" i kissed my moms cheek and drove to my house. dalton has been staying lately and he told me he wants to talk. i think he wants to move in with me but that's a really big step. i mean we have been dating for basically 5 months so i know him.

a/n: i think i know who's going to be endgame but it's a lot of tragic stuff that's going to happen lol😘😘

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