part thirteen

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it's been a month since i've moved in and everything is going great, except for this past week. ariana has been a bit distant and keeps saying she's just stressed about music and tired. i know it's a lie, i have that feeling again, that feeling that i didnt want feel again. that feeling where my heart is telling me she is just working but my gut is telling me something else. i was knocked out of my thoughts when i heard my phone ringing and seen 'jb' "justin bieber my inspiration" i joked but he didn't laugh "hey what's going on" i asked knowing he would've laughed at that "look on instagram, i'm sorry y/n" he tells me so i put him on speaker and go onto instagram. the first thing that popped up was hollywoodfix,

hollywoodfix: ariana grande spotted out on a date with a random guy #wheresy/n? did they breakup? what do you think?

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hollywoodfix: ariana grande spotted out on a date with a random guy #wheresy/n? did they breakup? what do you think?

@user7: dang sorry y/n
@shawnmendez: expect music soon, but fr sorry bro
@justinbieber: fudge
@victoriamont: this bitch wanna die

everyone knew about ariana and i cause we've been seen out a lot and posted a few pictures together. fuck. you probably wouldn't be able to fully tell that that's ariana but i can. the white tesla and her bucket hat oh no. "hello y/n you there" i hear and clear my throat "y-yeah i'm fine i kinda had a feeling" i say and let acouple tears fall "i'm sorry again y/n" he says "do you still wanna release that song on my album" he asks "yeah that's fine" i reassure him "i'm going to go pack my bags, i'll talk to you later" i tell him and hang up. i take a deep breath before wiping my tears and heading to the closet. i grab my suitcases and start to pack them all up. this just doesn't feel right, this is a different type of heartbreak. i thought she was different. i packed up everything and as i was making sure i heard the front door open. "Y/N IM HOME" ariana yelled which made my stomach turn, how could she just walk up in here like nothing happened. i heard her heals click against the stairs and the bedroom door open "jeez are you going on a trip" she asked with a little giggle but immediately straightened out when she seen my face "baby what's wrong" she asked and i scoffed "how was the studio" i asked her "it was great i had a good time" she lied, i could tell "mmm... how was your date" i asked and she immediately froze. i noticed my wallet still on the night stand along with my phone so i walked over and grabbed those things "i guess you can say i was wrong. maybe i didn't put enough time, maybe i didn't love you hard enough, maybe it's because i didn't wanna have sex yet, maybe just maybe it's because you fell out of love with me. but you could've talked to me or just broke up with me" i explained as tears fell and she looked at me mirroring the tears "you were taking things too slow y/n i wanna have kids and be married but you didn't even wanna have sex with me" she shrugged and i threw my head back "so you go and cheat on me" i ask and she looks down "i was waiting because i didn't want you to think i just wanted you for your body or i didn't want you to feel uncomfortable an- you know what, whatever" i say and wipe my tears "i hope you are happy with him moonlight, i love you" i told her and walked out the room with all my things. "NO BABY PLEASE DONT LEAVE" she cried "ariana" i said sternly "i'll cut off all communication i swear please stay" she begged whilst holding onto my arm "it was one mistake please" she begged again which was so tempting "a mistake is dropping something on the floor. a mistake is forgetting to take the dogs out. you going out with someone else doing only god knows what else is NOT a fucking mistake" i explained raising my voice slightly "y/n please i'm sorry" she cried "you're sorry that i caught you ariana, answer me this" i said and she looked in my eyes "did you do more than just go out on a date with him" i asked and she looked back down "let go of me" i told her "what" she asked "let go of me now before i do or say something i'm going to regret" i gritted and yanked my arm away. i quickly made it to the door to only see victoria standing there with apologetic eyes. she soon grabbed ariana in her arms as i left.
"let me go victoria please i need her" i cried out "you should've thought about that before cheating ariana what the fuck" she raised her voice and i just held onto her for dear life "i don't know, i thought that would help me cope but it didn't and now i lost my girlfriend" i cried out loudly and vic just held me up. "let's get you to sleep" she told me and i slowly walked with her to my bedroom, it smells like y/n.  y/n oh gosh. all i know is i cried myself to sleep.

the next morning i took lectures from my family and then blew up y/n's phone. i think she blocked me, and that made my heart sink. "this can't be happening mom" i cried in her arms as she held me tightly. why did i do this to myself.

a/n: had to keep the story going for you all

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