part sixteen

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a/n: there is smut in this, i'm probably the worst smut writer on this planet buttttt i still wrote it. i hope you're enjoying my updates :)
i woke up to ariana kissing all over my face "ugh" i groaned "goodmorning baby" ariana said excitedly "goodmorning" i replied and kissed her nose "your manager called your phone" she told me so i stretched before slowly sitting up. this caused ariana to fall on her back so i got up on my knees and started to tickle her "b-baby s-s-stop" she laughed and i giggled "who's the best person in the world" i asked her as i continued to tickle her "n-not y-you" she giggled so i tickled her faster "OKAYY YOU ARE THE BEST" she yelled out in between her laugh "i guess i'll stop tickling you now" i sighed and plopped down next to her "you should call your manager back" she said and straddled my lap so she hovered over me "he's going to make me work and i just wanna spend time with my lovely girlfriend" i told her and she smiled "i would love that too but the faster we get these albums done, the more time we will have together" she said and i nodded "i know" i whined out and she giggled as she put her face in my neck. "when you come home we can both have a nice long bath" ariana said and kissed up my neck "together" she whispered on my lips and i immediately shivered "mm god is a woman" i joked and she pecked my lips "you know it baby" she said and got off my lap. she ran to the bathroom so i called my manager back "hello" i said when he answered "hey booboo how about you come in today and we can work on some music" he offered and i agreed to it. there were songs i kept off my album that i want to definitely put on. on my last album it was only five songs kinda like a sample on my singing and it went great. mostly everyone said they liked my singing better so i am going to work on singing but keeping alittle rap in there. ariana walked out and crawled in my lap "i'm going to miss you" she told me "i am definitely going to miss you as well but i'm guessing you're going to the studio too" i asked and she nodded "yep you gave me some inspiration" she told me and a giggled "how" i asked "i like the sound of 'god is a woman' i don't know" she told me and i kissed her cheek "okay let me brush my teeth and change" i said and tapped her thighs so she would get off me. i ran to the bathroom and did my morning routine. i added a shower because i felt stinky. i got out and put on grey sweats and a hoodie, something comfortable. i then walked out of the room to see ariana on the bed "you ready babe" she asked "yeah do you want me to drop you off or are we taking different cars" i asked as i hovered over her "we can take different cars because i'm pretty sure i'll be done before you" she assured me so i nodded "hey baby you're missing something" i said and she looked at me confused so i leaned down and kissed her. "that's all" i told her as i pulled away and stood up "i'm so serious about that bath later" she said and walked past me which caused me to giggled "okay we will have a bath together" i told her and we parted ways.

"this is going to be a hit i already know" my producer said "i hope so" i joked and he laughed "so we already have 3 songs done from before, what do you wanna do now" he asked "i wanna make at least 5-6 more songs" i confirmed and he nodded "okay so we have dangerously, Ivy, Mercy, then we're going to add lonely and holy to that" he told me and i nodded "so that's already 5 songs, we can work on 4-5 more for now" he finished so i agreed. "justin's manager just talked to me and tomorrow you guys are going to work on music all day together" my manager told me and i nodded "let's work on this one for today" my producer said and we got to work
"i love this song ari" frankie exclaimed after hearing a song i finished in acouple hours titled 'god is a woman' "who inspired this" he asked with a smirk "y/n and i are back together" i told him shyly "AHH I  TOLD YOU" he screamed to my mom, they decided to visit me at the studio. "i'm so happy my daughter is marrying someone hot" she fell back on the couch and my jaw dropped "mom you cant call my girlfriend hot" i whined "yes i can" she told me and i turned my chair around. "so how is she" frankie asked so i turned my chair back to them "so far she's great, yesterday was amazing. like this past few weeks have been great. i think she's finally becoming more aware of her mood swings" i told them and they smiled "that's good" my mom said and i nodded "i can just tell she wants to make me happy now, she must feel bad for everything even tho i've told her that it wasn't her fault" i said "it's a step forward that she realized what she was saying was horrible but yet again she couldn't help it" frankie agreed "i know but now she overall is better" i shrugged and continued to write some more lyrics. "so are you going to show her how god is a woman when you get home" frankie asked "FRANKIE" my mom yelled "i cant with you" i giggled "she ain't deny it tho" frankie sassily told mom and we all laughed. i miss my baby.
"we will probably be done with this in like 2 months" my producer said as he packed everything up "i hope so, after that i'm going to take alittle break from making music" i told him and he nodded "usually i'd be like "no the fuck you aint" but you have gave everyone an album like acouple months ago and you are about to give them another" he said and i nodded "i'll probably only take 4 months to myself after this, i just need that mental break" i confirmed and he just nodded. i ran out the studio and into my car, i really didn't wanna get stopped by the pops. i pulled my phone out and texted ariana

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