It kicked in

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In a dark city it always would rain the people slowly but surely were losing their minds however one being was still partially sane but angry. Angry he should have seen this coming, angry he put in trust in someone, angry he cared for this person.

 One thought kept on echoing Why?

"How could this have happend? Did I do something wrong? "


"I did NOTHING wrong, it was HER, SHE DID THIS what kind of son of a Bitch would leave their friend to die, especially like this."

As the thought proceeded to bounce of the walls he grew taller, more Slim? More questions popped in and out in and out "how will I find her?", "She is likely different now I will never recognize her." Maybe.... 

Can I go back?

YES that's IT! That's How I can go back to when SHE was in the city When I was in the city.

"I can convince myself to switch places with her!" 

Knowing well if there was a thin man before what's different now? He will die trying if that's all he will do.

Years and years went by the pain the hunger it no longer affected him after all he had other friends to keep him alive.

The tower, his power, And allllll the souls he has taken to power the last T.V. that wasn't broken.

His fear had subsided, just a shallow of a man in a chair in an empty room to broadcast the inevitable demise of his world. Not even the man's shadow would recognize him as human, He was now as dark as the tower that kept him here, as dark as the dreamscape he once explored as a child. He was as evil as the girl he cared for who dropped him.

He had went back before It was only to collect souls to be stronger, to fulfill the mission that has likely gone on for an endless amount of time, Time is something he had however patience was not. He grew angrier with the voices he was stuck with.  

The walls talked and screamed at him, "What plan do you have you will end up back here, You always have."  "You haven't even contemplated ANYTHING" what we could have done to her after all it was just to get you here. She is just a Monster as you, you have killed." "SHE has killed The man screamed" what else is there to lose!!! 


"What release will you get if you even succeed" the eyes echoed, "you know how you were back then you know you will cry that you couldn't protect her after all you have killed his friends in front of him, or Yourself that is. 

The man Sighed calming down "Well then I just have to kill myself then won't I? Can't be that hard, I was fragile a twig waiting to be stepped on. We all know who snapped it in the end don't we?"

Silence filled the room

"That's what I thought", "Anyhow If I can set my body to the right frequency I can go back, Moreover I will be as weak as the last one was". I no WE will fix his mistakes, I will instead of going for si- ,"His face cringed at the thought of saying the bastard's name", -the girl first. Lets go for a boy in the bag instead."

The eyes widened as finally something was different was taking place.

"A new action? The eyes murmerd" This comment however did not fall on deaf ears "What said the man What do you mean by that?" "A new action"

It's just that we remember the amount of times this has occurred" said the eyes. "Who knew that one billion was the lucky number said another eye" 

A part of him died inside hearing that. "One billion times" he slowly said as if cautious that what he would say next would kill him or it would be the same to another incident that has possibly already happened. 

"No" I won't let that pull my doubts" He pushed his fedora on his head further down to shadow his face as if he was an unknown hero, I'm ready" he stated Determined, unsure But most of all Angry.

The eyes switched to T.V screens slowly exiting out showing event that had happened in the past, near future, and some that didn't even happen in his timeline. 

He saw Himself protecting his executioner from what seemed to be a mutated barber, He saw Himself a Lady And a powerful sense of danger and Harsh winds, Himself, And a masked geisha Fighting what seemed to be the monster version of the girl, himself, a boy in blue, and a Doll girl with the name Songbird on he back. He also saw himself and this lady again, Happy, Smiling they talked to each other with their real names. 

Six and Mono

If only he could hear the visions

What was this feeling?

Anger? No he wasn't angry his body was glitching like it normally would. 

It wasn't sadness, He was crying but Smiling, You don't smile while crying.

It was... Happiness that somewhere Out there they had avoided this torment of eternity called fate. 

In a flash he yelled he Ran To a screen glitching and only One thought influenced his head

It is time to reach the end of the corridor, to break this cycle, to rest and play like a normal family would. 

It kicked in

He was going to Win

Or he will Die trying


 WOOO IT's DONE 920 something words  was this chapter Credits to All writers that me personally write my favorite stories of the LN2 Multiverse and make a smile on my face when I can look at that and say 

"If I can convince myself this is a lie that I'd rather believe the lie and be wrong"

Credits to: Mono908

 Cindy von otaku 


_ The_stinky_rat





And my personal favorite writer [sorry everyone else

 Sass to the max

You Each have inspired me to write my own story and I personally thank each and every one of you.

End of transmission*

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